Tory G8 abortion stance


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

That is not how pro choice is traditionally defined. Pro life is anybody who wants to ban all abortions, or wants to ban all abortions except for rape and incest (which is 99% of all abortions, so there really isn't much difference between the two).
roflmao take a look at the first table here:

Inventing your own stats now? How low can you go, comrade?

Anybody who is not pro life is pro choice. Thus, pro life organizations such as Right to Life, Focus on the Family etc. will only endorse candidates who want to ban all abortions or want to ban all abortions except in the case of rape and incest. Anybody else, they consider pro choice and they would not endorse such a candidate.
According to you. lmao


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

Since a fetus is nothing more than a parasite until birth it has no rights. The mother is a live person and there for has the right to decide what can be done to her body. It is here choice and nobody else has a right to interfere.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Re: What rights should a fetus have?


OBJECTIVE: We attempted to determine the national rape-related pregnancy rate and provide descriptive characteristics of pregnancies that result from rape. STUDY DESIGN: A national probability sample of 4008 adult American women took part in a 3-year longitudinal survey that assessed the prevalence and incidence of rape and related physical and mental health outcomes. RESULTS: The national rape-related pregnancy rate is 5.0% per rape among victims of reproductive age (aged 12 to 45); among adult women an estimated 32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year. Among 34 cases of rape-related pregnancy, the majority occurred among adolescents and resulted from assault by a known, often related perpetrator. Only 11.7% of these victims received immediate medical attention after the assault, and 47.1% received no medical attention related to the rape. A total 32.4% of these victims did not discover they were pregnant until they had already entered the second trimester; 32.2% opted to keep the infant whereas 50% underwent abortion and 5.9% placed the infant for adoption; an additional 11.8% had spontaneous abortion. CONCLUSIONS: Rape-related pregnancy occurs with significant frequency. It is a cause of many unwanted pregnancies and is closely linked with family and domestic violence. As we address the epidemic of unintended pregnancies in the United States, greater attention and effort should be aimed at preventing and identifying unwanted pregnancies that result from sexual victimization.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

I've had many dogs and cats throughout my life, haven't taken any of them for an abortion, but have paid big bucks
to have them bred, then take 'full' responsibility for
the pregnancy, (which was planned), and also for the newborns, then also for the placement into good homes,
with non breeding agreements.

The treatment of animals has a long way to go to ever
equal treatment of each other. Horrible things are done
to animals thru out the world each day, and it will be
a long time before they are cared for humanly, poaching
is a big money making crime in many countries.

Our own most vulnerable still include young girls and
women who are mistreated, and I would never ever be
willing to force any of them to have a child which they
did not want, or ask for. And I wouldn't be so cruel to
an unborn to force it into a world of mistreatment and
poverty, drugs and other misfortunes which cause the child
to suffer extremely.

as I said, more concern and rights are given to animals than unborn human children.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

If you support abortion for any case other than rape or incest, then you are not considered pro life by any of the pro life organizations.

Nor should you - not rocket science.................:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

I'd rather call somebody a ****ty mom or dad than call them a killer. There is no shortage of help for mothers in the community no matter how old or how buzzed on crack and babies can overcome damn near anything even coming off crack after being born. It's far better to take the risk than it is to kill and potentially lose an Einstein.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

I'd rather call somebody a ****ty mom or dad than call them a killer. There is no shortage of help for mothers in the community no matter how old or how buzzed on crack and babies can overcome damn near anything even coming off crack after being born. It's far better to take the risk than it is to kill and potentially lose an Einstein.

That thought crosses my mind a lot. You just never know what you are destroying. :smile:


Electoral Member
Dec 2, 2008
Re: morning after pill

Pro lifers don’t accept the morning after pill, in their eyes, morning after pill is same as getting an abortion.

The logic goes something like this; human life begins at conception, it is a baby at conception. So anything that prevents implanting of embryo also kills the baby. Hence pro lifer opposition to morning after pill.

Indeed, it was a huge battle to get it legalized in USA, it was as difficult to get morning after pill legalized as it was to get the abortion pill legalized.
Actually, I've met many pro lifers who have no problem with the morning after pill. The pro life movement is as flexible as any other movement - they have their hard liners and they have their moderates.


