Bible bashers knocking on your door


New Member
Jun 14, 2009
You probably have not come across Mormon missionaries. All the Mormon young men are required to serve as missionaries for two years, that is a requirement to be a Mormon in good standing.

And these young men do go door to door. They may also accost you on the street, in the mall etc. They go all over the world, so I am sure there are quite a few of them in Britain.

They used to do that here - but seem to have given up. They have a beautiful church in the town, and that is always well supported. They are very helpful with genealogy queries as well. I was a bit apprehensive about going to their Family History at first - but was pleasantly surprised. No one tried to convert me, no-one even mentioned religion at all.

In the days when they did come knocking on doors they, at least, took 'No' for answer and didn't push it, but JWs ... they are a breed apart, and very tenacious.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The best way I know of to get delisted for religious plague is to go to the door naked and invite them in to play. My son who was about 12 at the time answered the door and said no thanks we're Satanists. No one tried to sell us a corner lot in heaven for about 2 years after that.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
In the days when they did come knocking on doors they, at least, took 'No' for answer and didn't push it, but JWs ... they are a breed apart, and very tenacious.

I used to work with a couple of JWs. They were party animals. I remember one walking up to a guy selling fudge at the Medicine Hat Stampede and asking if the guy could "pack his fudge" if he paid extra. I just about peed my pants.


New Member
Aug 14, 2009
I think all kinds of people could knock at your door. Trying to sell an encyclopaedia or a vacuum cleaner.

That's life I guess.


New Member
Aug 14, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
There's always gonna somebody knocking on your door, but I always thought that was what Jahovas Witnesses job, I didnt know Bible bashers would have the nerve for that, but I have heard of it. I hope they never come to my door........


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I'm wondering what happened to Kiwi NZ. haven't heard from her in ages. I hope Jack didn't scare her off with his stupid remark.
Come to think of it I haven't seen Jack in ages either, but who cares!


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
That actually plays if you just give it a moment. Years ago the Ja HO bies (1) came to my door. It was early in the day but no one could see our back door and my husband was at work. When I opened the door there was a man standing there in a long trench coat (I was 19 yrs. old)and he said he was with the JW's. I said "Thank you but I'm not interested". He yelled at me about not being interested in God and he stuck his foot in the screen door so I couldn't close it. A moment's terror struck but the baby cried and with that he pulled his foot out and left. My husband was furious that I didn't call him immediately to come home. I guess I should have but I was just glad he was gone.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I had a similar, large pushy j.w. guy at my door, when we lived in parksville, and
he was a neighbour, who lived 1/2 block away, I immediately told him I wasn't
interested in anything he had to say, and he took a step toward me, into my
house, and tried to intimidate me, by standing 'in my space', and glaring down at
me, and insisting I pay attention, I told him to get out of my house, and
he did, what is it with these types of door to door j.w. guys, certainly won't
get anywhere scaring people.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
I had a similar, large pushy j.w. guy at my door, when we lived in parksville, and
he was a neighbour, who lived 1/2 block away, I immediately told him I wasn't
interested in anything he had to say, and he took a step toward me, into my
house, and tried to intimidate me, by standing 'in my space', and glaring down at
me, and insisting I pay attention, I told him to get out of my house, and
he did, what is it with these types of door to door j.w. guys, certainly won't
get anywhere scaring people.
It's lucky you knew who he was. I had no idea who the guy was and while I never saw him again, to this day I clearly remember what he looked like.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
I'm wondering what happened to Kiwi NZ. haven't heard from her in ages. I hope Jack didn't scare her off with his stupid remark.
Come to think of it I haven't seen Jack in ages either, but who cares!
I have been wondering that too Cliff (about Kiwi). Jack and his ignorant comments. I didn't notice he was missing! Huh! Imagine that. lol
I just checked. He hasn't been disqualified.:-(
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L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I was in the middle of unpacking in my new home in the boonies when there came a knock on my door. Ain't it funny how you can recognize 'em almost immediately? They both noticed I was a newcomer ... and congratulated my choice of location for its solitude.

Hmm, I thinks.... You found me....

The one commented on the peacefulness of nature and how there were no neighbours to bother me....

Hmm, I thinks.... You found me....

...only the occasional bear ... and you can shoot them.

I faked a startled look and uttered: "You would murder one of God's creatures?"

The rest of my time there was without YoHo interruption....
When we first moved here, I was cleaning my shotgun and one showed up at the door. I answered the door with shotgun in hand. "Oh, sorry, wrong house" was the reply to my, "Hello". :D
We don't mind sometimes chatting religion with people. We were lent a book to read about how science can coexist with the creation "theory". lmao I am no scientist, but I can at least tear the first chapter apart (it's all I read so far). It seems to be full of assumptions congruous with typical religious dogma.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
You probably have not come across Mormon missionaries. All the Mormon young men are required to serve as missionaries for two years, that is a requirement to be a Mormon in good standing.

And these young men do go door to door. They may also accost you on the street, in the mall etc. They go all over the world, so I am sure there are quite a few of them in Britain.
I've never met a Mormon, here or in Kloneville. Mormons must be rare in BC, I guess. I have met a few of the Blackmore cult, though. (They claim to be Mormon). Twisted bunch, but really pleasant.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Mormons are not like JW's. They do not go door to door week after week. They take no for an answer. They don't believe in caffeine, alcohol or smoking. They fast one day a week - usually Sunday to cleanse their bodies. They are good clean living people that I would invite into my home at any time. I have had them show up at my door as missionairies. I've talked to them about where they are from and given then a nice cold drink of juice of even just water if I don't have some cold pop without caffeine. They are very happy to just sit and talk about where they are from and have someone show them some friendliness. I simply tell them that I don't go to their church but that my son's best friend is a mormon (that is true) and they leave relgious talk out of the conversation. They will help you all they can, free of charge, with your genealogy. How bad can they be?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I worked for a Mormon for years. I even got to attend their priesthood meeting (men only, of course) but I was never invited back because I caused a bit of a ruckus - I asked a pertinent question.

A missionary was writing on the chalkboard the line of profits in the bible up to JC and then drew a straight line to Joseph Smith with no one in between. So I asked why they didn't include all the profits in between and they didn't understand me. So I said what happened to all the Hopi, Hindu, Buddhist and other profits that existed during that blank line. Well, that threw the whole meeting into a tither. I was rather pleased.