Re: How About Keeping The Rest Of Us Safe From Israel?
But you turn a blind eye to the crimes against humanity that Israel commits. That is very selective. I condemn all acts against humanity but I also am selective about the "information" and the source from which it comes. The video in the OP is a blatant piece of hate propaganda and as such is damnable along with its creators. Have you been to Iran to see the things you accuse Iran of or do you rely on American mass media propaganda for your "information"? I don't have enough facts to form an opinion on Iran because I have not seen credible information.
I have read a full spectrum of information about Israel and from it conclude that they are in the wrong. It is an opinion I have held for decades. They are doing to the Palestinians what Hitler did to them. I used to be a big supporter, but not any more.
I choose to defend Israel here for a couple of reasons.....the most important one is the hatred I see directed towards Israel and Jews. The simple fact is that Israel, while far from perfect, is one Hell of a lot better nation to live in than any of her enemies........and she is (rightfully) our ally.
Cliffy, do a little research.....I did. Here's a fact. In 62 years of conflict between Israel and her neighbours, there have been AT MOST 135,000 dead, on both sides. Somewhere slightly over 10% of these have been Israelis, the rest their say that "They are doing to the Palestinians what Hitler did to them" is an incredible smear, as Hitler and his buddies murdered 6 million Jews (one third of the world Jewish population) in about 6 years...........I seriously suggest you rethink that attack.
Reading Lolita in Iran......just for one little bit of research on Iranian society.....or go easy on yourself, and simply review the opinion of any human rights organization.......
Iran is a looney state, just behing North Korea on the whacko scale......
The holocaust happened 60 years ago. Since then they have systematically done the same thing to the Palestinians. Sorry, the video is a PR piece of hate propaganda for the right wing lunatic fringe. Since the commies have fallen, has the new cry become "Kill a Muslim for Christ!"? It sure looks like it.
Oh....and I meant to say....yes the vid is propaganda.
Unfortunately, it is also basically the truth.
Mind you, I would advise against an attack on Iran until the absolute final moment possible, and would hope that moment never comes, as an attack on Iran would turn many in the burgeoning dissident movement into supporters of their gov't , and the Iranian theocrats would use it as an excuse to destroy the rest.