CFB Trenton Commander Charged with Murder


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
How many of those people have the power to order their victims to walk alone into the woods under penalty of jail term if they ignore?

If you can't do proper screening to ensure that type of power isn't abused, be it because you are incompetant or its just not possible to be that sure...don't hand out that kind of power.

This person had more power over some of his victims than the Prime Minister, Supreme Court or any Police Officer.

And whether or not anyone was "In his Head", is irrelevant to whether or not anyone knew this was going on. He didn't do these crimes "In his head" he did it in the real world, where people can see what he is doing and its their damn job to know.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
How many of those people have the power to order their victims to walk alone into the woods under penalty of jail term if they ignore?

If you can't do proper screening to ensure that type of power isn't abused, be it because you are incompetant or its just not possible to be that sure...don't hand out that kind of power.

This person had more power over some of his victims than the Prime Minister, Supreme Court or any Police Officer.

And whether or not anyone was "In his Head", is irrelevant to whether or not anyone knew this was going on. He didn't do these crimes "In his head" he did it in the real world, where people can see what he is doing and its their damn job to know.

So ... when do you start giving classes?


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
First of all, most of the military never heard of Col Williams. The man has become a household word in the last couple weeks but before this story broke he was an anonymous nobody. That rank has privilege should not be a secret. It is not only the base commander who flies seemingly useless trips. All pilots in the Airforce are required to fly a minimum number of hours to keep their pilot rating alive. Did you think all of these qualification flights were vital errands of mercy?
Col. Williams has had an exemplary career up until this news broke. Nobody had any idea what was going on in his head and that is proven by the fact that he was just promoted a couple years ago.
Other than the people we already know about, we have no idea who he raped.
We've not seen the wife in the news but that doesn't mean she is somehow involved in her husband's crimes. Anything is possible but speculating without evidence is foolish at best.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
He ran the 437 and the Dubai base for some time, its not like he got out of RMC and went right to the top a few months ago.

Which goes right back to the point. If you can't screen someone to keep this kind of person out of this amount of power..don't give anyone this amount of power.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
He ran the 437 and the Dubai base for some time, its not like he got out of RMC and went right to the top a few months ago.

Which goes right back to the point. If you can't screen someone to keep this kind of person out of this amount of power..don't give anyone this amount of power.

How do you suggest he could have been "screened"? Thumbscrews, Waterboarding, or how about torturing his neighbors? The man had been a valued officer for over twenty years. Too bad he was looney.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
The guy is obviously intelligent and disciplined. I doubt any psychologist would have caught on to his double life. I don't blame Canada's military. Sure they should review their procedures to see if there was a way to catch someone like this, but I think the only way was how it happened. Williams was caught by superb investigative work and luck.
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Electoral Member
May 23, 2008
Somewhere, someplace
I've read in a news paper that the military in Trenton is getting backlash from this while thing, particularly soldiers. One was spat one and another roughed up. Is there any truth to this or is it just rumor?


May 24, 2006
I've read in a news paper that the military in Trenton is getting backlash from this while thing, particularly soldiers. One was spat one and another roughed up. Is there any truth to this or is it just rumor?
If that is true, its disgusting.


May 24, 2006
Listening to the news this evening, they announced that Williams went to school with Paul Bernado and they were good friends. Interersting...


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
He ran the 437 and the Dubai base for some time, its not like he got out of RMC and went right to the top a few months ago.

Which goes right back to the point. If you can't screen someone to keep this kind of person out of this amount of power..don't give anyone this amount of power.
With that logic the US should fire all Postal Workers-


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Listening to the news this evening, they announced that Williams went to school with Paul Bernado and they were good friends. Interersting...
While stationed at garrison Edmonton we had a few Soldiers were civilian charges were laid - They were suspended from work - Their pay was frozen outside of basics needed to get by -

The media went on a frenzy - Hanging the soldiers publicly - The soldiers were cleared -

Is this nutcase still being paid while in jail?

Did not see anything on that in the media reports.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
While stationed at garrison Edmonton we had a few Soldiers were civilian charges were laid - They were suspended from work - Their pay was frozen outside of basics needed to get by -

The media went on a frenzy - Hanging the soldiers publicly - The soldiers were cleared -

Is this nutcase still being paid while in jail?

I think he will get paid until he's found guilty. I guess that is only fair. There is a chance that he will be acquitted, however slim.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
While stationed at garrison Edmonton we had a few Soldiers were civilian charges were laid - They were suspended from work - Their pay was frozen outside of basics needed to get by -

The media went on a frenzy - Hanging the soldiers publicly - The soldiers were cleared -

Is this nutcase still being paid while in jail?

Did not see anything on that in the media reports.

It is interesting seeing the difference in military punishment from our to yours. For one, our guys would not have pay frozen unless they are convicted.

For a minor crime or infraction he/she can waive the right to a court martial and accept NJP (Non Judicial Punishment) which the max that can happen is a reduction in rank, half months pay for two months and one month restriction.

In a serious crime he has to go to NJP so the OIC can recommend Court Martial and restrict he/she pending court martial.

A Military person is subjected to civillian laws if a crime is committed off base and has to face a civillian judge. Depending on the severity the Judge can release him to the military and the military can try him for that crime. Lets say a couple of Marines get into a brawl out in town (typically it is with other Marines :lol:) the Judge will just release them to the MP's and the units will decide punishment.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I think he will get paid until he's found guilty. I guess that is only fair. There is a chance that he will be acquitted, however slim.


Are you aware that DND has many exemptions from the Charter and other laws and rights that are applicable to Canadians or refugees that reach Canadian soil.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005

Are you aware that DND has many exemptions from the Charter and other laws and rights that are applicable to Canadians or refugees that reach Canadian soil.

Probably not....:roll:;-)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The Left-Right Political Spectrum Stereotyping thing just doesn't fit into
every subject in every Thread on this Forum, or in Life for that matter.

Sometimes (much of the time) it's just a huge sidetrack to any discussion
outside of a discussion of the Left-Right Political Spectrum Stereotyping

This Thread isn't about the Left-Right Political Spectrum Stereotyping thing,
so lets take the Thread back onto the topic outlined in the opening
post & title.

The post sidetracking towards this Left-Right Political Spectrum Stereotyping
thing has been removed.