Electoral Member
Dec 2, 2008
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

I'd rather call somebody a ****ty mom or dad than call them a killer. There is no shortage of help for mothers in the community no matter how old or how buzzed on crack and babies can overcome damn near anything even coming off crack after being born. It's far better to take the risk than it is to kill and potentially lose an Einstein.
... and potentially loose a Hitler, as well.
I've always believed that if something was meant to happen - it would. If the almighty wants a person to exist , then that person will. I am not going to force a woman to go through a pregnancy that doesn't want to. Sorry, but with the ready availability of contraception, that the majority of women wanting abortions are those who didn't practice safe sex.
I know women who were rigid when it came to birth control - they DIDN'T want to get pregnant. Birth control failed, they CHOSE to have the child. But if they chose differently - it's THEIR choice. Dragging up that old canard about a possible Einstein? Come on! She could give birth to another Hitler!
Bottom line to me? If a child is meant to be born it will be born. For people to force a woman to go through 9 months of pregnancy and then to give birth - just so some couple can have a perfect little baby (ok - so a future Einstein might have life blah blah blah )?
No. That's holding a woman hostage to either some couple's perfect family dream, or someone's religious beliefs. If it's a sin? Leave it up to the Deity - the people involved will suffer his/her wrath and bear the consequences - it's not up to mankind to judge,
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Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

If it's against the law (or as some say 'murder') to have an abortion, should all miscarriages be subject to law enforcement inquiry?

If the mother was known to be pregnant (or perhaps missed her period by a few weeks or more) but never delivered, should a missing persons report be filed? The mother could answer some questions at the station, and even take a polygraph. The fetus would be human with full rights. Can't assume it was all spontaneous.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

If it's against the law (or as some say 'murder') to have an abortion, should all miscarriages be subject to law enforcement inquiry?

If the mother was known to be pregnant (or perhaps missed her period by a few weeks or more) but never delivered, should a missing persons report be filed? The mother could answer some questions at the station, and even take a polygraph. The fetus would be human with full rights. Can't assume it was all spontaneous.

Hmmmm...let me see now...... when it was against the law.........did they charge women that had miscarriages? think...think...think...... nope.... didn't I guess this is another BS argument by the morally bankrupt.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

Bottom line to me? If a child is meant to be born it will be born. For people to force a woman to go through 9 months of pregnancy and then to give birth - just so some couple can have a perfect little baby (ok - so a future Einstein might have life blah blah blah )?
So it's just an uncontrollable and unpreventable overwhelming desire that gets tyou in the situation but because a woman can choose it's okay?

In a perfect world then a guy can say raping a woman was an uncontrollable and unpreventable overwhelming desire and is okay because she can choose to kill it if she wants if she has an uncontrollable and unpreventable overwhelming desire?


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

Hmmmm...let me see now...... when it was against the law.........did they charge women that had miscarriages? think...think...think...... nope.... didn't I guess this is another BS argument by the morally bankrupt.

But then those who had a clue realized a fetus doesn't have the same rights to the mother's body as she does. Obviously some still don't get it, so have at er there genius.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

If "I couldn't control myself" isn't lawful excuse for rape what makes you think lack of control getting, laid and not considering the outcome makes it okay to kill?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

But then those who had a clue realized a fetus doesn't have the same rights to the mother's body as she does. Obviously some still don't get it, so have at er there genius.

I know...... inconveniencing a woman for 9 months is FAR worse than killing the baby.

How dare anyone think that a woman should take responsibility for her actions.


Electoral Member
Dec 2, 2008
Re: What rights should a fetus have?

Hmmmm...let me see now...... when it was against the law.........did they charge women that had miscarriages? think...think...think...... nope.... didn't I guess this is another BS argument by the morally bankrupt.
So let me get this straight - if you are married - you NEVER let a man even touch you - that includes kiss - before marriage - because if you had, you would be morally bankrupt, right? So let me ask you - if you have a daughter, and she finds herself 'compromised' before she has been sold - oops - sorry - GIVEN into marriage, you obviously (by what you have previously written) will have found her to be morally bankrupt - and you'll cast her out. No - wait! Rather than cast her out, you should show the courage of your convictions and keep her as a moral example to the community!
If she's so morally bankrupt, then you should brand her (like the Scarlett Letter - they actually did that) or in these modern times, stone her like the Taliban! Sure! Those morally bankrupt ****s - rape? They asked for it. Youthful indiscretion? They knew they shouldn't do it! Yup - the heck with everything else - stone the harlots! Or at least make them go through 9 months of pregnancy, after which you can find a 'suitable' family for the child, and THEN stone her!
Right - the Taliban's the only monster.