Israel 'attacks' Gaza aid fleet


Time Out
Sep 24, 2010
Apartheit! HA HA HA! That's hilarious!

Israel portrayed favourably by the western media! Stop it, you're killing me here!

Jimmy Carter! Failure as president, failure in negotiated end to North Korea's nuclear program, failure in the Middle east, sucker for every meglomaniacal looney tune walking the earth. The only time he is NOT a joke is when he is building houses for the poor.....he should STFU and continue with that.....

Thanks for the comic relief..

BTW, the guy I quoted was on the ship, is a Palestinian sympathizer.......and totally verifies Israel's claims on the situation....and he is a member of the Turkish guess who has been lying???

If you're delusional enough to think Israel is portrayed as negative, I really can't say much to you. You're so lost that it's not worth having a discussion about it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
If you're delusional enough to think Israel is portrayed as negative, I really can't say much to you. You're so lost that it's not worth having a discussion about it.

I love the brain-dead left! :)

So much fun...yell "BOO" at them, and they run away.

How about dealing with the subject at hand, in which the Israeli position is rapidly being revealed as completely truthful?


Or why don't you deal with the fact that Arab Israeli citizens vote, have legal rights, hold seats in the Knesset, and are reasonably free (although not yet completely equal) in Israel?...........indeed they are often better off than the Arab citizens of Arab nations.

Or that the poor persecuted Druze and Bedou in Israel volunteer and serve honorably in the IDF??

Or that Hamas is a bunch of murdering loonies that are controled from Iran, and are completely responsible for conditions in Gaza.....which Israel left years ago.....forcibly taking their settlers with them??

Israel is far far far from perfect........but Israel is a whole lot superior to any of the other nations in the ME.


Time Out
Sep 24, 2010
I love the brain-dead left! :)

So much fun...yell "BOO" at them, and they run away.

How about dealing with the subject at hand, in which the Israeli position is rapidly being revealed as completely truthful?


Or why don't you deal with the fact that Arab Israeli citizens vote, have legal rights, hold seats in the Knesset, and are reasonably free (although not yet completely equal) in Israel?...........indeed they are often better off than the Arab citizens of Arab nations.

Or that the poor persecuted Druze and Bedou in Israel volunteer and serve honorably in the IDF??

Or that Hamas is a bunch of murdering loonies that are controled from Iran, and are completely responsible for conditions in Gaza.....which Israel left years ago.....forcibly taking their settlers with them??

Israel is far far far from perfect........but Israel is a whole lot superior to any of the other nations in the ME.

I am nowhere near the left, son. Your position is taken right from a religious wing nut point of view though. Let me guess, conservative, believes Israel is perfect, I'll go ahead and just assume you are so stupid that you go to church on Sunday and believe the garbage they tell you about Israelites returning to their home land and causing the end days. Have you written your letter to everybody to gloat about your rapture yet?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I am nowhere near the left, son. Your position is taken right from a religious wing nut point of view though. Let me guess, conservative, believes Israel is perfect, I'll go ahead and just assume you are so stupid that you go to church on Sunday and believe the garbage they tell you about Israelites returning to their home land and causing the end days. Have you written your letter to everybody to gloat about your rapture yet?

I do believe in God, and the stupid are those that can go spend an afternoon in the outdoors, in the wonder of creation....and deny the existence of God.....the proof of which is all around them.

I am not a church all.

I do not think Israel is anywhere close to perfect. I do believe that our history proves that the Jews require a homeland.....and where else but in their traditional lands/

I do not think Israel is perfect, but I do prefer modern, liberal, democratic, tolerant states to lunatic theocracies, medieval kingdoms, or fascist tyrannies......which describe the cast majority of Israel's enemies......

I'll ask you this: Would you prefer to be an Arab in Israel....or a Jew in any of the surrounding Arab nations?

Or, if you don't like that question.........would you rather be gay in Israel, or in any of the countries that oppose her?

So far, you have addressed no policy, offered no real opinion on the subject, you have simply danced the anti-Israel jig without rationale......

So let's hear it.....come out fighting :)


Time Out
Sep 24, 2010
I do believe in God, and the stupid are those that can go spend an afternoon in the outdoors, in the wonder of creation....and deny the existence of God.....the proof of which is all around them.

I am not a church all.

