New Brunswick is Tory again!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
David Alward and the PC Party just got elected in a landslide in NB.

Shawn Graham got tossed.

Not much wonder.

It is nice to actually vote for the winning candidate, and the winning party.

A relatively new experience for me.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I'm certainly pleased to see Jack Keir and Abel Leblanc get the boot. Ed Doherty is a decent man, I'd be happy to see him re-elected, but he deserves a little slap for the UNBSJ fiasco.

Not that I think the PCs deserve to win, the promises they made, along with the Liberals promises, make them both worthy of being thrown off a bridge. They should all be ashamed of the ridiculous stuff they promised, as if anyone could believe them. This is the first time I've been so disgusted I almost didn't vote.


May 24, 2006
Listening to the news at 6:00, it sounded like it was going to be a tight race. I'm glad the PC party got elected.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I'm certainly pleased to see Jack Keir and Abel Leblanc get the boot. Ed Doherty is a decent man, I'd be happy to see him re-elected, but he deserves a little slap for the UNBSJ fiasco.

Not that I think the PCs deserve to win, the promises they made, along with the Liberals promises, make them both worthy of being thrown off a bridge. They should all be ashamed of the ridiculous stuff they promised, as if anyone could believe them. This is the first time I've been so disgusted I almost didn't vote.

I agree with everything you've said......and I am not very partisan in provincial politics.

Dr. Doherty was my family's eye doctor, a very good man.

In Saint John Portland, I was surprised Danny Joyce didn't do better.......he is well known, well liked, and for years ran a garage in the north end that you could hardly get close to....due to his reputation as a very competent, completely honest mechanic.

The PCs didn't win nearly as much as Graham lost.........


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
In Saint John Portland, I was surprised Danny Joyce didn't do better.......he is well known, well liked, and for years ran a garage in the north end that you could hardly get close to....due to his reputation as a very competent, completely honest mechanic.

Yeah, that's my riding, and I was really expecting a close race or a Joyce win, based on what I heard people saying about the man, but I guess in the end, Shawn Graham overruled Danny.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
A balanced budget with no new taxes, and no decreases in wonders where this magic revenue will come from.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
A balanced budget with no new taxes, and no decreases in wonders where this magic revenue will come from.
From the same fantasy land where it all comes from. I'm sure there are some voters who believed some of the promises made, but I believed none, which is why I almost didn't vote.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
I don't keep up with NB politics as it's all i can do to run to the toilet and puke every time i read Ontario politics.

However, the last time we had Tories (now CRAP) in Ont. under the rule of Mike Harris, it was truly horrible for most working people.

Even worse for the working poor, disabled. Hydro brownouts were almost an everyday event.

It looks like a lot of people have forgotten that, and Tim Hudak might have a chance to form a government. He was tutored by Harris, so, if he wins, god help us all.

After all that my question is : What's the Tory attraction in NB?? Why?? What did the libs do that got them tossed??

100 words or less.


Where's the goddam smilies???


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
After all that my question is : What's the Tory attraction in NB?? Why?? What did the libs do that got them tossed??

There's no attraction to the Tories, it was a horrified reaction to the Liberals.

Before the last election, Shawn Graham, leader of the Liberals, stood up in the Legislature and said, 'Under a Shawn Graham government, NBPower will NOT BE SOLD!'. A year later, turns out he negotiated a deal to sell NBPower to Hydro Quebec, and then tried to flim flam everyone by claiming nobody had time to read the whole agreement, and it was quite complicated, and the voters would have to trust him...

Then they scrapped early French immersion, and finally after much ranting replaced it with a weird system of semi French immersion, along with a plan that everyone spends 1/2 of Grade 5 doing French exclusively.

Then they tried to combine UNBSJ (satellite campus of UNB, with a good reputation in many fields) with the local community college, and call it a 'Polytechnic'; that didn't fly.

Then they gave a $50million loan guarantee to a company owned by family/friends of the Liberal Party, which company went bankrupt a scant few months later, the auditors noted that it was pretty much bankrupt before getting $50 million of the taxpayers money.

They negotiated a pay contract with the doctors, but then claimed they didn't have to live up to it, because they hadn't actually signed it yet.

There's a few others, but these are the highlights.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
There's no attraction to the Tories, it was a horrified reaction to the Liberals.

Before the last election, Shawn Graham, leader of the Liberals, stood up in the Legislature and said, 'Under a Shawn Graham government, NBPower will NOT BE SOLD!'. A year later, turns out he negotiated a deal to sell NBPower to Hydro Quebec, and then tried to flim flam everyone by claiming nobody had time to read the whole agreement, and it was quite complicated, and the voters would have to trust him...

