Wasn't the US Supreme Court's decision after a long battle within the Florida's Supreme Court?
Indeed, it was, A4noOB. But what I said was correct, US Supreme Court didn’t ordered a single recount, it stopped the ones ordered by Florida Supreme Court and handed the election to Bush, their buddy.
I think this information can be verified by: Washington Post-ABC News Poll August 5, 2007 (washingtonpost.com) Bush's approval ratings weren't much different from Obama's.
We have already covered this ground. I was writing from memory, and I remembered one poll which showed Bush approval rating in the 40s. And there indeed was one poll which showed his approval rating at 47% (and there were a few others which showed his approval rating at 50% or less, just prior to 9/11).
Washington post clearly does not list all the polls; it only lists the polls commissioned by them. Check out posts # 140 to 143.
Please bring to my attention whenever these issues dear to right wing Republicans were ever raised by George Bush Senior. Bush Senior came from the North Eastern part of United States were "Republicanism" has a very liberal tone. Don't confuse George Bush Senior, with Bush Junior who indeed was a "born again" Christian and vocalized these issues so important to right wingers.
Bush senior started out as a moderate Republican. Indeed, when Reagan picked him as his VP, he could rightly be described as a moderate. However, he veered sharply to the right when he decided to run for presidency. He became strongly prolife. He kept the abortion pill, RU 486 from gaining federal approval, it was finally granted during Clinton era. He enacted several anti-abortion policies (revival of ‘Mexico policy’ being one of them).
Perot was pro choice. He said so several times during the campaign, in reply to a direct question. Abortion issue is very important to right wingers. Do you really think any right winger is going to abandon Bush, a strongly prolife candidate in favour of Perot, a pro choice candidate?
The kind of voter who switched from Bush to Perot was somebody who strongly disapproved of the way Bush handled the economy, and did not care strongly enough about abortion issue. That is a moderate, not a right winger.
During the Republican Primary, the two politicians who were challenging each other were Patrick Buchanan and Bush Senior. Although Bush Senior won the primary election, his image was destroyed.
I don’t know that his image was destroyed. Buchanan won the New Hampshire primary, but won little else. And yes, right wingers were unhappy with Bush. But then they usually are unhappy with the Republican candidate. Usually he is not conservative enough for them, he is a RINO (Republican In Name Only), he is a compromiser and so on. They always huff and puff initially.
However, when they see the Democratic candidate, they get so spooked, so scared that they hurriedly fall behind the Republican candidate. The same thing happened with McCain. Right wing base was unhappy with him. But when they saw Obama, they got scared, perhaps even panicked, and fell in line behind McCain. McCain did very well among the base; he lost support among the moderates.
It was the same with Bush. Sure, the base was unhappy with him in the primaries. But they were so scared of Clinton that they ended up supporting Bush massively.
Anyway, I just can’t believe that a right winger would vote for prochoice Perot rather than prolife Bush.
Liberal media outlets like the NYTimes are garbage at best.
That is your opinion; let us agree to disagree on this. Sure New York Times has made mistakes, which newspaper hasn’t? The difference is when New York Times makes mistakes; it is big news everywhere, precisely because it has such a sterling reputation. If Grimy Gulch Herald makes a mistake, nobody cares. But if new York Times makes mistakes, it is big news. In spite of the occasional error, I think New York Times is a very reputable, very respectable publication.