Ann Coulter upsetting people....again

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
lone wolf, I am still waiting for you to prove any of my points false.

But in true typical, liberal fashion all you have is pale, weak and mentally-challenged attempts at humour.

With your "SUPERIOR" soul-mate Winnie the Pooh, surely you should be able to come up with better. Substantial, perhaps?

I've been waiting for you to prove anything other that Coulter's connection with Fox News as fact. You posted your "facts". The onus is on you.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
You do have a point there with regards to kinds of intelligence. Some people know how to make money, but might not know how to improve society. Some have good ideas on improving society, but don't know how to make money beyond just working. Some are intelligent enough for both, and some for either.I'd place Ann Coulter in the first group for the most part, but we can't deny that that is a kind of intelligence too.

No doubt she is smart and knows how to sell books and make buckets of cash from her act....she is the same as Micheal Moore....they both twist some facts to sell themselves.

It works really well for them both.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Few facts:

Ann Coulter usually appears on FOXNews.
Most people in Canada don't watch FOXNews, because they are too cheap, or happy with the pap CBC and CNN feeds them.
None of the people who have not watched FOXNews, know anything about Ann Coulter, except what they see on CBC an CNN.
None of the people who believe CNN or CBC have read any of the eight best-sellers An Coulter wrote.
All Ann Coulter detractors are liberals, with no idea what the words "sarcasm", "parody" and "humour" mean. Unless, of course it is directed towards conservatives in general and people that they could not ever measure up to.
Ann Coulter detractors were quite happy when their soul-mates called the duly elected President a loser, a war criminal, an idiot, a killer, a Hitler, and worse, but cry crocodile tears when their idol is exposed what he is.

You just contradicted yourself again.....what a riot.:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
"Everything after the words "few facts" ... "

So, according to you and your soul-mate the "SUPERIOR" CDNBear:

Ann Coulter does NOT appear on FOXNews.

You said usually. She may or may not usually appear on FOXNews. You haven't qualified this statement though.

Most people in Canada DO subscribe to FOXNews, because they are not cheap.
There's myriad reasons why people may decide not to subscribe to FOXNews. There are also those who don't have any choice in the matter at all. Again though, you haven't qualified your statement, so it's unclear if this is a fact, or your opinion.

People who learned what they know about Ann Coulter learned it NOT from CNN and/or CBC.
They could have learned it from anywhere. Internet blogs, youtube videos, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, FOXNews, CBC, CTV, Global, New York Times, Globe and Mail, Wall Street Journal, Canada Free Press, Associated Press, Washington Post, National Post...

Do I really need to go on? Again, a totally unsubstantiated claim by yourself.

All the Ann Coulter detractors have read all of her best-seller books.
Irrelevant. You don't need to read her book to be aware of the things she says in public.

And of course, they understand humour, sarcasm and parody. As long as it is not Jon Stewart or that yahoo with the uneven ears.
Ahhh humour. A convenient cover for bigots. You are either serious or not when you say Muslims should be on no-fly lists. You are either serious or not, when you say that their leaders should be killed, and Muslims forced to convert to Christianity. You are either serious or not when you say that Jews need to be perfected, as if perfection is even possible. Coming from a supposed Christian, that is highly suspect rhetoric.

Nobody ever called President Bush a loser and a war criminal. And of course no one ever compared him to Hitler.
Ahh, adding new content are you? At least you can say now that your post contains few facts. I doubt anyone would contest this new content you've added, though how it pertains to Ann Coulter, I'm unsure.

I would call both of you a name or two you richly deserve, but then I would get banned and not be able laugh at your posts.
Why do you need to call someone names to laugh at them? I haven't called you any names here...and I am laughing. :D


New Member
Apr 28, 2010
Lac Saint-Jean
Yeah, the thing is, any controversy just makes her happy, like any entertainer, she just wants to be in the public eye.
I think you got it spot on with that one, she's just doing it to get a rise out of people, and, obviously, it's working!

edit: just noticed how far off this post seems to have become, I'm new here, so can't comment on the rest of what's going on however lol


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Oh how I love to hate Alan Rock! Former Liberal cabinet minister, complete moron, the man behind the Firearms Act........

LOONY 'TROON Tuesday, 06 July 2010 Readers may recall Ann Coulter's visit to the University of Ottawa a couple of months back. The Provost, François Houle, had threatened her with criminal prosecution before she'd even set foot on Canadian soil, whereupon a mob of Houligans forced the cancellation of her speech. The Canadian Press filed a freedom-of-information request and has discovered that M Houle's fatuous letter was sent at the behest of the University's President, Alan Rock, a former Minister of Justice under the Liberals:
"Ann Coulter is a mean-spirited, small-minded, foul-mouthed poltroon," Rock wrote to Houle in a March 18 email. "She is 'the loud mouth that bespeaks the vacant mind'."
On the subject of vacant minds, how embarrassing that the president of a leading (okay, "leading") university doesn't know the meaning of the word "poltroon". Webster's? "Spiritless coward." The OED? "Spiritless coward."
Say what you like about Ann Coulter but she's no coward and she doesn't want for spirit. "Poltroon" would seem to apply more to the shifty and dissembling Alan Rock. If he dislikes that characterization, I'd be happy to sponsor a debate between him and Miss Coulter in Ottawa, if not at his dingy campus then at the Chateau Laurier, and we'll see who emerges most poltroon-like.
Presumably, Rock thought its meaning approximate to that of its rhyme, "buffoon". As Bugs Bunny is wont to observe, "What a maroon!"

SteynOnline - LOONY 'TROON

I may be forced to ask for Mr. Steyn's hand in marriage.......damn he is wonderful!