I felt it was time to post this old article about Trudeau - Written by the highly


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
captain morgan

Just the facts
All the above posts placed by me in this thread are copies and opinions of someone else ; thought that was obvious.

Personally I never held a high opinion of this man(Trudeau) and if he was still alive and happened to cross my way ,I'd probably do what I've done to others (few times)break his big nose...........
No I wouldn't do that. I,d probably look into his eyes , smile and say go home you old man .

He'd pound you to pulp with his cane.:smile:

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
captain morgan

All the above posts placed by me in this thread are copies and opinions of someone else ; thought that was obvious.

Personally I never held a high opinion of this man(Trudeau) and if he was still alive and happened to cross my way ,I'd probably do what I've done to others (few times)break his big nose...........
No I wouldn't do that. I,d probably look into his eyes , smile and say go home you old man .

You're not the only one that maintains similar thoughts. Interestingly enough, Trudeau, in retrospect, stated that his biggest failures during his tenure included the repatriotism of the Charter/Constitution and amassing the debt.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
rudeau, in retrospect, stated that his biggest failures during his tenure included the repatriotism of the Charter/Constitution and amassing the debt.
He probably felt that he'll be questioned "up there" .


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
We can't forget the Conservatives came up with a "Nation within a nation"

Conservatives always putting their foot in their mouths that why they got a lot of soul

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Trudeau is the guy China seems to have fixated upon. Must be a sad life to carry around a thirty to forty year old grudge along with the rest of whatever else it is that ails him.

Trudeau's damage is causing many 'sad lives' to this day. That moron's self-centered and myopic, near-sighted actions are still being paid for 25 years (and counting) after his removal from office.

That's pretty significant.

BTW - Liberalman.... The need to employ the idea of 'nation within a nation' is the direct result of Trudeau's adject stupidity all those years ago...

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Trudeau's damage is causing many 'sad lives' to this day. That moron's self-centered and myopic, near-sighted actions are still being paid for 25 years (and counting) after his removal from office.

That's pretty significant.

BTW - Liberalman.... The need to employ the idea of 'nation within a nation' is the direct result of Trudeau's adject stupidity all those years ago...

What "sad lives" would they be? Anyone still hanging on to thirty year old anger has more serious problems than a decades' worth of Trudeau style government. If the truth be known, we're still paying for a Conservative transcontinental railway then two Liberal ones ... then a highway and a national airline designed to bankrupt them all. Trudeau was no more or less near-sighted than any other me-first government - of ANY stripe.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Liberalman.... The need to employ the idea of 'nation within a nation' is the direct result of Trudeau's adject stupidity all those years ago...

And Stephen Harper re-inforced it how stupid is that for the Conservative party.

Then Stephen Harper goes on a rant after the signing of the coalition deal and calls all Quebecers seperatists killing they're chances of getting votes in that province and they still want a majority?

When the Liberals go for an election they will get the majority because the Conservative party is bungling more and more.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
@ lone wolf

Do you have some weird idea that Trudeau's debt or the interest on that debt vanished the day he left the PMO in shame? Did you buy any of the fed gvt long-term bonds in the late '70's that yielded 19%?... I did as did millions of others in and outside of Canada.

Canada is still in debt from that fiasco and you, personally, are still paying for the wind-fall that everyone who bought those received 20 years ago. Add in the international financing Trudeau required to bolster his utopian society and that # morphs into much more. Trudeau never made a plan to repay those monies, he was too self-centered and egomaniacal to ever dream that it was necessary.

As far as the Conservative examples at fiscal mismanagement, you won't get any argument out of me, but relative to Trudeau, what did he actually build that justifies his massive and unethical expenditures?

The answer: the belief that Canadians are 'owed' everything, national entitlement, provincial welfare and national discord.

Still think that the 'investment' was worth enough such that you're still paying today?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
lol Bungling? I might mention "gun registry", Turdeau's addition of $185B to national debt, aPAULing Martin's enabling of a massive student debt, massacre of loads of seniors programs, funding terrorist organisations, registering his ships under foreign registries to avoid Canadian tax law, Adscam, Shawinigate, Glibs screwing around with EI funds from 2002 till 2005, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum.
Yup, sure looks like the Glibs are perfect.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
And Stephen Harper re-inforced it how stupid is that for the Conservative party.

This should read: ... And Stephen Harper re-inforced how stupid Trudeau was....

When the Liberals go for an election they will get the majority because the Conservative party is bungling more and more.

... Yawn... When will this be?.. I've heard sooo much about how they would and could, but they still haven't pulled the trigger yet.

When will these guys make good on their threats?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
@ lone wolf

Do you have some weird idea that Trudeau's debt or the interest on that debt vanished the day he left the PMO in shame? Did you buy any of the fed gvt long-term bonds in the late '70's that yielded 19%?... I did as did millions of others in and outside of Canada.

Canada is still in debt from that fiasco and you, personally, are still paying for the wind-fall that everyone who bought those received 20 years ago. Add in the international financing Trudeau required to bolster his utopian society and that # morphs into much more. Trudeau never made a plan to repay those monies, he was too self-centered and egomaniacal to ever dream that it was necessary.

As far as the Conservative examples at fiscal mismanagement, you won't get any argument out of me, but relative to Trudeau, what did he actually build that justifies his massive and unethical expenditures?

The answer: the belief that Canadians are 'owed' everything, national entitlement, provincial welfare and national discord.

Still think that the 'investment' was worth enough such that you're still paying today?

Do you have some misguided notion you can read between lines, interpret whichever errant and self-created facts you can glean, then manipulate your bastardized intel into thoughts you can attribute to me? If you can read, check out the part of the post where I speak of planes, trains and automobiles, then understand how asinine your statement is.