Collateral Murder


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
And the devolution into mere emoti-cons means: No more specifically things of substance to say in response?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
And the devolution into mere emoti-cons means: No more specifically things of substance to say in response?
Not with you, you don't use, commonsense, critical or rational thought. How, nay, why would I attempt to communicate with someone so bereft of any form of reason?

It's a waste of time, you've made up your mind. Though by your own posts, you obviously don't grasp the simplest of concepts, and you certainly have no idea what is going on in the video.


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
This message board thread gets the coveted award of "The Last Thing That Caused Me To Lose My Sh*t".

But it's totally apropriate. If this stuff doesn't cause one to freak the hell out, then what does?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
This message board thread gets the coveted award of "The Last Thing That Caused Me To Lose My Sh*t".
Of this, I have no doubt.

But it's totally apropriate. If this stuff doesn't cause one to freak the hell out, then what does?
Coming to the realization that you may actually operate a motor vehicle, or some other form of machinery, and the scariest, you may actually vote...


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
Not with you, you don't use, commonsense, critical or rational thought. How, nay, why would I attempt to communicate with someone so bereft of any form of reason?

It's a waste of time, you've made up your mind. Though by your own posts, you obviously don't grasp the simplest of concepts, and you certainly have no idea what is going on in the video.

Again, I am 100% sure that I am the rational party here and Apache helicopter guys are the ... well ... whatever the opposite of "rational" is.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
As an informed observer, my life lesson is: Don't trust the US military. It's a completely backwards society where committing and covering up these kinds of things, as well as utterly lying about how your family member soldier died, are completely acceptable.

And what qualifies you as an informed observer?


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
I won't argue that, I'm sure you believe a lot of things that aren't real.

I supposed the best response to this is no direct reponse at all, so I'll just change the subject.

Hey, did you here about the US military guys that thought it was a good idea to fly Apaches into a city and shoot people? And then there was this cover up?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I supposed the best response to this is no direct reponse at all, so I'll just change the subject.
Like I was expecting something resembling intelligent? I think not.
Hey, did you here about the US military guys that thought it was a good idea to fly Apaches into a city and shoot people? And then there was this cover up?

I have a better one...

Ever hear about the moron Icarus, who flew to close to the sun?

What an appropriate nic you've chosen.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I supposed the best response to this is no direct reponse at all, so I'll just change the subject.

Hey, did you here about the US military guys that thought it was a good idea to fly Apaches into a city and shoot people? And then there was this cover up?

No aircraft flies into a war zone without a plan. Do you have information unavailable to anyone else what intel they were acting on? Do you have any idea what constitutes suspicious activity. Have you ever been in the situation?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I am an American will knowledge and five senses who knows about all the crazy stuff the military calls "normal".

Not to be too snarky, really, but that is the truth.
I don't think you would recognise thruth, if it fell from the sky, landed on your face and started to wiggle.

Somebody get rid of this stinking bear will you please, he's frightening off sane posters.
Ah yes, the usual barely more then monosyllabic grunts of the one who graces the pages of a forum, as his wilderness name sake graces a forest or pond, with nothing more then stumps and a fever, to say he was here.


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
I have a better one...

Ever hear about the moron Icarus, who flew to close to the sun?

What an appropriate nic you've chosen.

Think about what you just posted. Formal logic would say that ad hominem isn't good. Can you imagine what would happen if there were an argument between two attorneys in a courtroom setting and one of them resorted to open laughing (the equivilant of the emoticon) or calling someone a moron. Do you realize what that would do to the case that is being argued?

Also, on another topic, below the last post, there is a long list of people who are watching this thread. Are there like spectators here watching something akin to a fight or what?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I am an American will knowledge and five senses who knows about all the crazy stuff the military calls "normal".

Not to be too snarky, really, but that is the truth.

Your truth.

Must be nice being American, everything around you has been paid for so you can speak as a fool and not pay for it.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Think about what you just posted. Formal logic would say that ad hominem isn't good. Can you imagine what would happen if there were an argument between two attorneys in a courtroom setting and one of them resorted to open laughing (the equivilant of the emoticon) or calling someone a moron. Do you realize what that would do to the case that is being argued?
There's a problem with your logic, well half of it anyways. One, we are in the court of public opinion here, not law. Two, you haven't the cognitive skills to be a potato, let alone an attorney.

Also, on another topic, below the last post, there is a long list of people who are watching this thread. Are there like spectators here watching something akin to a fight or what?
Pretty much. Some people get off on watching me hand morons their asses back to them.


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
There's a problem with your logic, well half of it anyways. One, we are in the court of public opinion here, not law. Two, you haven't the cognitive skills to be a potato, let alone an attorney.

Pretty much. Some people get off on watching me hand morons their asses back to them.

Formal logic works in any situation though. If you're not abiding by the rules of logic, then you're being illogical.

I haven't resorted to any ad hominem against you (ie like directly try to insult you), and I won't. The facts of the case at hand are still a bunch of US military pilots decided it would be a good idea to fly Apaches and kill and bunch of people and then the US military covered it up. Therefore, just like my original post in this thread pointed out, you can't trust the US military (in addition: stay away from it at all costs), and it has now been ethically put on the same level as some mafias and gangs and that sort of thing.

I think this is a pretty strong case. No logical fallacies needed to make it either.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Formal logic works in any situation though. If you're not abiding by the rules of logic, then you're being illogical.
Agreed, who helped you type that out? Because from where I sit, you lack the logic of a can of crushed tomatoes.

I haven't resorted to any ad hominem against you (ie like directly try to insult you), and I won't.
That's awesome, I don't care. I despise idiocy, and you exude it in spades. Your whole premise is an ad hominem attack, on the intelligence of anyone who reads the shyte within you posts. I feel dumber for having quoted them.

The facts of the case at hand are still a bunch of US military pilots decided it would be a good idea to fly Apaches and kill and bunch of people and then the US military covered it up.
And this is where you exude idiocy.
Therefore, just like my original post in this thread pointed out, you can't trust the US military (in addition: stay away from it at all costs), and it has now been ethically put on the same level as some mafias and gangs and that sort of thing.
Though i might otherwise agree, I can't, because the math you used, or lack thereof to reach this conclusion, is based on you being uninformed, and your posts being somewhat deficient in thought.

I think this is a pretty strong case. No logical fallacies needed to make it either.
That's all you made is fallacies. Do you know that the US is at war in Iraq?