Things are getting Tense along the BC Border.


Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
Canadians are very easy going, bob. In fact, too easygoing according to some American officials.

And it has been that way for a long time now, even before 9/11. One of my Indian friends was telling me of his experience in the 60s, when he went on a bus tour of Niagara Falls (he was living in USA).

At the Canadian border, the Canadian official came on the bus, said good morning and proceeded to check everybody’s papers. At the end, he wished everybody a nice visit to the Falls and left, the whole process took just a few minutes.

Returning, at the border American officials made a pronouncement, everyone must get off the bus. There was a big melee as everybody crossed into the small immigration booth. There they checked everybody’s passports. It took more than half an hour.

Without going into detail, the experiences I related were while travelling on official business with the requisite paperwork to go with it in hand. I may go through customs several times in one day, and each time going South they take one person aside to check them. Years ago that was only done, if ever, when coming back into Canada because a few folks took liberties at the duty free store stateside, I just find it odd that the polarity has shifted.


Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
My daughter was given a test once by a border guard. She thought it was a bit strange, she didn't know if the guard was testing her on her Canadianness, or just didn't know himself. She was asked what a one dollar coin was called, " a loonie" she replied. Then what a 2 dollar coin was called, "a toonie, of course". This was crossing the border from Russia into Finland, oh yeah, she also had to show her exit visa as well. but that was a mere formality.


Usually Confused
Sep 7, 2009
The Cariboo
Ron said: "White Canadian Mennonite Male Trucker", except for the 'trucker' part, I'm with with you.
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Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
Ron said: "White Canadian Mennonite Male Trucker", except for the 'trucker' part, I'm with with you.

Some Mennonites resemble the Amish, but not all. Though the devout ones eshew the modern world they still use their own airplanes to supply their missionaries. The Hutterites on the other hand, they always have the best and newest trucks and combines, what's up with that?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Ron said: "White Canadian Mennonite Male Trucker", except for the 'trucker' part, I'm with with you.

We've had many Mennonite Truckers on as Leased Operators with our
Company (the Amish are the Horse & Buggy Folks) from both
Southern Ontario and Southern Manitoba. They work their butts off,
except on Sundays. We work around that.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
An American friend and I were just having this discussion yesterday ironically enough.

When you travel in Europe, border security is necessarily loose. Tightening it up would be almost impossible, and would stifle trade and tourism. But, what we see as so free and easy going, evaporates when you hit tourist areas, and are milling about with armed military personnel packing machine guns. Canada and the US do the opposite... tighter security at the borders, and a lower military presence throughout the cities.

It's a trade off. Personally, since there's only one border, I'd rather 'waste' some of my time dealing with rudeness and inconvenience there, than dealing with armed military personnel elsewhere, who run the same human risks of being rude, etc.

I feel your opinions are flawed.
In the EU various police and security services pack whatever weapons they are assigned.
It has absolutely nothing to do with clearing customs.
Or the hassles therein for travellers.
Or visa's.
Or obtaining visa's.

If I happen to be in a particular airport or high density area and the police happen to be carrying machine pistols or wearing black coveralls that has nothing whatsoever to do with clearing customs or being a tourist.
Or how friendly the police are.

You should see the mean looking little security dudes in the Bangkok airport.
So what?

As most people her know I live in Canada and work internationally.
I have a EU passport as I am dual citizenship.
In the EU I can travel anywhere I want.
I blast through the borders in Europe.
It takes mere seconds to clear country to country customs over there.
I can work and travel and reside anywhere in the EU I want, any time I want.
No problems at all.

However if I travel through Blaine, Washington in my car the Americans are all over me.
Just like all my fellow Canadians.
So don't kid yourself.
The Euro's travel back and forth country to country quickly,easily and with no hassles, duties,fee's or interrogations.

Canadians going to the States, well thats a little different.



Metal King
Mar 15, 2006
Golden Horseshoe, Ontario
HAHA Gotta refute the attempt at making a point about how between the US and Canada, the border takes care of armed folks anywhere else- ever been to a mall in Buffalo?? Sure, they aren't armed forces, but the malls in downtown Buffalo are crawling with heavily armed security guards, and they don't even belong to any government division or anything, just dudes with guns being paid to keep the peace.

I'd much prefer seeing members of say the French armed forces keeping an eye on an airport than a nervous young and likely barely trained person protecting a sunglass hut or whatever


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Hmmm. When in the EU this spring a German border person on the train let me sleep for two hours before asking for my passport.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Hmmm. When in the EU this spring a German border person on the train let me sleep for two hours before asking for my passport.
That's downright nasty! LOL You would have liked to sleep for 3 right?


