My links were from prominent universities like Princeton, and medical associations like The American Pediatric Association, and scientists like embryologists. They'd laugh you right out of your socks if you tried telling them they are religious right.
No Anna, your links were:
American College of Pediatrics
Dr. Wilke, former head of Right to Life, the most prominent prolife organization in USA
Westchester Institute, a religious right organization.
There was one more religious right website you quoted, that escapes my memory at present.
But, I think that there should only be a dire reason why a woman should end the life inside her because I happen to value the lives of other people.
OK, then why do you take offense when I say that you are prolife? People with your position (e.g. those who support abortion only in the case of rape or incest) are considered prolife. The prochoice position is that abortion is an issue to be settled by the woman with her doctor.
Seems to me that you have prolife views, but don’t like prolife label.