What would you do if the US invaded?


Time Out
Sep 24, 2010
They did invade and take over our country years ago. They now have all of our water and most of our other resources. Their take over was corporate. It happened years ago. Between them and our British occupiers and French succubus's in Quebec, there is not much left for real Canadians to have.


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
If America decides to invade, it would first of all have to sell Canada as imminent threat to their security to the American people, which would be a hard sell. But in answer to the question, the only way win against the U.S. is by a war of constant antagonization, never directly confronting the might of U.S. military technology.

This gives me an idea as to what would happen in the hypothetical scenario. Considering the turnover in US politics, I suspect that the US population would get bored with the occupation and elected an anti-Canada War government which will then withdrawal.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
They did invade and take over our country years ago. They now have all of our water and most of our other resources. Their take over was corporate. It happened years ago. Between them and our British occupiers and French succubus's in Quebec, there is not much left for real Canadians to have.

Who in your mind are real Canadians? You pretty much included everybody.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
LOL @ at the idea of patriotism saving Canada in a war with the United States.

You'll have a hard time finding die-in-the-wool patriots outside of Southern Ontario. The problem with this country, other than the cultural conflict with Quebec, is the fact that too much power has been centralized for too long in Ottawa.

The Americans, as much as we dislike them, give their individual states far more autonomy and seriously - do you think our provincial leaders in British Columbia, Alberta, Sask and Manitoba would give up on that to return under the yoke of Ottawa? Heck no, unless the alternative is independence.

Would be a good thing in Western Canada as we'll be re-intregrated with our cultural brothers in the Pacific North West and the Mid-West.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
You couldn't burn down an outhouse.

Why would we burn down an out house? The last time you made your feeble attempt at an invasion here you got your ass whooped and the White House burned to the ground. Now I get that there are some neo-stupid in the lower eleventh province that feel there could be some sort of attempt made, but the reasoned and seasoned policy makers know from history that America couldn't give a lickin to a chicken or a razzin to a rat after they got pwnd by those Canadian cats.

It's history. Learn to deal with it and be grateful we don't invade you more than we already have.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The growth in Canadian minerals will shortly overwhelm the available labour market and we will be invaded with immigration of Americans.

The parka, boot and toque industries will skyrocket.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Oh we have quotas for Americans too. While it's nice for them to visit (and spend money) everyone knows they all broke and unemployed and what not down there. So you have to wonder if they could even afford the gas for an invasion?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
We'll sell it too them and besides if they move here they won't be dependant on foreign energy anymore. It's win/win.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I the event of an American democratic mission (which I have discussed before) I would encircle them with Sarha Palin posters and cut off their junk food and jesus supplies, only a short time later I would open a high end war surplus and cannabis bistro in downtown Beaverington. In any case, why would they bother, we are already owned lock stock and barbecue by the same filthy scheming lying banking bastards who own and operate the US military..


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Why would we burn down an out house? The last time you made your feeble attempt at an invasion here you got your ass whooped and the White House burned to the ground. Now I get that there are some neo-stupid in the lower eleventh province that feel there could be some sort of attempt made, but the reasoned and seasoned policy makers know from history that America couldn't give a lickin to a chicken or a razzin to a rat after they got pwnd by those Canadian cats.

It's history. Learn to deal with it and be grateful we don't invade you more than we already have.

Just remember the British were sent a running by the wrath of God from Washington (hurricane struck as they were leaving, and put out most of the fires) Then of course they got their butts kicked at Fort McHenry.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
we are already owned lock stock and barbecue by the same filthy scheming lying banking bastards who own and operate the US military..

Are you talking about the same filthy scheming lying banking bastards that scream bloody murder over Iran building nuclear power but at the sametime whisper about making deals with the Iranian Central Bank about setting up shop in Tehran?



Force majeure
May 28, 2007
You know you can't handle the truth!


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
But the War of 1812 is like the tenth or eleventh most important war in US history. Why would I need to know that?

Well Ick, I think I will teach you why by way of song and video in the way that is most popular with kids these days.

YouTube - War of 1812 - Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie
:laughing2: :laughing2: :laughing2: :laughing2: :laughing2: :laughing2: :laughing2: :laughing2: :laughing2:


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
So this thread is resurrected and filled with more Canadian pseudo-nationalistic myths. Damn but so many people need history lessons...

Sorry guys to break it you but it was British regulars that staged the raid on Washington and Ft McHenry (and yes it was meant to be a raid not a serious attempt to capture and hold the American capital). It was also British regulars under General Sir Isaac Brock and aboriginal forces under Tecumseh that did the vast majority of the fighting to stop the invasion of what would become Canada. The largest role any colonial militias played was that of the Kentucky volunteers who changed their minds and refused to leave American soil and support their invading forces at places like Queenston Heights.

Anyone thumping their chest over this stupid excuse of a war (on either side of the border) needs to seriously reevaluate their criteria for success when you look at the results...

- British interference with American shipping, and the impressment of American merchant sailors into the Royal Navy (one of the chief American complaints and reasons cited for the American aggression) stopped well before Madison declared war and invaded
- the most competant British general, Sir Isaac Brock, who with his native ally Tecumseh, stopped the invasion, died at Queenston Heights. All of his successes with Tecumseh (such as capturing most of what is now Michigan) were nullified by the treaty of Ghent which had most of the borders revert to their pre-war positions
- the American aspiration of taking the remaining British colonies in North America was dashed
- the natives hope for stopping American expansion inland to their tribal lands was not achieved
- the British act of firing Washington was largely regarded in Europe as an act of barbarity
- the American Navy emerged as a force to be reckoned with, even at sometimes when out-numbered/out-gunned, something the British had not had to deal with in centuries
- the greatest victory the American army was able to deliver was at New Orleans, which ocurred after the Treaty of Ghent was signed

Really the whole thing was a waste of time, resources and lives. Nothing was really achieved by anyone. The American navy's emergence was one of the extremely few positives for either side.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Well, we've heard from Alberta now. Damn near Americans anyway. Talk about not having a horse in the race. Back then Alberta was a small bit of the Hudson's Bay Company. Now don't make me taunt you again with my video. :canada: