Is Obama already planning his re-election ?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Quoting YukonJack

"Bush came out with the axis of evil thing right after 9/11. Before that he was merely trying to fill his daddy's big shoes."

At least he knew who, what and where his father was, unlike this pretender-in-chief.

That's a little below the belt Y.J. but I guess we haven't changed much from Biblical days where it says "the sins of the father shall visit the third and fourth generations"

Not really, JLM, it is about par for right wing extremists like Yukon Jack. I assume Yukon agrees with the far right wing nuts that Obama is an illegal alien (and also perhaps a Muslim terrorist) and so is not eligible to be the President.

Yukon Jack and his ilk have petitioned to the Supreme Court to declare Obama an illegal alien and to imprison him, or at the very least to deport him. One extremist lawyer has demanded that Attorney General appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Obama (like they had the right wing hatchet job, Kenneth Star, investigating Clinton, spending more than 100 million $ of taxpayers money with nothing to show for it).

What Yukon and his type want is for the Supreme Court to give the election to McCain (like they gave to their buddy, Bush in 2000), to make McCain the President (with the real power behind the throne being Joan of Arc, of course).

So Yukon calling Obama pretender-in-chief is about what can be expected from a right wing extremist. He probably read the expression on worldnetdaily or some other far right website.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yep, I really think Y.J. has to be taken to task (don't know what's got into his head the past day or so)- any person who is a slave to a political party (except one he's generated himself) is not thinking clearly. So far I see nothing wrong with Obama, but then maybe I'm wearing rose coloured glasses. Bottom line is (are you listening Y.J.?) we only care what Obama does over the next 4-8 years, we DON'T CARE who is ancestors were or what his Daddy did or didn't do. He's already overcome overwhelming odds and we should just wish him well. Enough talk of politics for a couple of days you guys.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Yep, I really think Y.J. has to be taken to task (don't know what's got into his head the past day or so)- any person who is a slave to a political party (except one he's generated himself) is not thinking clearly. So far I see nothing wrong with Obama, but then maybe I'm wearing rose coloured glasses. Bottom line is (are you listening Y.J.?) we only care what Obama does over the next 4-8 years, we DON'T CARE who is ancestors were or what his Daddy did or didn't do. He's already overcome overwhelming odds and we should just wish him well. Enough talk of politics for a couple of days you guys.

JLM, I agree with you about Obama, I have said it several times, I am not a great fan of his, he is too conservative for my tastes.

However, he is largely an untested politician. He will be judged by how he performs in the next 2 to 4 years. He will be mainly judged by if and how the economy recovers.

However, I do know one thing. It is only the rabidly partisan Republican, somebody who is blinded by rage, blinded by hate who would hope that Obama fails (as Limbaugh famously did in his quote). The consequences of his failures are too drastic to contemplate.

So liberal or conservative, we should all hope that he succeeds (whether he does remains to be seen).


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
JLM, I agree with you about Obama, I have said it several times, I am not a great fan of his, he is too conservative for my tastes.

However, he is largely an untested politician. He will be judged by how he performs in the next 2 to 4 years. He will be mainly judged by if and how the economy recovers.

However, I do know one thing. It is only the rabidly partisan Republican, somebody who is blinded by rage, blinded by hate who would hope that Obama fails (as Limbaugh famously did in his quote). The consequences of his failures are too drastic to contemplate.

So liberal or conservative, we should all hope that he succeeds (whether he does remains to be seen).

He may well be "Conservative" enough to be sensible, which seems to be a trait of mildly conservative people, while the radically conservative seem to be very unsensible- funny how that works. I guess common sense is sort of a "middle of the road" trait.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Have a happy Good Friday and Easter, Y.J. and take a couple of days off from your weird ideas.....................LOL


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
'That's a little below the belt Y.J. but I guess we haven't changed much from Biblical days where it says "the sins of the father shall visit the third and fourth generations"'.

Why is it below the belt, JLM? It is a known fact that Obama's father abandoned his wife and child, so Obama never got to know his Dad.

Explains his jaundiced ouutlook on life, and his envy of all those who had the pleasure of a Dad in their lives.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"Why is it below the belt, JLM?"- Because it was said in a derogatory fashion- if in fact it has any effect on his ability as president it would more than likely enhance it. He may have the makings of a good president and it would be a bad idea if you were to wish him well. I get so sick and tired of you guys and all your right wing, left wing banter- all it proves is you are "wingy".


