Hi I am China ,I have bin hurt tremendously by my Chinese wife ; I am crying when I am writing this letter .I will go back home to Canada ...do you love me.
... if you don't know for sure, why not err on the side of caution on something like this?
Marriage breakdown can be one of the most traumatic events a person can go through - sometimes as difficult as a death in the family. You have a depth of compassion most people would be surprised at ger...I'm inviting you to dig a little deeper for it.
I'm not so sure you are asking us if we love you. Not a question we would commonly ask of strangers. If you are asking if we care about you as a fellow human being - of course we do. If you are asking that we care if you are hurting, again, the answer if yes.Hi I am China ,I have bin hurt tremendously by my Chinese wife ; I am crying when I am writing this letter .I will go back home to Canada ...do you love me.
China - love takes many forms - why ask strangers when only those who know you and accept you in real life can give an honest answer.
.....why ask strangers when only those who know you and accept you
[/URL]http://forums.canadiancontent.net/members/vanisle.htmlanIsleAlways Thinking
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3 hours ago
Quoting china Hi I am China ,I have bin hurt tremendously by my Chinese wife ; I am crying when I am writing this letter .I will go back home to Canada ...do you love me.I'm not so sure you are asking us if we love you. Not a question we would commonly ask of strangers. If you are asking if we care about you as a fellow human being - of course we do. If you are asking that we care if you are hurting, again, the answer if yes.
Did you move to Australia because you felt your marriage was breaking down? Maybe your wife hates living outside her country. Maybe she hoped the marriage would get better with the move. Maybe it's just over and time for both of you to move on.
If coming home to Canada is what you feel is best, then that is what you should do. Do you have family here to come back to? I hope you do.
It sounds like Curio is going to be happy to private message you with an email address to help you through this. It is especially good to have someone do that. It's always good to have a friend at a distance that you can share your troubles with.
Dark Beaver also gave you some very good advice. Don't let bitterness eat you up. Move on and create a new life for yourself. Allow happiness back into your life.
Good luck.
:lol:no china i do not love you
i dont know you
I can"t ever describe the origin. The origin is nameless; the origin is absolutely quiet, it is not spinning around making noise. Creation is something that is most holy, that is the most sacred thing in life, and if I have made a mess of my life, I'll change it. Change it today, not tomorrow. If I'm uncertain,I will find out why and be certain. If my thinking is not straight,I'll think straight, logically .Because until all that is prepared, all that is settled, I will not be able to enter into this world, into the world of creation .