Catholic End Time Prophecy

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
lol I got a kick out of what it said at the end of Dex's link:
It has been reasoned by biblical scholars that since one day with God equals one thousand years for Man, and that God labored at the creation of the universe for six days, Man should labor for six thousand years and then take a rest. Thus, using other scripturally derived numbers, the world should end sometime in 1996. It didn't.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I think human life will come to an end long before the Earth will expire. The virus of humanity is reaching critical mass.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"I think human life will come to an end long before the Earth will expire. The virus of humanity is reaching critical mass."

And that - basically - is the difference between the eternally pessimistic and anti-human, liberal crowd and us those who believe that the Human Race is the crown of Evolution/Creation.

Those self-hating individuals who think that humans are no better than viruses or worms would be quite happy to see the human race vanish. What they don't tell you is that when they wish for the destruction and the extinction of humans, they mean everybody, but their own miserable selves.

On the other hand, those of us who value ourselves higher than viruses and worms, know that with our God-given brains we will always overcome any obstacle. Let the virus and worm equivalenters vanish if they want or must. Don't blame me if I refuse to join them.


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
Wars in multiple places around the world, huge populations starving, declines in various animal species, human population continuing to's hard to find anything positive in that. Each of these examples arise as a result of mans inhumanity to man and animals alike. Such a crowning achievement, eh? I'm about to burst with pride.

Personally, I'd rather keep my head up and stay aware, rather than bury my head in the sand and think everything is coming up roses.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
People who think man is god's crowning glory have not taken a good hard look at porpoises. They truly enjoy life even though man is driving them to extinction with his greed and self importance. And if you want a lesson in humility, just look at your cat as he/she is walking away from you showing you its rosy red eye. You can almost hear the little bugger saying "you can kiss my butt."

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
People who think man is god's crowning glory...
Right on, I echo mt_pockets1000's sentiments. The oldest, most common, most successful, and most ubiquitous life form on the planet is not humans. It's bacteria. They were here long before we showed up, they'll be here long after we're gone, and every other form of life depends on what they do. Even us, and not just because of the bacterial colonies in our guts that help digest our food and make certain nutrients for us. A good case can be made that every so called "higher" life form can be understood as a colony of symbiotic bacteria.

And what does that say about the postulated god's priorities? All this stuff about end times and the importance of humans in the cosmos and god's plans for us strike me as extraordinary hubris. We're not that special, we're just one more life form on this little planet, and considering the harm we're doing to it I think we can reasonably be described as a plague upon it. There are simply too many of us, and if we don't limit our exploitation of the biosphere ourselves, nature will do it for us, in much less pleasant ways than we'd have chosen.

And that to me is a great tragedy. We have the knowledge and the means to preserve ourselves and our planet, in our hands right now. What we don't have is the will, and it grieves me greatly that part of the reason for that is because too many of us are still sunk in the uncritical, magical thinking that our religions promote. They teach that belief without evidence is a virtue, that certain questions must not be asked or cannot be answered, and they claim to have absolute knowledge, with no possible test in reality.

That's just wrong.


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
Wish I had the eloquence to express myself that way Dexter, but you nailed it. We are truly blessed to have someone such as you to bring clarity to our world. Only when we realize that the Earth is our lifegiver will we come to grips with our place in the universe.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Earth is our lifegiver, our life support system. We abuse it at our own peril because somebody once said that our god created us in its own image. This sent us off on this egotistical tangent thinking that we were so special, that we were above all those "lower" life forms. It gave us the "right" to exploit the planet at our convenience for our benefit with no consideration for all the other life forms that share this biosphere.

Lemmings have more sense than humans. At least when they reach a point of critical mass, they run off a cliff to return their slice Earth to balance. Humans, with their "god given right", will consume everything, even when it becomes detrimental to the survival of the species. That is shear stupidity and reflects very poorly on the intelligence of our (man made) gods.

mangy dog

New Member
Apr 23, 2009
Keep it simple

Lets keep it simple yes?

Malachy prophecies: We still have Pope Benedict XVI - "de gloria olivae". Still to come, "petrus romanus". We're not there yet...thanks be to God for that.

The proclamation of the final Marian Dogma. Not there yet.

The "Warning". Not there yet. Thanks be to God for this period of grace before the Garabandal events start.

I pray that all souls will come to accept Jesus Christ in their lives, repent of their sins and have true contrition of heart before these events come to pass.

Aquiesce anima mea in Deus salus mea.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Lets keep it simple yes?

Malachy prophecies: We still have Pope Benedict XVI - "de gloria olivae". Still to come, "petrus romanus". We're not there yet...thanks be to God for that.

The proclamation of the final Marian Dogma. Not there yet.

The "Warning". Not there yet. Thanks be to God for this period of grace before the Garabandal events start.

I pray that all souls will come to accept Jesus Christ in their lives, repent of their sins and have true contrition of heart before these events come to pass.

Aquiesce anima mea in Deus salus mea.

