In response to Cliffy's "What is truth" thread, I would like to make my stand here in this thread. No one furthered the subject past the notion that truth is relative because humans have different interpretations of it, as if human emotions dictate anything. Or pointing out the flock mentality that leads some to believe whatever is put before them - things like "truth is in the eye of the beholder, what my be true for you, may not be true for me...".
Its only by using PROVEN logic that utilizes non-contradiction, the logic we all use everyday in reality, that you can answer the question "What is truth?".
It's very obvious when you take the time to think it out how self-refuting relativism is. Here is my step by step logic and reasoning to demonstrate this. To those that insist that truth is relative, and purely in the eye of the beholder, then you must(if you can) demonstrate with no contradictions your **step by step** logic that can soundly defeat this argument:
Its only by using PROVEN logic that utilizes non-contradiction, the logic we all use everyday in reality, that you can answer the question "What is truth?".
It's very obvious when you take the time to think it out how self-refuting relativism is. Here is my step by step logic and reasoning to demonstrate this. To those that insist that truth is relative, and purely in the eye of the beholder, then you must(if you can) demonstrate with no contradictions your **step by step** logic that can soundly defeat this argument:
- All truth is relative.
- If all truth is relative, then the statement "All truth is relative" would be absolutely true. If it is absolutely true, then not all things are relative and the statement that "All truth is relative" is false.
- There are no absolute truths.
- The statement "There are no absolute truths" is an absolute statement which is supposed to be true. Therefore, it is an absolute truth and "There are no absolute truths" is false.
- If there are no absolute truths, then you cannot believe anything absolutely at all, including that there are no absolute truths. Therefore, nothing could be really true for you - including relativism.
- What is true for you is not true for me.
- If what is true for me is that relativism is false, then is it true that relativism is false?
- If you say no, then what is true for me is not true and relativism is false.
- If you say yes, then relativism is false.
- If you say that it is true only for me that relativism is false, then
- I am believing something other than relativism; namely, that relativism is false. If that is true, then how can relativism be true?
- am I believing a premise that is true or false or neither?
- If it is true for me that relativism is false, then relativism (within me) holds the position that relativism is false. This is self-contradictory.
- If it is false for me that relativism is false, then relativism isn't true because what is true for me is not said to be true for me.
- If you say it is neither true or false, then relativism isn't true since it states that all views are equally valid; and by not being at least true, relativism is shown to be wrong.
- If I believe that relativism is false, and if it is true only for me that it is false, then you must admit that it is absolutely true that I am believing that relativism false.
- If you admit that it is absolutely true that I am believing relativism is false, then relativism is defeated since you admit there is something absolutely true.
- If I am believing in something other than relativism that is true, then there is something other than relativism that is true - even if it is only for me.
- If there is something other than relativism that is true, then relativism is false.
- If what is true for me is that relativism is false, then is it true that relativism is false?