Actually, peer review only extends down to the CMB, the surface of last scattering. Before that there are no observations (as far as I know), and there is nothing forcing anyone to believe anything.
Thus people are free to speculate beyond that point, and the big bang lies beyond that point. There is no consensus on the big bang because there is no evidence, although whatever occurs before the CMB is often referred to with that label.
This is the chief difference between science and religion: in science, where there is no hard evidence, people are free to speculate. And people will only believe your pet theory when you have the hard evidence.
The CMB is hard evidence. At one point in time, the universe was filled with a hot dense plasma.
Hard evidence is a closed circuit maybe. Expansion, accretion, black holes, frozen magnetic fields, bending time and vacuum aren't all these a matter of great scientific consensus and at the same time speculations/fables supported in whole by math alone. There was a lot of math done that proved aircraft were science fiction. Mathmatical speculation can be very elegant I'm told. I'm of the opinion that there was never time, point or a singular mass of hot dense plasma. We the peeple need a lot of faith to swallow that at one point in time there was nothing but hot dense plasma. If that is true. Where did the external enter from where did the catalyst come for change of state and once in a state of change how was it possible to stop so that it could begin? Why does the universe need a concept like "in the begining" to be comprehensive?