So god designed creation to evolve to something else. Did he design the amphibians (that preceded the dinosaurs) to be wiped out by a cataclysmic event in order that they be replaced by dinosaurs who were more suited to the changed environmental conditions.Then mammals evolved to suit the new environmental conditions after another cataclysmic event wiped out the dinosaurs. All this was part of god's plan to create humans in the long run. What a convoluted process. God must have been really bored that day to come up with a plan like that.
The Church has not accepted many of the cataclysmic postulates of modern science with respect to geological history.. the extinction of the Dinosaurs by meteor impact for instance. It simply does not second guess, or assume to know things that are out of its competencies. What it objects to,
cliffy, is scientists making similar assertions that are out of their competencies, of the rejection of any supernatural explanation for Creation.
There are problems with even non-Darwinian evolution. One being the homogeneity of the human species, and its distinctiveness in terms of the gifts of intellect, language, conscience, faith aspiration in relation to other species. Evolution gives no explanation as to how these abstract attributes could have developed, if the only necessity for continuing the species was to get your next meal, and get a mate.
Retrospective DNA analysis indicates the entire human race are the descendants of 2 prototype parents, one man, one woman, about 100 to 150 thousand years ago. How such a unique phenomenon of contemporaneous parents, solely suited to each other and to no other genetic relative, and uniquely able to spawn fertile offspring, 'evolved' is a mystery.
The gaps in evolutionary theory are manifold. No explanation is provided as to how genetic mutation actually occurs or what attributes are necessary to allow procreation within a given genus. So the answer to your question is that the Church has chosen not to postulate on things it does not have definitive answers for. It leaves that type of arrogance up to Modern Science.