Nonsense. It's true that the oil companies funded some skeptics a bit at the beginning, but the vast majority of them never got a dime, never will. The oil companies are in business to make money, and they've since realized that there's more money in "fighting climate change" than in selling oil, so they're all pretty much on board and lining up at the government trough. The real money is in climate change, it's the biggest industry in the world now, much bigger than oil, and they want in on it. Besides, they know you aren't going to give up your car, you'll just pay more, and the way it's set up, "fighting climate change" is mostly about wealth transfer, so even if we buy less oil, other parts of the world will buy more.The arguments against human generated climate change are as much a fabrication as the arguments against a tobacco cancer link for decades last century, and it's based on pure greed. Some of the same 'scientists'- like Fred Singer- have been hired by Exxon Mobile to just name one company to cloud the issue as much as possible. There is no real scientific debate on the reality of human generated climate change, that's an illusion created by the fossil fuel industry.
The only real debate among genuine scientists is how significant the global climate change will be.
Drink that koolaid!