Talked to ant Muslims recently? They believe the Jesus Freaks are the ones in deep doggy doo doo. Dooms day has been coming for 2000 years but according the the bible it passed 1800 years ago. And you clowns are still waiting! About as silly as the Jews still waiting for a Messiah.

I'll keep it simple for ya. Trying to get spiritual nourishment from a two thousand year old book is like trying to suck milk from the breast of a woman who has been dead for that long.

mangy dog

New Member
Apr 23, 2009
Talked to ant Muslims recently? They believe the Jesus Freaks are the ones in deep doggy doo doo. Dooms day has been coming for 2000 years but according the the bible it passed 1800 years ago. And you clowns are still waiting! About as silly as the Jews still waiting for a Messiah.

I'll keep it simple for ya. Trying to get spiritual nourishment from a two thousand year old book is like trying to suck milk from the breast of a woman who has been dead for that long.

A sailboat without a keel or rudder will go in just about any direction.

I take no offense to any of your...comments, your analogy is mis-guided at best. It is true however that ever since Jesus ascended into heaven - we have been getting closer to His return.

Don't worry, you're included in my previous prayer.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Lets keep it simple yes?
You might try for accurate too. Interpretations of Malachy's prophecies made before the pope they supposedly refer to have generally been inaccurate. It's only after the fact that people find something significant in them, as prophecies they've been pretty much useless. Nostradamus' little verses suffer the same fate, nobody ever knows what they mean until they can be fitted to some past event. Any fool can predict the past. Retrofitting data like that is one of the most common tricks in prophecy, and paranormal analyses generally. It's foolish to take stuff like that seriously.

mangy dog

New Member
Apr 23, 2009

There's no good reason to think any religiously derived view of the future has anything to do with reality. Give me one, just one, example of a specifically stated, religiously derived prophecy that has ever come true. Not even god or Jesus could do it, according to biblical accounts. God told Adam that on the day he ate of the tree of knowledge he would die, but he didn't, god was wrong. Jesus said that there were people in the crowd he was addressing who would live to witness his return and the coming of the kingdom of god. That didn't happen either, unless you're prepared to argue that there's some 2000 year old character still waiting for it. It's all BS. The Bible, the Torah, the Quran, the Book of Mormon, are all mythology.

Dexter, Dexter,

Now I see why you ask for "examples".

God's mercy and grace is beyond our comprehension. It is the reason why He holds the acceleration of events - in hopes of more souls repenting from their sins and their ways.
You and other like-minded souls, are the reason prayers are said...everyday by all sorts of christians, all around the world.

Paper boats on a windy keel, no rudder. Just going in any direction the wind blows.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Yep Some mercy alright. Instead of designing everything so it works, your god has designed things to screw up, and then it gets mad at people for things screwing up. And to make matter worse, some idiot comes along and excuses this sociopathic behavior by saying, "god works in mysterious ways". And there are a few of us who are convinced there are no gods, just the universe and it doesn't have feelings so it CAN't care what happens in it.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
God's mercy and grace is beyond our comprehension.
If they're incomprehensible, how can you possibly know whether they're good or bad, or really know anything about them at all? You seem to be claiming you have some comprehension of them, at least implicitly, with the proselytizing messages you're trying to deliver. What's incomprehensible to me is the utter illogic with which believers justify themselves.

mangy dog

New Member
Apr 23, 2009
If they're incomprehensible, how can you possibly know whether they're good or bad, or really know anything about them at all? You seem to be claiming you have some comprehension of them, at least implicitly, with the proselytizing messages you're trying to deliver. What's incomprehensible to me is the utter illogic with which believers justify themselves.

Slow down slugger,

what is incomprehensible is the infinite depth of His mercy not that He is merciful. (!)

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Depth of mercy. hmmm

According to the Bible:
# of deaths attributed to Satan = under 10
# of death's attributed to "god" over 10 million. That's not including those of Sodom, Gomorrah, etc.
Add to that people maimed, tortured, babies taken from their mothers and fathers, etc. over the past couple thousand years. Yup, that's some pretty deep mercy.

Of course, if what makes more sense is true, then it is just stuff that happens in the universe. Rational people don't claim it loves anyone or has mercy.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
A sailboat without a keel or rudder will go in just about any direction.

I take no offense to any of your...comments, your analogy is mis-guided at best. It is true however that ever since Jesus ascended into heaven - we have been getting closer to His return.

Don't worry, you're included in my previous prayer.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.

Your sanctimonious attitude is offensive. Stop praying for me to your psychopathic god.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
what is incomprehensible is the infinite depth of His mercy not that He is merciful. (!)
How do you know he's merciful? I don't see much sign of it in the world, a lot of innocent people suffer terribly in this life. Walk through a children's cancer ward some time, or a rehab centre, or a geriatric centre... An omnipotent, infinitely merciful deity could have arranged things to work a lot better than they do. I think the best you can say about him is that he's indifferent.

Epicurus figured it out about 2300 years ago: Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?