I do not think Israel is anywhere close to perfect. I do believe that our history proves that the Jews require a homeland.....and where else but in their traditional lands/

I do not think Israel is perfect, but I do prefer modern, liberal, democratic, tolerant states to lunatic theocracies, medieval kingdoms, or fascist tyrannies......which describe the cast majority of Israel's enemies......

I'll ask you this: Would you prefer to be an Arab in Israel....or a Jew in any of the surrounding Arab nations?

Or, if you don't like that question.........would you rather be gay in Israel, or in any of the countries that oppose her?

So far, you have addressed no policy, offered no real opinion on the subject, you have simply danced the anti-Israel jig without rationale......

So let's hear it.....come out fighting :)

Actually the jews thrive in Iran, of all places. They also lived happily in Palestine pre-68 and Lebanon for thousands of years. The regimes over there in middle east that are backwards and stupid now, were nearly all installed by the CIA anyways.

You also take no account of the fact that Israel controls land twice the amount of their legal ownership and has 250,000 people illegally living in settlements, which is a war crime. If I am your neighbor and I don't like you I have the right to build a fence. I don't have the right to build it on your land and steal, literally, all of your water reserves, not allow construction on your property, bulldoze every field and house that I can, and then pretend it's your fault. That's what they are doing. Whatever the Palestinians are doing, and it isn't pretty either, is being done because of the horrendous treatment of them by Israel.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Actually the jews thrive in Iran, of all places. They also lived happily in Palestine pre-68 and Lebanon for thousands of years. The regimes over there in middle east that are backwards and stupid now, were nearly all installed by the CIA anyways.

You also take no account of the fact that Israel controls land twice the amount of their legal ownership and has 250,000 people illegally living in settlements, which is a war crime. If I am your neighbor and I don't like you I have the right to build a fence. I don't have the right to build it on your land and steal, literally, all of your water reserves, not allow construction on your property, bulldoze every field and house that I can, and then pretend it's your fault. That's what they are doing. Whatever the Palestinians are doing, and it isn't pretty either, is being done because of the horrendous treatment of them by Israel. really need to do some reading.

Iran is not an Arab is Persian, and a traditional enemy of Arabia. And yes, there are still Jews third the number there were in 1980.

I too have a problem with Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the continuing growth of same......but look at what happened in Gaza.....after Israel left unilaterally and forced settlers out as well. There is no easy solution here...

Israel has been rough on the Palestinians at times....but they keep snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. The leftist peace movement in Israel is pretty well dead.....because Yassir Arafat refused the chance at peace offered back in 2001, and declared the Second a desperate attempt to maintain his personal importance and cover up his massive corruption....the theft of BILLIONS from the Palestinian people.

Caught between corrupt Fatah and looney Hamas, I do feel sorry for the average Palestinian Joe :)....................but it is the way of the world, the people pay the price for the flaws of their leaders......

And Israel has every right to defend itself...........enthusiastically.


Time Out
Sep 24, 2010
They don't have the right to break international law. They get away with it because they're the 51st state and only because of that. The Iranian example I gave is an obvious neighbor to them, Arab or not, and the basic idea that the area was inhabited relatively peacefully for decades before the Israelis were given Israel is the basic point here.

The true history of the region actually suggests that Jews have no modern claim to Israel. The Israelites were all killed. They have no modern ancestry. The Jews that occupy Israel now, are descended from merchants that left Israel before the Israelites were slaughtered by Romans.

I respect the Jews. I have great animosity for Israel though. It's a Rothschild creation and it serves no purpose for anything good. I actually have some Jewish ancestry. That being said, they are matriarchal and so I'm not counted as a Jew. :-(

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
i can spell ur mother name lol

when cut millions of Israelis and said i left few and when they spoil the world then u ll come to know y i kill jews so manies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What? I know (well...assume) that English isn't your first language, but I really have
no idea (beyond Hate & Ideology) what idea you're trying to communicate here....


Time Out
Sep 24, 2010
What? I know (well...assume) that English isn't your first language, but I really have
no idea (beyond Hate & Ideology) what idea you're trying to communicate here....

I actually think it's just troll speak. She/He knows English but pretends not to so as to not give away a likely real identity of whom he/she is around here most of the time. I hope he/she has IP address blocking technology.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
What? I know (well...assume) that English isn't your first language, but I really have
no idea (beyond Hate & Ideology) what idea you're trying to communicate here....

