Louis Hissink's Crazy World - Windows Live
April 27
Falsification of atmospheric Greenhouse effect.
The following posts on Alan Siddon’s Climate Realists website are interesting:
Casey is right that it cannot be coming from the gases of the atmosphere, since these are cooler than the earth’s surface, so where is the measured down welling IR coming from?
Atmospheric electric currents operating in dark plasma mode. All electric currents passing through matter generate IR, or heat.
The error climate science makes is assuming that the measured down welling IR HAS to come from CO2 and other “greenhouse” gases.
It’s the plasma folks.
April 27
Falsification of atmospheric Greenhouse effect.
The following posts on Alan Siddon’s Climate Realists website are interesting:
Posted by cementafriend (forum) on Apr 25th 2010, 10:37 PM EDT
I must read the full article a bit more closely but it is the first article I have seen in hundreds on climate assessment that mentions the measurements of heat transfer on combustion gases (including CO2) made by the late Prof Hottel of MIT. His entry on Wikipedia is here Hoyt C. Hottel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Hottel wrote the section "Heat Transfer by radiation" in Perry's Chemical engineering Handbook pages 5-23 to 5-42. In that, there is an equation based on measurements that allows the calculation of CO2 and H2O absorptivity from inputs of temperature, partial pressures and beam length. Other books on heat transfer have the Hottel equation in a graphical form.
In considerations of heat transfer it will be noted that net heat flux only occurs from a higher energy source to a lower energy receiver. This has been measured over one hundred years in the operation of heat exchangers, boilers, furnaces etc. The Trenberth and Kiehle paper on Gobal heat balance is wrong in assuming that a cold atmosphere radiates back to a warm earth surface.
Posted by Alan Siddons (forum) on Apr 25th 2010, 10:58 PM EDT
"net heat flux only occurs from a higher energy source to a lower energy receiver. This has been measured over one hundred years in the operation of heat exchangers, boilers, furnaces etc. The Trenberth and Kiehl paper on global heat balance is wrong in assuming that a cold atmosphere radiates back to a warm earth surface."
Well said, cementafriend. Or, as professor M. Quinn Brewster puts it in his book Thermal Radiative Transfer and Properties, "Like conduction, thermal energy is in harmony with the second law of thermodynamics such that, in the absence of work, thermal energy is radiated spontaneously from higher temperature to lower temperature matter." Now to get the rest of the climate community to admit that. Source
The assertion that thermal energy radiates from colder to higher temperature matter could be dismissed as verbal virtuosity, or simply intellectual bulldust, but Alan Siddons and others make one error – there is actually down welling infrared radiation measured from the atmosphere. I must read the full article a bit more closely but it is the first article I have seen in hundreds on climate assessment that mentions the measurements of heat transfer on combustion gases (including CO2) made by the late Prof Hottel of MIT. His entry on Wikipedia is here Hoyt C. Hottel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Hottel wrote the section "Heat Transfer by radiation" in Perry's Chemical engineering Handbook pages 5-23 to 5-42. In that, there is an equation based on measurements that allows the calculation of CO2 and H2O absorptivity from inputs of temperature, partial pressures and beam length. Other books on heat transfer have the Hottel equation in a graphical form.
In considerations of heat transfer it will be noted that net heat flux only occurs from a higher energy source to a lower energy receiver. This has been measured over one hundred years in the operation of heat exchangers, boilers, furnaces etc. The Trenberth and Kiehle paper on Gobal heat balance is wrong in assuming that a cold atmosphere radiates back to a warm earth surface.
Posted by Alan Siddons (forum) on Apr 25th 2010, 10:58 PM EDT
"net heat flux only occurs from a higher energy source to a lower energy receiver. This has been measured over one hundred years in the operation of heat exchangers, boilers, furnaces etc. The Trenberth and Kiehl paper on global heat balance is wrong in assuming that a cold atmosphere radiates back to a warm earth surface."
Well said, cementafriend. Or, as professor M. Quinn Brewster puts it in his book Thermal Radiative Transfer and Properties, "Like conduction, thermal energy is in harmony with the second law of thermodynamics such that, in the absence of work, thermal energy is radiated spontaneously from higher temperature to lower temperature matter." Now to get the rest of the climate community to admit that. Source
Casey is right that it cannot be coming from the gases of the atmosphere, since these are cooler than the earth’s surface, so where is the measured down welling IR coming from?
Atmospheric electric currents operating in dark plasma mode. All electric currents passing through matter generate IR, or heat.
The error climate science makes is assuming that the measured down welling IR HAS to come from CO2 and other “greenhouse” gases.
It’s the plasma folks.