Aother recognized logical fallacy is that humans never existed before. Before what? Before when?
About 200,000 years ago?
But that's even meaningless, as humans capable of causing global changes have existed for far less time than the species Homo sapiens.
The credentials of the thousands of scientists Mr Radcliff cites as haveing signed the statement indicating their disbelief in the current congame of globle warming now transformed into global climate change seems not to affect your thinking whatsoever, even the inclusion of the signitures of six hundred doctors of science does not give you cause for reconsideration of your ill concieved adherance to the patently and demonstratably false paradigm so obviously manufactured for nefarious reasons unconnected to the salvation of this planet , at inflated retail cost of course,as per usual.
Why should you be persuaded by a signature? I care not what your name is, I care about the quality of your work.
As with most other theories, the climate model suggested by the NCAR investigators is based on kinetic energy: heat and the movement of the atmosphere. Nowhere in the scientific press is it acknowledged that electric currents and the strength of the ion flux from the Sun are the primary drivers of climate fluctuation.
Because it isn't the primary driver...
DB--no climate theory is worth the lung work to speak of it unless it considers the ruling electric influence, it's that simple and it's that obvious.
So, let's see your maths. Out with it Castor!