Then they scrapped early French immersion, and finally after much ranting replaced it with a weird system of semi French immersion, along with a plan that everyone spends 1/2 of Grade 5 doing French exclusively.

Then they tried to combine UNBSJ (satellite campus of UNB, with a good reputation in many fields) with the local community college, and call it a 'Polytechnic'; that didn't fly.

Then they gave a $50million loan guarantee to a company owned by family/friends of the Liberal Party, which company went bankrupt a scant few months later, the auditors noted that it was pretty much bankrupt before getting $50 million of the taxpayers money.

They negotiated a pay contract with the doctors, but then claimed they didn't have to live up to it, because they hadn't actually signed it yet.

There's a few others, but these are the highlights.

Yeah, it was so bad you'd almost think they were Federal Liberals.

(sorry, I couldn't resist) :)


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Yeah, it was so bad you'd almost think they were Federal Liberals.

(sorry, I couldn't resist) :)

No argument there, Colpy. Provincial also. Sounds like snakes being snakes.

If it just wasn't HARPO, AND STOCKY, AND FLATULANCE, ET AL, I'd be votin Con too.

Not much of a freakin choice.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Not much of a freakin choice.
Yeah, and that's the saddest thing of all, and it seems to be true right across the country. It's been probably a decade since there's been ANY candidate in any election, federal, provincial, or municipal, I felt like voting for. I could have voted for Ralph Goodale without holding my nose, but I don't live in his riding.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Yeats wrote that in 1919. Prescient...


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
No argument there, Colpy. Provincial also. Sounds like snakes being snakes.

If it just wasn't HARPO, AND STOCKY, AND FLATULANCE, ET AL, I'd be votin Con too.

Not much of a freakin choice.
Yup, the Three Stooges have taken over Ottawa with Winken, Blinken and Nod on the side lines. Kinda makes ya wanna puke.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
There's no attraction to the Tories, it was a horrified reaction to the Liberals.

Before the last election, Shawn Graham, leader of the Liberals, stood up in the Legislature and said, 'Under a Shawn Graham government, NBPower will NOT BE SOLD!'. A year later, turns out he negotiated a deal to sell NBPower to Hydro Quebec, and then tried to flim flam everyone by claiming nobody had time to read the whole agreement, and it was quite complicated, and the voters would have to trust him...

Then they gave a $50million loan guarantee to a company owned by family/friends of the Liberal Party, which company went bankrupt a scant few months later, the auditors noted that it was pretty much bankrupt before getting $50 million of the taxpayers money.

They negotiated a pay contract with the doctors, but then claimed they didn't have to live up to it, because they hadn't actually signed it yet.

There's a few others, but these are the highlights.

Here's something I was reading today.

At this point I have no idea as to what led me to this article.......

The Graham Connection

Gas Licence-issuing premier's dad's land is now directly in the path of SWN's seismic testing.

The Grahams are a dynastic land-holding and political family from Kent County, New Brunswick. Originally an Irish family, the first Grahams in New Brunswick settled in Main River, in the parish of Richibucto, in 1817, and never left.

In more recent times, Alan Robert Graham became the elected representative in Kent County when the district first received an electoral seat, in 1967. From there he became the longest running member of the legislative assembly in New Brunswick history, winning his seat until 1998.

Of note, Alan was the Minister of Natural Resources from 1991-1998.

His son Shawn Graham won the Kent county seat in 1998. Shawn became premier of New Brunswick between 2006 and 2010, and retired from politics in 2013.

The date upon which SWN determined where their seismic testing lines would pass through Kent County, and whether this date happened to overlap with Shawn Graham's premiership, is also of real importance – and is potentially grounds for a conflict of interest.

If the younger Graham was in political office when his father was earmarked as a landowner who would welcome seismic testing upon his land, and then would subsequently welcome the potential of gas royalties, is key.

All are currently unknown, but Shawn Graham's track record in feeding his father plum contracts while in office is not good.
In 2009, as premier of New Brunswick, Shawn Graham's government issued $50 million in loans to New Brunswick construction firm Atcon Holdings Ltd.

The company was subsequently caught inflating it's accounts – a seriously damaging scandal to the New Brunswick Liberals - but it was the revelation that Alan Graham sat upon the board of directors of an Atcon subsidiary that caught Shawn in a conflict of interest. Shawn fessed up, was subsequently fined the sum of $3500, and retired from public office.


The Graham Connection | Halifax Media Co-op


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
David Alward and the PC Party just got elected in a landslide in NB.

Shawn Graham got tossed.

Not much wonder.

It is nice to actually vote for the winning candidate, and the winning party.

A relatively new experience for me.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Dieifenbaker would be be pukeing in his grave, Stanfield would be packing rounds into AK mags. The Tories were extinctified twenty years ago.

Four years is not a lot of time, I'v been constipated longer than that.