B.P.'s Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Thread (it's all here).....


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Well the difference I see between Bush and Obama, is that Obama didn't take almost a week to actually respond or admit something was wrong and people needed help.


^ A very interesting time line on how long it took bush to respond in any meaningful way, while pointing out all the various photo ops and such he attended while everybody was screaming for assistance and notifying him of the disaster.

Did you even read the timeline you linked to?

August 27 Gov Blanco asks Bush to Declare a Federal Emergency

August 27 a Federal Emergency is Declared.

Sorry it took so long.

Saturday, August 27


GOV. BLANCO ASKS BUSH TO DECLARE FEDERAL STATE OF EMERGENCY IN LOUISIANA: “I have determined that this incident is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the State and affected local governments, and that supplementary Federal assistance is necessary to save lives, protect property, public health, and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a disaster.” [Office of the Governor]

FEDERAL EMERGENCY DECLARED, DHS AND FEMA GIVEN FULL AUTHORITY TO RESPOND TO KATRINA: “Specifically, FEMA is authorized to identify, mobilize, and provide at its discretion, equipment and resources necessary to alleviate the impacts of the emergency.” [White House]

From your provided link.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Well the difference I see between Bush and Obama, is that Obama didn't take almost a week to actually respond or admit something was wrong and people needed help.
Yeah, he did seem to have the response time of say, a turnip.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Nobody would say Bush should have stopped the storm, but it was his administration which ignored warnings. In this case, even BP is now admitting that the information they were giving was wrong, and then they pleaded for help from the government, after NOAA put the well flow at 5000 barrels/day, rather than the 1000 estimated by BP.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Apparently, BP is one of the companies that successfully lobbied against a bill which would have enforced mandatory remote shut-off valves – one of which would have negated the disaster that is now unfolding.

BP’s argument was that installing this device would be far too costly.

Were I a BP stockholder, I would be calling for the immediate removal, if not beheading, of the person/s responsible for taking that stand.

Were it not such a heart-breaking issue when you consider the enormous negative impact of the spill, I would say that this looks good on BP.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Nobody would say Bush should have stopped the storm, but it was his administration which ignored warnings. In this case, even BP is now admitting that the information they were giving was wrong, and then they pleaded for help from the government, after NOAA put the well flow at 5000 barrels/day, rather than the 1000 estimated by BP.

Thats just riduculous.

Slim Chance

Electoral Member
Nov 26, 2009
Nobody would say Bush should have stopped the storm, but it was his administration which ignored warnings. In this case, even BP is now admitting that the information they were giving was wrong, and then they pleaded for help from the government, after NOAA put the well flow at 5000 barrels/day, rather than the 1000 estimated by BP.

How come no responsibility laid at the feet of the government of Louisiana?

Those very same warnings existed for the municipalities and states; they weren't exclusive to the feds.

As for BP, all one has to do is refer to the estimations that BP based their drilling program upon.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
They can't skim oil from the surface?

There go the gas prices again....

Yep, gas just jumped another nickel a litre here and my first thought was "what's the excuse for this"? and my second thought (5 seconds later) was Louisiana.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
How come no responsibility laid at the feet of the government of Louisiana?

Maybe because the Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for the levies? I mean the equivalent of what you're asking would be to blame the Province of Nova Scotia if the Naval docks collapsed in Halifax. Not a provincial responsibility.

As for BP, all one has to do is refer to the estimations that BP based their drilling program upon.

Drilling estimates include having a working rig, with working pumps, drives, derricks, etc. The oil leaking now is due to pressure alone.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Haliburton maybe in some trouble here too. It appears they were aware of the blowout risks. They were the company responsible for sealing the well, though where the responsibility rests is going to take a long time, a lot of monkeys in monkey suits, and courthouse presentations to settle...

Also, the rig did not have the latest in blowout prevention gear.

Slim Chance

Electoral Member
Nov 26, 2009
Maybe because the Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for the levies? I mean the equivalent of what you're asking would be to blame the Province of Nova Scotia if the Naval docks collapsed in Halifax. Not a provincial responsibility.

Are you referring to the levies built by the Army Corps of Engineers that had been there for decades? The very levies that had existed over many different federal administrations?

Why blame Bush for the one hurricane that made land-fall?

Using your example, you'd blame Harper for a collapse of the Halifax naval docks that were built before he was born.

Drilling estimates include having a working rig, with working pumps, drives, derricks, etc. The oil leaking now is due to pressure alone.

Sure, but that doesn't change the fact that BP were likely referring to their estimates when they suggested the 1000 bbl number... BP is not stupid enough to publish and quote 1 number (probably employed to justify the project) and later scale it down to divert attention from the disaster (if that were even possible).


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Are you referring to the levies built by the Army Corps of Engineers that had been there for decades? The very levies that had existed over many different federal administrations?

Why blame Bush for the one hurricane that made land-fall?

Quote me where I blamed Bush for anything. All I said was that his administration ignored warnings.

Using your example, you'd blame Harper for a collapse of the Halifax naval docks that were built before he was born.

No, that wouldn't be using my example. That would be putting words in my mouth, and then using your own model of what I think, which is laughably wrong.

Sure, but that doesn't change the fact that BP were likely referring to their estimates when they suggested the 1000 bbl number... BP is not stupid enough to publish and quote 1 number (probably employed to justify the project) and later scale it down to divert attention from the disaster (if that were even possible).

What are you talking about? That rig was producing more than 1000 barrels a day. The rate that oil is leaking out has nothing to do with how much the rig could produce. The estimates were based on ROV surveys of the site after the accident.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Was this warning and associated reports denied to the state and municipal governments?

What problem are you having with this...the levee system is a Federal asset. Municipal and State governments have no authority whatsoever. Flood control is a mission of the US Army Corps of Engineers, not municipal civil engineers, and not State departments. That's not to say local officials weren't involved.

The storm was bad because the levees broke, and the officials who were in charge of the levees were forewarned.

Slim Chance

Electoral Member
Nov 26, 2009
The storm was bad because the levees broke, and the officials who were in charge of the levees were forewarned.

Yeah.... Forewarned decades ago, yet the only admin you see fit to blame is the one that was in office when katrina hit.

You have got to be the most stubborn SOB I have ever come across.

Slim Chance

Electoral Member
Nov 26, 2009
Quote me where I blamed Bush for anything. All I said was that his administration ignored warnings.

Yeah... I guess that you stated that as a point of interest; you making idle conversation and what not.

No, that wouldn't be using my example. That would be putting words in my mouth, and then using your own model of what I think, which is laughably wrong.

It's no different. Those levee's were in place long before Bush's admin was in power and the warnings existed way back then to.

The only admin that you are identifying as responsible is the bush admin... My extrapolation of your logic using the Halifax docks is bang-on.

What are you talking about? That rig was producing more than 1000 barrels a day. The rate that oil is leaking out has nothing to do with how much the rig could produce. The estimates were based on ROV surveys of the site after the accident.

I'm talking about the difference between the real rate of production in terms of what is being expelled into the water versus BP's assumed/published rates... That's it... Clear enough for you?


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
President Obama has sent SWAT teams to oil wells to check them all out. As I mentioned earlier this just may have been done by a terrorist group of some kind to show why we should not drill. Has he done anything wrong yet? Not by my standards, from what I've heard all of our resources have been made available to get this well plugged up.