And not to mention the two spam posts that were Auto-Modded. I'm going to ban this account, as I haven't seen anything redeeming about this person's posts.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
They don't have the right to break international law. They get away with it because they're the 51st state and only because of that. The Iranian example I gave is an obvious neighbor to them, Arab or not, and the basic idea that the area was inhabited relatively peacefully for decades before the Israelis were given Israel is the basic point here.

The true history of the region actually suggests that Jews have no modern claim to Israel. The Israelites were all killed. They have no modern ancestry. The Jews that occupy Israel now, are descended from merchants that left Israel before the Israelites were slaughtered by Romans.

I respect the Jews. I have great animosity for Israel though. It's a Rothschild creation and it serves no purpose for anything good. I actually have some Jewish ancestry. That being said, they are matriarchal and so I'm not counted as a Jew. :-(

I was going to reply to this......then I read the words "A Rothschild creation"..........and ceased taking you seriously.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?

But you turn a blind eye to the crimes against humanity that Israel commits. That is very selective. I condemn all acts against humanity but I also am selective about the "information" and the source from which it comes. The video in the OP is a blatant piece of hate propaganda and as such is damnable along with its creators. Have you been to Iran to see the things you accuse Iran of or do you rely on American mass media propaganda for your "information"? I don't have enough facts to form an opinion on Iran because I have not seen credible information.

I have read a full spectrum of information about Israel and from it conclude that they are in the wrong. It is an opinion I have held for decades. They are doing to the Palestinians what Hitler did to them. I used to be a big supporter, but not any more.

Here we go, finding another way to air some anti American comments. Israel has done no wrong, just protecting itself and the lands given to them by the U.N. that book of tales you keep mentioning, and lets not forget their own might. They did a pretty good job since starting out with nothing but a desert and minimal resources to build/create modern farms, new cities, scientific achievements not to mention a pretty good highway system. Still be a desert today if it were not for Israel. The only inhumanity being done over there is by those terrorists who want to exterminate Israel.


Time Out
Sep 24, 2010
I was going to reply to this......then I read the words "A Rothschild creation"..........and ceased taking you seriously.

So, you are denying that the Rothschilds donated the land to the Israeli government to build parliament on? I suppose you deny that they also financially supporting Hitler, even knowing that he slaughtered Jews. The Rothschilds have a very rich history of being the worst people on the planet.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Could be used as an argument for any person or country defending itself against random terror.

A desperate homeowner who injured a group of thugs with a catapult as they terrorised his neighbourhood has won backing from a judge who threw out the teenagers' claims for damages.

So, you are denying that the Rothschilds donated the land to the Israeli government to build parliament on? I suppose you deny that they also financially supporting Hitler, even knowing that he slaughtered Jews. The Rothschilds have a very rich history of being the worst people on the planet.

As noted, you better read up on the Rothschild family.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
They don't have the right to break international law. They get away with it because they're the 51st state and only because of that. The Iranian example I gave is an obvious neighbor to them, Arab or not, and the basic idea that the area was inhabited relatively peacefully for decades before the Israelis were given Israel is the basic point here.

The true history of the region actually suggests that Jews have no modern claim to Israel. The Israelites were all killed. They have no modern ancestry. The Jews that occupy Israel now, are descended from merchants that left Israel before the Israelites were slaughtered by Romans.

I respect the Jews. I have great animosity for Israel though. It's a Rothschild creation and it serves no purpose for anything good. I actually have some Jewish ancestry. That being said, they are matriarchal and so I'm not counted as a Jew. :-(

Okay, we'll dance this idiotic dance, as you seem to be determined.

To begin, Iran is NOT a neighbour to Israel. Not even close. Buy a map.

Peace to you is obviously a relative concept.....yes, there was peace under the rule of the tolerant Ottoman Empire.......and it is the power vacuum left by the collapse of that empire that led to much of the violence.........are you proposing tolerant Israel conquer the entire Arab Peninsula? There would be peace then..............

You contradict say all the Israerlites were killed.....and in the next sentence say the Jews are the descendents of Israelites that fled before the slaughter. Make up your mind.

The idea that Israel is a "creation of the Rothschilds" borders on insanity.....yes, the Rothschilds (or some of them) were interested in Zionism, and as rich philanthropists, they bought land in what is now Israel. As European Jews, it would have been unusual had they NOT been interested in Zionism.

