Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?
As Zionists came like a thief, and were supported by the imperialists: UK and USA; so they will disappear; it is certain. It is a promise of God in the Quran 17: 3-8 and 17: 104
Jewish Zionists are pretty much the Rothschild Clan (Morgans, etc) They are more than willing to keep Jews as poor as anybody and they would gladly finance the slaughter of many of them as well as innocent Gentiles. The UK and the US have no better chance at success than Islamic Banks being interest free. The interest is built into the price, that is why they are allowed to operate, allow is the operative word, since their 'wealth' is many times what the wealth of all Muslims is so in reality if they didn't want it operating it wouldn't be operating, it is a smoke-screen about their being a choice. The choice is do you want to bet hit with the left of right hand of the true monsters that are very much alive and almost invisible in the news.
They 'bribed' the UK to draft the Balfour Declaration. The 'gift' was getting America involved in WWI so Britain had control of Palestine. The reward for America came as wealth for some of the 'elect' of the country and all that 'work' helped a stagnant economy (1907 depression).
What is the combined world debt to the Rothschild banks for the Nations that voted against the creation of Israel in 1948. They are as much as slaves to Zionism as anybody, with the exception the UK and US which think they are 'special pawns'. They aren't they will be reduced in power so they cannot become a threat to their masters. The ones that own half the wealth in the world today are the real enemy.
Let me read the rest of your post a little closer, before I say anything more.
Read a little further.......the first bit is meant to be sarcasm.......the rest of it slips right into the Jew-hater mode, as in too bad the Nazis didn't finish the job.
Well maybe 'we' should have finished our job and went after the ones who financed both of their wars (and got fully repaid with interest) .
How much did Germany get from 1910 -1945? $60B for war machines and $6 to feed the poor, all the poor, part of the 14 million Gentile civilians that also died in those years. The part you need to see is the Jew and Gentile were being sent to the slaughter. Everybody suffered except the Bankers, they actually 'owned' many countries after the wars were over, those debts could never be repaid. The richest (and therefore the most dangerous) country was America back before 1913. After the creation of the Fed in 1913 a depression suddenly followed where a few got richer and the vast majority got poorer. A very expensive war @ interest is good for only the banks, that same money spent for public works would have solved the 'designed period of poverty'. At this point if further explanation is necessary, further words would be a waste of time.
Muslims, Christians, and Jews have one force that is controlling things to make wars (and all the money spent on anything related to war).
600 years is too much with such wrong-doers and God dislikes the wrong-doers and the wrong-doing.
I give the glad-tidings depending on the Quran of their disappearance, and the earth gets rid of their evil forever.
Their disappearance is already forecast by God, we cannot increase that burden, 144,000 is all that will survive the final days before Christ. Being still in blindness Christ has His back to them, they will not survive that periond of time, so this putting them in one spot rather than having them scattered about in the Nations where they would be harder to find. With God all those lives can, and are, restored to a pre-death condition. God gave directions on how banks should work, that passed onto Christians (wether they like it or not, Banks are supposed to be non profit when used by the citizens of the Nation. Business pay all the freight since it is they who require 'money' in the first place.
If you want Israel to behave, cease all their money.