People who think man is god's crowning glory...
Right on, I echo mt_pockets1000's sentiments. The oldest, most common, most successful, and most ubiquitous life form on the planet is not humans. It's bacteria. They were here long before we showed up, they'll be here long after we're gone, and every other form of life depends on what they do. Even us, and not just because of the bacterial colonies in our guts that help digest our food and make certain nutrients for us. A good case can be made that every so called "higher" life form can be understood as a colony of symbiotic bacteria.
And what does that say about the postulated god's priorities? All this stuff about end times and the importance of humans in the cosmos and god's plans for us strike me as extraordinary hubris. We're not that special, we're just one more life form on this little planet, and considering the harm we're doing to it I think we can reasonably be described as a plague upon it. There are simply too many of us, and if we don't limit our exploitation of the biosphere ourselves, nature will do it for us, in much less pleasant ways than we'd have chosen.
And that to me is a great tragedy. We have the knowledge and the means to preserve ourselves and our planet, in our hands right now. What we don't have is the will, and it grieves me greatly that part of the reason for that is because too many of us are still sunk in the uncritical, magical thinking that our religions promote. They teach that belief without evidence is a virtue, that certain questions must not be asked or cannot be answered, and they claim to have absolute knowledge, with no possible test in reality.
That's just wrong.