Only one? You're letting me off lightly. I'll give you the two easiest ones: the age of the earth and the global deluge. The official line not very long ago was that the earth is about 6000 years old, and there was, within the tenure of humanity here, once a flood that covered the entire planet. Both claims we now know to be false. Any literal reading of the Bible will give you multiple empirical claims we know to be false.
As you say, there are several. Let me add two more. For a long time Church held on to the geocentric view of the universe. Earth was the center of everything, everything revolved around earth.
That is why church was pissed off so much when Galileo observed four of Jupiter’s moons circling Jupiter and concluded that everything does not revolve around earth. Church forced Galileo to recant, under the threat of persecution, perhaps burning at the stake (as they did indeed burn some scientists at the stake).
The other was electricity. Before scientists explained electricity, the official line was that electricity was the tool of the Devil. This one was particularly awkward for the Church. Many times electricity would fall on the church building, to the Church’s embarrassment, because to the tall steeple. Church had difficult time explaining why electricity, tool of the Devil, landed so often on God’s house, on church buildings.