Yes, they built the Knesset. Big deal. It is called "plhilanthropy". They hardly "created" the place.

So, you are denying that the Rothschilds donated the land to the Israeli government to build parliament on? I suppose you deny that they also financially supporting Hitler, even knowing that he slaughtered Jews. The Rothschilds have a very rich history of being the worst people on the planet.

Please read above.

The idea that the Rothschilds were in Hitler's pocket (or vice versa) crosses the line into psychosis.

the Rothschilds have a history, way back when (200 years ago) of loaning money to the British to defeat Napolean.

You should be thankful.

Since then, they have pretty well stayed out of war......its not good for business.

The Rothschilds have a history of being rich Jews, therefore the target of irrational hate, unsupported allegations, vicious innuendo, and psychotic paranoia.

Don't go there.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The idea that the Rothschilds were in Hitler's pocket (or vice versa) crosses the line into psychosis.
It is your dreamworld as you weren't there. What you believe about that time and place is what you have been told. That leaves room for manipulation right there.

the Rothschilds have a history, way back when (200 years ago) of loaning money to the British to defeat Napolean.
That defeat cost England their country. If you bring that incident up why not carry on with the rest of the story. That the Rothschild Corporation recieved word that England had won and then they began to sell off a few key investments (businesses) of their own. All the elite of the business world started to do the same and it was the Rothschild Corporation but them up fot a few pennies on the dollar. Once the truth came out the stock prices rebounded and even rose higher with new owners at the helm.
Why not be entirely truthful, England had the same right to print their own money, interest free, that option came to s screeching halt at the incident you so fondly believe in. For the Rulers of England not to retaliate means the accepted the financial takeover, after all business was a gift they allowed the commoners to play when it suited them. When it didn't they sent in the Soldiers to quell the 'rioting', today we call it Martial Law and it can still be implemented is less than a day if the 'Rulers' decided to invoke that right 'we' gave the. Not one of the brightest moves the citizens of Canada made, the rule should have allowed the citizens to declare Martial Law against the Rulers, the Corporations, and/or the Banks should they start abusing the 'gifted stations' in Society.

You should be thankful.
How thankful should we be that keeping our faces zipped allows the 'elite of the Banks' to bilk us out of all the billions we pay on a imaginary debt based on what they call their right to apply usury to any and all money they create. That along with manipulation of events in the Coprporate world that enhance their activities at the expense of the least in society. At least that is what you preach against when it is your version of the Germans and the Jews in WWII.

Since then, they have pretty well stayed out of war......its not good for business.
Bull, one of the hallmarks of their involvement in just the last century is WWI was the first war where the rule that all the debts to the Bankers was to be honored even by the losing Nation. War could not be possible without the nod of approval from the Rothschild Banks. Even the wars of today end up putting the winner further into debt that at the start, that will be the case even in Iraq when there is trillions to be made by the capture of the oilfields. Banks are the only ones to ever come out ahead in any very large expensive projects. Even the boom in the US after the war was only meant to last as long as the 'reconstruction in Europe and Japan' took. Without the money spent (@interest) in the 'Cold War' and the 'War on Drugs' the North American economy would have gone into 'decline' a few decades earlier.
The war industry is the only one that is seeing a growth in money and stock-holders and workers.

The Rothschilds have a history of being rich Jews, therefore the target of irrational hate, unsupported allegations, vicious innuendo, and psychotic paranoia.
All that would stop if they went back to allowing Nations to use money at no interest to themselves, they would also have to stop manipulation events that end up enriching only themselves. Your position encourages them (or anybody) to use whatever methods needed to achieve the desired goal. An example of that is getting a promise from Britain to 'donate' the Holy land to the Jews in exchange for some 'assistance' of those same ones you hold in such high regard. Good thing you aren't running for public office on that platform.

Don't go there.
If you have some specific arguments to the words of this Jew who was alive during the time in question I would like to review them. As it is this is about the very same time that JFK was making speeches about secret societies and the bill sitting on his desk was one that would abolish a Rothschild Enterprise , the Federal Reserve.
Watch Video Benjamin Freedmans 1961 speech at the Willard Hotel at blinkx


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If a nuke strike against Israel were to occur would it be a ground strike, air burst or high atmosphere EM strike? What are the effects of ea type on the surrounding countries?