I felt it was time to post this old article about Trudeau - Written by the highly


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
I felt it was time to post this old article about Trudeau - Written by the highly respectd Eric Margolis shortly after his death. I moved to Canada a number of years ago, I have always been perplexed at the way this man has been lionised by some Canadians. I think we today are paying a big price for this man, who was arguably Canada's worst ever Prime Minister:
[ By the way - Kaylee will accuse me of being a Nazi because I did not support Trudeau]

Eric S. Margolis 8 October 2000
TORONTO - `Speak not ill of the dead,' the ancient sages cautioned. Sometimes, however, we must.

As now, when we watch the memory of Pierre Trudeau, who died last week, being cynically manipulated, grossly distorted, and cloyingly sentimentalized by his Liberal Party heirs to win votes in upcoming elections. Trudeau's sainted ghost is to be used like the corpse of the Spanish hero, El Cid, strapped onto a horse and sent into battle.

Most Canadians have been brainwashed into believing the charming, charismatic Trudeau was a great prime minister who built a strong, prosperous, humane Canada that was morally and socially superior to the United States. This fable was charmingly echoed by the increasingly leftish Toronto Globe & Mail, in one of many weepy hagiographic tributes to St. Pierre: `PM Jean Chretien...considers himself the main defender of Mr Trudeau's liberal vision of a just and compassionate Canada.'

Let me precisely quantify the costs of Trudeau's `just and compassionate Canada,' both for Canadians who wish to continue Trudeauismo, and for Americans who are being told by Democrats that socialized Canada offers a far more successful and humane culture than the USA:

*In 1968, when Trudeau went from rich, socialist professor who had never held a real job in his life to prime minister, Canada's national debt was a modest $11.3 billion; the federal deficit was zero. When Trudeau left office in 1984, the debt had mushroomed to $128 billion; the deficit to $25 billion annually. But this was just the beginning.

*Canada's Great Helmsman created a vast bureaucracy, and massive welfare programs to buy votes for his Liberal Party. He restricted trade and free markets, imposing confiscatory taxes.

Trudeau drove Canada so far left that today's opposition Canadian Alliance - a moderate centrist party by world standards - is routinely termed `rightwing' or `far right.' The state-owned Canadian Broadcasting Corp (which I call the Ministry of Truth), teachers unions, the monoculture leftiss academia, and left-leaning media keep brainwashing Canadians that high taxes and big government are good for Canada and the essence of national identity. Anyone who questions rule by bureaucracy, deficit spending, unlimited immigration, or social engineering is denounced as a far-right racist.

When Trudeau entered office, Ottawa spent 30% of Canada's total economic output(the same as the USA). When he left, government spending had skyrocketed to almost 53%. With half of Canadians working directly or indirectly for Ottawa, the nation became infected with bureaucratic and union work ethics - state-sponsored laziness.

Trudeau and his successor quickly learned a basic strategy of Europe's socialist governments: if the state can employ over half of voters, they will always vote for the party of government.

Government is supposed to serve taxpayers. But under Trudeau and his Liberal Party, it became Canadians who labored to serve an increasingly disdainful, autocratic government. Canadians were gulled into believing that when Ottawa taxed them ten dollars, and gave back two, they were getting `benefits' and `social services.'

Many adored Trudeau - but I'd also be adored if I had a hundred billion of borrowed taxpayers dollars to give away.

*In 1970, the US, Switzerland, and Canada were the world's three richest nations. Canada's robust dollar traded around US $1.06 - ie 6% more than the US dollar. Today, thanks to Trudeau's socialism, and Brian Mulroney's failure to uproot it, the dollar has sunk to a pathetic, humiliating $ .66 cents.

C$100 invested in Canada in 1970 would be worth only 66 cents today. Little wonder foreign investment, the lifeblood of Canada's growth, dried up. Most Canadians didn't understand their assets have depreciated, in real value, by 33%. By relentlessly devaluing the dollar, Ottawa literally stole people's savings.

*After Trudeau retired, his unstoppable socialist juggernaut picked up speed. Canada's federal debt - the amount Ottawa borrowed in the past that remains unpaid - has skyrocketed to C$ 576 billion - $54,000 per taxpayer.

Almost third of your current federal taxes go to paying interest on this debt - just like on a credit card with an unpaid balance. In 1999 alone, Canadians paid $41.5 billion debt interest, four times what Ottawa spent on defense.

Add $ 2.3 trillion of unfunded pension liabilities, and the figure rises to a staggering $244,000 owed per taxpayer. Canada's `just' and `compassionate' society is built on a mountain of debt, passed on to coming generations.

*In 1970, Canda had one of the lowest debts -and lowest taxes - among industrial nations. Today, Canada ranks as one of three leading debtor nations, with socialist-run Belgium and Italy. While Ottawa's annual deficit was ended by imposing crushing taxes, the monster debt overhang remains. The US is projected to pay off its entire national debt by 2012. At Ottawa's puny repayment rate, it will take Canada 288 more years!

*Behind the charade of peacekeeping, Trudeau destroyed Canada's once powerful armed forces, leaving the nation a helpless military eunuch, with virtually no international influence, and totally dependant on the much-reviled `aggressive' US for national defense.

*The crown jewel of Canadian socialism, state-run medicine, is a mess. `The cruel, heartless, capitalist' US spends 13.5% of national income on health; Canada spends 9.5%. Unemployment in Canada's `compassionate, gentler' society has run 3.5-5 points higher than in the US. Canada's smartest, most entreprenurial people are fleeing south. Canada has become an economic, intellectual and cultural backwater - bureaucratic Ottawa, writ large.

