Bible bashers knocking on your door


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I remember ‘Marred with Children’ did a really excellent show on this idea, where Al Bundy starts a Church.

His aim in starting the church was to get tax free beer (they had just increased tax on beer), but his church becomes very popular, he goes national, becomes a televangelist.

That was the church of "No Maam".


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
You almost have to be rude to them as they don't seem to be able to take a hint..except the few times the pushers are attractive ladies:smile:[then I try to chat them up!] I could be converted with the right incentives:lol:


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Why aren't there door to door atheists?"

Atheists may be misguided, but they are not fools. They know perfectly well that no normal person would buy into their idealogy. So, why waste time?


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
"Why aren't there door to door atheists?"

Atheists may be misguided, but they are not fools. They know perfectly well that no normal person would buy into their idealogy. So, why waste time?

Perhaps atheists don't feel the need to ***** them selves out like the shameless door to door Christians?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
You almost have to be rude to them as they don't seem to be able to take a hint..except the few times the pushers are attractive ladies:smile:[then I try to chat them up!] I could be converted with the right incentives:lol:

You are right, some of them are attractive.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Re #23.

Only rude people are rude to others.

It is not any harder to say: "I am not interested" than anything rude. Having said that, it is up to you to close your door.

And only sexist people make sexist remarks.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I heard that if you put a red cross on your door(signifying you give blood)then the JW's wont come to it.
I usually just tell them sorry,not interested and they leave.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Just politely tell the J.W. to come back tomorrow, 'cuz the Dogs
haven't finished with the Mormon that stopped by yesterday.



Jan 6, 2007
I just say I'm not interested, plain and simple.

Oh, except for the last set of Jehova's witnesses who came to my door saying they'd like to discuss environmental stewardship with me, and handed me their pamphlet... they got an earful, but not because of the religion side of things.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Is this rife in your country? Or in the area you live in? In NZ almost every weekend whether invited or not we have Christian bible bashers knocking at our door ...

Their soul purpose is to convert us... Before any Christians get their knickers in a twist I do not have anything against Christians or any other religious folk. I have my own beliefs which is entirely spiritual but that's not the topic here (lol)

Now these bible bashers as we call them here in NZ merely harass us, we tell them over and over that we are not interested in their religion, books or beliefs and that we have our own and don't take kindly to having our weekends interrupted.

We even electrified the gate once, which was freaking funny as you can imagine!

All joking aside, do you find this rude?

Now for something funny and this is a true story!!! told to me by my son... His flatmate's (roomies) got a knock on the door by the bible bashers on a typical bible bashing Saturday visit to the misinformed... Knock knock on the door, the flatmate didn't have the heart to tell the BB's he wasn't interested so let them in with their wee briefcase of goodness knows what! Books n' stuff!

Well my son seeing whom they had let into his pad decided to gap it and so left quickly (lol) ... 1.5 hours later he comes home to see they were still there and he could hear water splashing from his hallway! (bathroom off hallway) He wondered what the heck was going on and to his amazement here are his two flatmate's, BOTH in the bath end for end in their underpants (of course) but nuthin else on and these two religious bible bashers chanting their stuff!
Well my son was p*ssing himself with laughter so hard he was rolling around on the floor holding his tummy as he couldn't stop laughing. Consequently the BB's were not impressed and left with their briefcases and the two flatmate's (roomies) were relieved my son came home to save them and my son only wished he got pix! he said it was the funniest thing on earth he had ever seen!

Anyways, what are your thoughts on having religion pushed on you or brought to your door whether you are religious or not? Gone are the days of vacuum cleaning salesmen in NZ why should we have bible bashers intruding... Especially when they have been told a dozen times "thank you but we're not interested" .. they still keep coming....

In Canada we use the term Bible basher too, or alternatively, Bible thumper.

From the sounds of it, were you dealing with Jehovah's Witnesses?


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Everyone whos religious thinks their god is the one,as an atheist I can only wonder why.

Wondering why some worship someone they never have seen......ok,right.:roll:

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
JW's affirm that Jesus was NOT God. That he was just a man.
Mormon's say that there are MANY Gods.
Nowhere in the bible does it say that. Since evangelicals point to what God's word actually says, the truth is only dangerous to one's false knowledge or misconceptions about God.
There are clear references in the Bible to other gods, and I don't recall the Bible saying directly that Jesus was god, though I may be wrong about that. I thought that was a later accretion and the source of the original schism. But you haven't really answered the question, what you've answered is, what's dangerous to those two sects? Why is your particular version of the faith any less dangerous than those two? Implicitly your answer appears to be that you know the truth but they don't. They'd make exactly the same claim, the JWs on the basis of the same text you have, the Mormons have an additional one of their own for which they also claim divine inspiration, and it's obvious nonsense. Neither of them can demonstrate they're right any more than you can.