More Needless Multiculturalism Problems From Immigrants


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
What, Catholics have been demanding an end to music class, the elimination of free speech, and total submission to the will of Allah as described by His Prophet? They have been slashing their girls, murdering their daughters, putting their women in tents?

How about flying planes into tall buildings, blowing the hell out of buses and railway stations?

Killing people because of the insulting depiction of Christ in art?

Filing human rights complaints because of someone expressing an anti-Catholic opinion?

Or, getting away from Islam, have Catholics been demanding the right to go around armed, that is denied other Canadian citizens?????

OF COURSE anti-immigrant feeling is directed at those outside the Judeo-Christian framework that is the foundation of this society.......

ABSOLUTELY.....if you can't accept the basic equality under the law, freedom of speech, and emancipation of women that came to be Judeo-Christian societies, get the hell you you bastard........and I don't care WHAT colour you are....

So every Muslim in this country is guilty by association?

At least you admit you are one of the ones that whispers under their breath when they see someone different than themselves. Most don't.

You and my Dad would get along, better than I do anyways.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
So every Muslim in this country is guilty by association?

At least you admit you are one of the ones that whispers under their breath when they see someone different than themselves. Most don't.

You and my Dad would get along, better than I do anyways.

"In the fall of 2001, the Ottawa Citizen conducted a coast-to-coast survey of Canadian imams and found all but two insistent that there was no Muslim involvement in September 11."

America Alone, by Mark Steyn, page 17.


Somehow I get the feeling these people are not assimilating into Canadian culture, but demanding Canada assimilate with Islam.

Out they go....your Dad is quite correct.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
America Alone, by Mark Steyn, page 17.


Somehow I get the feeling these people are not assimilating into Canadian culture, but demanding Canada assimilate with Islam.

Out they go....your Dad is quite correct.


...should have mentioned he frequently uses the words nigger, chink and wop.

Needless to say my kids aren't allowed near his house.

Quite correct indeed.

You'd like him, he's a good white WASP.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That's the fault of Georgians?

Let me ask you this.. Is there a large population of Georgians in your community demanding that Baptist ideals be implemented in your schools?
In my community they'd get shanked and their shoes stolen no matter who they were because they were new.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
I never heard any uproar over the Baptist kids I went to school with being excluded from the dance portion of gym based on their religion. Or the Jehova kids skipping out on concerts etc. because they were 'Christmas' concerts. We practice our religions freely in this country, why shouldn't other people, if all they're asking for is the ability to opt out? So long as they're not demanding two phys ed classes, let them sit out.

The problem with sitting out of classes is that students are supposed to pass a certain number of classes, it shows they have learned something and are somewhat educated. You can't do this if you opt out of any class you don't like. And where are all these opting students supposed to go in the school? I suppose they could sit and read in the library, but that's not really why we fund schools.

Equality is not a well known Muslim or religious trait. They are special people with a special god so they must have special privileges over non or incorrect believers. I'm not interested in putting any resources into this attitude.

These are the kinds of troublesome reds we should have more of in Canada, the Red Foxes of Ukraine.

Red Foxes

Hey, why no video pic here?
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
....and all I see is his back as he runs away.

At least you admit you are a bigot, I can respect that. Not many bigots do.

Damn right I'm a bigot.

I have standards.

That is being a bigot against people without standards.

While all you lovely, touchy-feely, sophisticated, morally superior relativists will stand around and watch the greatest civilization that ever existed get flushed down the toilet because you don't have the brains or the balls to confront the medieval scum that are set on destroying it.

Western civilization will go down in history as the first civilization to fall because its people were too stupid and lazy to haul their fat arses off the sofa to defend it.......physically or philosophically.

That's what happens when you create a people so spoiled, so removed from reality, so steeped in secular nihilism that they simply can't deal with hard reality.

The only thing I like LESS than a hard-core Islamist is an idiot relativist.

At least the Islamist believes in SOMETHING!


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Damn right I'm a bigot.

I have standards.

That is being a bigot against people without standards.

While all you lovely, touchy-feely, sophisticated, morally superior relativists will stand around and watch the greatest civilization that ever existed get flushed down the toilet because you don't have the brains or the balls to confront the medieval scum that are set on destroying it.

Western civilization will go down in history as the first civilization to fall because its people were too stupid and lazy to haul their fat arses off the sofa to defend it.......physically or philosophically.

That's what happens when you create a people so spoiled, so removed from reality, so steeped in secular nihilism that they simply can't deal with hard reality.

The only thing I like LESS than a hard-core Islamist is an idiot relativist.

At least the Islamist believes in SOMETHING!

Nice wittle rant bigot but if your brush weren't so wide I'd agree with you on some things, but it is, so I can't.

So the probelm here is the people in question don't want to be involved in something that is part of the curiculum, kids have been pulled out of sex ed by christian're christian and normal.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Query? Why is only Western Civilization required to be mulitcultural? The Chinese have seen what multiculturalism brings and will have none of it. Why aren't any of the Islamic societies multicultural? The Copts of Egypt are second class citizens. The Christians of Iraq are being forced to flee the country. What about the Iranian treatment of the B'ahai community? Where is the tolerance?

