Ann Coulter upsetting people....again

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
Again, I would otherwise agree. But we should at the very least 'pay attention' to her. As we should with anyone whose commentary is somewhat extreme. That way, we can counter it.

By ignoring it, we leave it up to people who may not be as aware or well heeled and that is where you find the erroneous message being touted, taken as truth.

Never ignore the extremists, never silence them.
For this only reason here I would concede.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
I can't believe people take Coulter so seriously.... she's pundit....and I wonder why she was invited in the first place. It isn't as if she was a surprise insulter.

Perhaps free speech has caveats (which it should of course) and Coulter has crossed the line in Canada.

It's a fine broken glass path when you walk this free speech issue however and why she was invited is puzzling to me unless the people needed a reason to make a's well understood anything anti-U.S. is popular as Canada asserts its own identity and decision-making. But ....

I like what you wrote Bear....
never silence the extremists
.... because: "Who will be your judges and representatives to make that decision for you? Can they always match your own opinions?"


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I can't believe people take Coulter so seriously.... she's pundit....

Perhaps free speech has caveats (which it should of course) and Coulter has crossed the line in Canada.
No she didn't actually. Which makes the provost warning, and the subsequent stupidity of the protesters, ignorant and counter to a free and open society.

It's a fine line this free speech issue however and why she was invited is puzzling to me unless the people needed a reason to make a point....
I would be inclined to believe that, given that U of O is an extremely left leaning educational body.

I like what you wrote Bear.... never silence the extremists.... because "who will be your judges and representatives to make that decision for you?"
It was a long long journey getting to that point of view curio. I had help though, you, ITN and a couple others guided the way.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I guess that illustrious Charter of Rights & Freedoms just pertains to Canadian citizens and not necessarily to all people in Canada.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Honestly, a person could come up to me and tell me with the utmost sincerity that he believes that the world is flat and that it sits on the back of four elephants walking in circles, and if he's courteous, kind, polite, etc. though I may disagree with him, I'll still return his kindness and disagree using kind words. I'd choose my words carefully so as not to offend. Coulter simply does not earn that kind of courtesy.

Well written Machjo

I can't understand why she was invited and why she accepted?

Perhaps it was more effective for her than buying a large billboard reminding us she has no limits?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I'm wondering if shutting down that speaking engagement doesn't say more about us than it does about her.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Aw Bear thank you!

Big Bear Hug for you this morning - your thoughts are always so measured and fair - you are a delight to read because you stroll in, shine the light on a few issues and
tip toe out to leave us all thinking on your words.....


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

Exactly - Canada has the strength to take on verbal garbage - but because so little of it is practiced and allowed the light of day - it becomes a big issue when it happens.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I don't need to rethink anything. As far as I am concerned, considering her comments about Canadians and Canada, she should not be allowed in this great Country. Any Canadian that supports this b*tch does not deserve to live here or call themselves Canadian.

She is MUCH less offensive than you when you claim only those of certain political viewpoints are worthy of being called Canadian......

I support her right to speak and think as she matter that she is an ignorant bitch.

And she is......

But she is a......person of some note, invited to speak on political matters at a university, a place where the free exchange of ideas should be encouraged and protected......and she has broken no law worth mention in the country......we can keep out whomever we please WITHOUT reason, but there was no reason to keep Coulter out....

I prefer Coulter to Rita Valerino, a second year student that was quoted in the Globe and Mail: "I was just worried that things were going to be said about certain groups of people that were going to make them feel very unsafe and very uncomfortable and we promise our students here at the University of Ottawa a safe, positive space"

After THAT bit of idiocy I would beg: "Please! Please! Bring on Ann!!!!!!"

Of course Ms. Valerino is a student of Sociology and Women's Studies, so she obviously has not the slightest interest in actual education, as a four year course of the above will leave her knowledgeable enough to colour between the lines..... and not much else.....except whine, of course.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Re "FreeSpeech" Issue

Mark Steyn: Ann Coulter is also asking for it - Full Comment

I am more concerned with the University's "uninvite" while addressing Freedom of Speech in the same letter.

One portion quoted from Provost Houle's "kind warning":

Dear Ms. Coulter,
I understand that you have been invited by University of Ottawa Campus Conservatives to speak at
I would, however, like to inform you, or perhaps remind you, that our domestic laws, both provincial and federal, delineate freedom of expression (or “free speech”) in a manner that is somewhat different than the approach taken in the United States.

Free Speech is different? How so? The words of an educator - that's scary.
Limited learning is the step towards government control of the young - when the young should be seeking alternatives whether pleasing to the government or not. It is a nation's duty to educate by allowing, not prohibiting, thoughts.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
I personally dislike her material, thankfully I have the option to ignore her. Unfortunately some people in this country don't understand that concept.

Canada comes across as pathetic in its reaction to her speeches with a hypocritical free speech standard. If you disagree with her views, ignore her. She must be loving all this attention from the pantywaists, giving her free material for her next few appearances.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re "FreeSpeech" Issue

Mark Steyn: Ann Coulter is also asking for it - Full Comment

I am more concerned with the University's "uninvite" while addressing Freedom of Speech in the same letter.

One portion quoted from Provost Houle's "kind warning":

Free Speech is different? How so? The words of an educator - that's scary.
Limited learning is the step towards government control of the young - when the young should be seeking alternatives whether pleasing to the government or not. It is a nation's duty to educate by allowing, not prohibiting, thoughts.

You guys have it......we don't.

Oh, and BTW, on another subject....I fear I am in love with Mark Steyn......and I don't know how to break it to my wife......:)