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
I laughed my a$$ off at both of these.

CTV British Columbia- Mountie fires through own windshield during chase - CTV News, Shows and Sports -- Canadian Television

CTV British Columbia- B.C. man who said 'please' at border pepper sprayed - CTV News, Shows and Sports -- Canadian Television

BLAINE, WA — A British Columbian man who wanted a U.S. border inspector to say please got a face full of pepper spray instead.

Desiderio Fortunato, of Coquitlam, B.C., says he thought the guard who told him to turn off his engine Monday at the Pacific Highway crossing was rude and asked him to say please.

The 54-year-old says he was stunned and blinded as he was sprayed, pulled out of the car and handcuffed.

He was detained about three hours.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman Mike Milne says it was a lawful order that travellers must obey but the use of force is under review.

Fortunato crosses the border two or three times a week to visit his second home in Blaine, Wash., and says inspectors are mostly courteous.

This is the type of crap we can expect from the Americans? That kind of jump to the use of force is immature and stupid at the very least. The guy's only answer was the pepper spray and hand cuffs......Just Bull sh it!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
This is the type of crap we can expect from the Americans? That kind of jump to the use of force is immature and stupid at the very least. The guy's only answer was the pepper spray and hand cuffs......Just Bull sh it!

Is this just one bad apple? Probably not. This is what fear and parnoia produces when comes out of a fascist system.

When a person who allegedly has identical rights as you do legally peppersprays you and detains you for three hours you've really got to start facing the fact there is no equality and the freedom crap piled up your rump as sunshine is about as real as Santa Claus.


New Member
Sep 2, 2009
Nanaimo BC
Canada's border guards are no angels. My wife and I commonly cross into the states and I'll favor the US guards over Canada's any time. We always find them a hell of a lot more courteous and responsive than our own. My wife and I were told to step out of our car for a search and interrogation because as the guard put it to her " She was overly friendly. " Since then I remind my wife to just stare and say **** all. As well, any time we have had to go in the building and claim anything or be questoned about purchases, 15 out of any 20 people in those line ups are of many visually ethnic backgrounds. Nothing wrong there huh ! When we were finally let go by the guard for the smiling incident I commented to a female guard who was standing near our car as we were leaving that we found that entire incident hard to believe. Her comment, " Oh we pick people randomly to keep ourselves sharp". Please don't paint the Canadian Border Patrol in pretty colors. They would look fitting in Gestapo jack boots as far as I am concerned.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
There just a bunch of people trying to do a job.

They have our best interests as a community in mind when trying to prevent criminals and undesirables from entering our respective countries.
And of course they are tax enforcers as well.

One day in Pearson International arrivals a cute beagle became my best buddy.
On close inspection a couple of US bills in my wallet were the problem.
According to customs a huge percentage of bills have been rolled up and a little blow tooted through them.
Who knew?

As to racial profiling.
It makes perfect sense to me.
Years ago I used to work in Southern Texas.
We used to park our Texas registered pickups on the Texas side of the line and walk across the bridge to Nuevo Laredo(Mexico).
Boys-town and beers and all that.
On the way back all Latino's were separated and sent down one channel.
The few remaining fair skinned folks were sent down another channel.
There was no conversation or choice involved.
A really big, dude with reflective sunglasses pointed at each of us in turn as we filed by and barked: US citizen, US citizen.
I said "No". "I'm Canadian".
But I was sorta walking quickly to keep up with those in front.
I heard a "What" from the big guy so I yelled out "No. Canadian".
All I heard then was a "Whatever" from the big guy.
And I was out the door.
Obviously American Border agents had other priorities at that border crossing than a wandering Canadian.
It's not right and it's not wrong.
It's just a job.



Jan 6, 2007
So don't kid yourself.
The Euro's travel back and forth country to country quickly,easily and with no hassles, duties,fee's or interrogations.

Canadians going to the States, well thats a little different.


You realize that's exactly what I said right?


Jan 6, 2007
and where is this happening? My Son was in Italy last year, no mention of armed military at all. This year, he was in Germany, Holand, Belgium, France, and London England...again, no mention of armed military.

Okay, let's use London as another example then, of where loose border security is compensated for by a decrease in freedom once in the country. Because I know few Canadians or Americans want to see a cctv system go in. Yet, it's become a 'necessary evil' in some countries where border security is not what ours is.