Multiracial and multi-religious societies can survive. They have what is called hybrid vigor. Each new flavor is added to the melting pot and infuses the whole to create something new and united. I have seen this in my own bi-racial family.

Multicultural societies are different than multiracial and multi-religious societies. Multicultural elements never go into the melting pot. They instead maintain their divisions. Division produces disunity and separation. That is what Merkel, Cameron and Sarkozy have in effect said.

Remember, the All-American Boy Anwar al Awlaki is the poster child of American multiculturalism. Is this what you folks want for Canada?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
I think we can all agree that immigrants should not have the right to impose their standards on our society. They, in turn, should adjust to their new surroundings.

At the same time on another thread there is talk that Iran shouldn't have theocratic government and that they should have one modelled after the USA. I suggest that just as others should not impose their standards on us that we, in turn, should not impose our standards on them.

Fair enough?

''Western civilization will go down in history as the first civilization to fall because its people were too stupid and lazy to haul their fat arses off the sofa to defend it.......physically or philosophically.''

If by this you mean Judeo-Christianity as mentioned above, I would say you're wrong since it has been around since the days of the Romans - they're gone but we remain alive and well. Can you produce any evidence to show this type of civilization is in decline?



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I think we can all agree that immigrants should not have the right to impose their standards on our society. They, in turn, should adjust to their new surroundings.

At the same time on another thread there is talk that Iran shouldn't have theocratic government and that they should have one modelled after the USA. I suggest that just as others should not impose their standards on us that we, in turn, should not impose our standards on them.

Fair enough?

''Western civilization will go down in history as the first civilization to fall because its people were too stupid and lazy to haul their fat arses off the sofa to defend it.......physically or philosophically.''

If by this you mean Judeo-Christianity as mentioned above, I would say you're wrong since it has been around since the days of the Romans - they're gone but we remain alive and well. Can you produce any evidence to show this type of civilization is in decline?


Read Mark Steyn....America Alone


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
America Alone, by Mark Steyn, page 17.

This deserves revisiting.

What was the question asked....for clarity sake?

Did they say they weren't Muslims because any good Muslim would never do such a thing. Same as I have heard when Christians are asked about douche bags like reverend Phelps.

How do they respond in 2011?

Many Americans believed the terrorists travel through Canada shortly after 9/11. Many still do

Plus an snippet from the article in the original post....

In any event, the school district is trying to find a way to adapt the curriculum to fit the wishes of these families, rather than these families adapting to fit into the school and Canadian culture.
Mahfooz Kanwar, a member of the Muslim Canadian Congress, says he has some better ideas.

"I'd tell them, this is Canada, and in Canada, we teach music and physical education in our schools. If you don't like it, leave. If you want to live under sharia law, go back to the hellhole country you came from or go to another hellhole country that lives under sharia law," said Kanwar, who is a professor emeritus of sociology at Mount Royal University in Calgary.

Wait a tick, shouldn't this guy be towing the party line?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''Mark Steyn....America Alone''

I just read some accounts of this book in Amazon. Interesting but highly improbable. After all, Islam has had 1,800 years to do that and hasn't come close to accomplishing what he fears. As for the idea that the USA must spread its ideals more than it has already, I suppose he would have to give concrete examples in his book. But one thing's for sure: the Bush doctrine is not the solution and, in fact, is counter productive to that goal as it radicalizes a great many people. Many books have been written on that matter.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
This deserves revisiting.

What was the question asked....for clarity sake?

Did they say they weren't Muslims because any good Muslim would never do such a thing. Same as I have heard when Christians are asked about douche bags like reverend Phelps.

How do they respond in 2011?

Many Americans believed the terrorists travel through Canada shortly after 9/11. Many still do

Plus an snippet from the article in the original post....

In any event, the school district is trying to find a way to adapt the curriculum to fit the wishes of these families, rather than these families adapting to fit into the school and Canadian culture.
Mahfooz Kanwar, a member of the Muslim Canadian Congress, says he has some better ideas.

"I'd tell them, this is Canada, and in Canada, we teach music and physical education in our schools. If you don't like it, leave. If you want to live under sharia law, go back to the hellhole country you came from or go to another hellhole country that lives under sharia law," said Kanwar, who is a professor emeritus of sociology at Mount Royal University in Calgary.

Wait a tick, shouldn't this guy be towing the party line?

I KNEW I recognized that name! one of the good guys......

Dr. Mahfooz Kanwar, a Sociology professor at Mount Royal College in Calgary, went along to a funeral at the city's largest mosque and was discombobulated when the man who led the prayers - in Urdu - said, "Oh God, protect us from the infidels, who pollute us with their vile ways." Dr. Kanwar said, "How dare you attack my country," and pointed out to the crowd that he had known this man for thirty years, most of which time he had been living on welfare and thus the food on his table came courtesy of the taxes of the hardworking infidels.

As Licia Corbella wrote in the Calgary Sun "Guess which of the two men is no longer welcome at the Sarcee Trail mosque?"

Final score: Radical Islam 1, Moderate Muslims 0

America Alone, by Mark Steyn. page 86

Dr. Kanwar can stay. :)

I am discriminating in my bigotry.