*Trudeau was ardently anti-American, even allowing Cuba's intelligence service to operate against the US from Montreal. He despised the free market, tried to transform Canada into another socialist Sweden, and fawned on marxist dictators like Mao, Nyere, and Castro.

Thirty years ago, Canada was rich, powerful and respected. Three decades of bullying Trudeau socialism undermined Canada's economy, the core of a nation's strength, and encouraged separatism in Quebec.

The immense historic economic damage inflicted by Trudeau and his successors on Canada may have fatally weakened this once robust nation to the point where joining the US becomes inevitable. This prospect, trillions in debt, and a 66 cent Canadian rupee are Trudeau's real legacy.

The great grandchildren of today's Canadians will still be paying for Pierre Trudeau's `just and compassionate society'.

Copyright Eric S. Margolis 2000`


Electoral Member
Mar 7, 2009
Is there a reason that you have posted the same article twice?


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Written in 2000. Does Mr Margolis still prefer the American healthcare system and their style of debt management?

He's right in that we are still paying the price of a just and compassionate society. I'll take it any day.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
captain morgan
Looks like you really stirred-up a hornets nest china.... Too bad Margolois didn't publish his views prior to Trudeau's death - it may have been interesting to hear the old coots response.

Just the facts
Quoting china Written by the highly respectd Eric Margolis

All the above posts placed by me in this thread are copies and opinions of someone else ; thought that was obvious.

Personally I never held a high opinion of this man(Trudeau) and if he was still alive and happened to cross my way ,I'd probably do what I've done to others (few times)break his big nose...........
No I wouldn't do that. I,d probably look into his eyes , smile and say go home you old man .



Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Trudeau retired after the second term but was asked to run for a third term and easily won a majority.

I liked Trudeau because unike the Conservative party he put Canada first even to the displeasure of the Americans. The Conservatives always had to ask the Americans their opinions on any legislation they were thinking of introducing.

Because of Trudeau Canada is a lot better off..
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Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
His behavior was not that of a head of a mature country.
Other counties looked at him with amazment , Nixon called him an as hole ,China ( me) called him a fruitcake.
he put Canada first even to the displeasure of the Americans.
He always put him self first .If he cared about Canada we would not be in such a financial mess .

Because of Trudeau Canada is a lot better off..


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Sorry china, but you still look a lot like Martin. Seeing how you seem to have a conservative political bent, I can see how you might find that insulting. Perhaps you could find a picture that didn't look so much like him.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Because of Trudeau Canada is a lot better off..

*In 1970, the US, Switzerland, and Canada were the world's three richest nations. Canada's robust dollar traded around US $1.06 - ie 6% more than the US dollar. Today, thanks to Trudeau's socialism, and Brian Mulroney's failure to uproot it, the dollar has sunk to a pathetic, humiliating $ .66


The immense historic economic damage inflicted by Trudeau and his successors on Canada may have fatally weakened this once robust nation to the point where joining the US becomes inevitable. This prospect, trillions in debt, and a 66 cent Canadian rupee are Trudeau's real legacy.
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

*In 1970, the US, Switzerland, and Canada were the world's three richest nations. Canada's robust dollar traded around US $1.06 - ie 6% more than the US dollar. Today, thanks to Trudeau's socialism, and Brian Mulroney's failure to uproot it, the dollar has sunk to a pathetic, humiliating $ .66 cents.

The immense historic economic damage inflicted by Trudeau and his successors on Canada may have fatally weakened this once robust nation to the point where joining the US becomes inevitable. This prospect, trillions in debt, and a 66 cent Canadian rupee are Trudeau's real legacy.

Where have you been for the past year? Oh ya, China. The dollar presently is around $.90 and rising. It was up to well over a dollar just a few months ago.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Where have you been for the past year? Oh ya, China. The dollar presently is around $.90 and rising. It was up to well over a dollar just a few months ago.
Can't you read Cliffy ;that was in 1970 ( it was a beautiful year)
*In 1970, the US, Switzerland, and Canada were the world's three richest nations. Canada's robust dollar traded around US $1.06 - ie 6% more than the US dollar.
Now Cliffy , my question is :...is Canada sill one of the three richest countries as mentioned above??/


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007

That was in 1970 do you know todays stats America is tanking and America is considered a capitalist society. I don’t know about Switzerland are they still one of the richest.

Someone has to pay for progress but Canada is still doing better than the rest of the world and we owe it to Trudeau.

Can you imagine if government health care were privatized like the Conservatives want to do
then Canada would be worse off

If Tredeau were Catholic he would be a saint.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Someone has to pay for progress but Canada is still doing better than the rest of the world and we owe it to Trudeau.

Mister,China is doing better than Canada ever will .
Who bailed out USA out of its dept .....China .Do you think Canada would be capable of the same gesture ??Wake up brother....

The US is projected to pay off its entire national debt by 2012. At Ottawa's puny repayment rate, it will take Canada 288 more years!

The great grandchildren of today's Canadians will still be paying for Pierre Trudeau's `just and compassionate society'.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Forty years ago, Canada was rich, powerful and respected. Three decades of bullying Trudeau socialism undermined Canada's economy, the core of a nation's strength, and encouraged separatism in Quebec.
What a fruitcake.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Mister,China is doing better than Canada ever will .
Who bailed out USA out of its dept .....China .Do you think Canada would be capable of the same gesture ??Wake up brother....

I assume you mean debt and not dept, whatever, the USA is so deeply in debt that it can never get out without a slate cleaning global war. Go back to sleep China being awake dosen't help you a bit.