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Erm... SirJoseph? The "Axis of Evil" thing came after 9/11 in the January 2002 State of the Union address (you can Google it if you don't believe me). Prior to 9/11 most pundits (and political comedians/satirists) argued about whether or not George W. Bush actually knew there was a world outside the borders of the US."

Based on his extensive knowledge of European languages, expressed in his exquisite reference to the "AUSTRIAN" language, it is questionable that this pretender/apologist-in chief ever knew that there was a world outside of the borders the United States.

And based on his morals, it is plain that he never, EVER knew that there was a world outside of borders of Chicago.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
In the world of SirJosephPorter, the expression "That is your opinion" is a synonym to "I surrender".

Again, that is only your opinion, Yukon Jack.

And in a way you are right, it may also mean ‘I surrender’. After all, one cannot argue against an opinion, one can only argue against the facts. There is an ancient saying; I don’t offhand recall who said it.

“Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.” Incidentally, Asimov used this saying to title one of his novels, ‘The Gods Themselves.’ Another is, one fool can ask more questions than a thousand wise men can answer.

So yes, especially against a stupid, absurd opinion, it can mean ‘I surrender’. After all, why would one argue with a village idiot (I am not saying you are one, but merely as an example).

So you are right in some instances, it may mean ‘I surrender’. It is important to know when to surrender, when to let go.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Re #201.

Here you go again, SirJosephPorter, playing your two ace cards: NAME-CALLING and assumption.

Show me just ONE single post of mine where I doubted the authenticity of Obama's citizenship. Show me one, where I advocated or even sympathized with the notion that Obama should be deported or declared to be an illegal.

Show me just one single post of mine where I claimed that Obama was not the legitimate winner of the Presidency. Show me where I said that McCain was the rightful President. Show me where I advocated to approach the SCOTUS to overturn the 2008 elections.

Show me a tally of the 2000 presidential election totals that would prove that Gore would NOT have been President if he had had the character and history to win his own state and the state of the president under whom he served as Vice President.

I am not going to resort to name-calling - though I could. That is, as I said earlier, one of your ace cards, not having anything valid or legal under your sleeve.

So, keep pi$$ing agaist the wind. You seem to be unable to comprehend that ASSUMING and NAME-CALLING will only get you wet.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"So Yukon calling Obama pretender-in-chief is about what can be expected from a right wing extremist. He probably read the expression on worldnetdaily or some other far right website."

I claim no authorship of the expression "pretender-in-chief". I also DO not claim authorship for the phrase "apologist-in-chief".

However, I can say with all honesty that I saw those expessions nowhere else, before I took the liberty to use them.

Is there someone on these threads who will have the audacity to claim the authorship for the word "OBAMAPHILE"?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Show me just ONE single post of mine where I doubted the authenticity of Obama's citizenship.

Yukon Jack, I did not say that, or any of the other things you apparently attribute to me. I said that I assumed you think that way.

And it was a reasonable assumption. You belong to the far right, and American far right indeed believes all the things you have listed. So it was a perfectly reasonable assumption on my part that you also believed in those things (and your calling Obama pretender-in-chief merely reinforces that assumption).

But if you don’t agree with the extreme right in this one instance, well, good for you.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
SirJosephPorter, sorry to keep you awake at this late hour.

"After all, why would one argue with a village idiot (I am not saying you are one, but merely as an example)."

For once in my life, thanks for putting words in my mouth. My sentiments, exactly.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Re #213.

I thought that every kid past the age of 8 knew what the breakdown of the word "ASSUME" is.

Obviously, you need enlightenment:

When you assume, you make an ASS of U and ME.

You succeeded, beyond any doubt. Especially in the first part.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Re #213.

I thought that every kid past the age of 8 knew what the breakdown of the word "ASSUME" is.

Obviously, you need enlightenment:

When you assume, you make an ASS of U and ME.

You succeeded, beyond any doubt. Especially in the first part.

Yukon Jack, again that is only your opinion, Assumptions are not always wrong, many times they can be justified. Thus, science is based upon assumptions. A scientist makes several assumptions when he develops a hypothesis.

I assume Quantum Mechanics to be right (or I assume that elements in periodic table are arranged in the right order) even though I have not tested it by experiments. Based upon what the scientists say, their reputation and reliability, I make the reasonable assumption that they are right.

So ASSUME, ASS, U, ME etc. is a good sound bite, but nothing more.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
SirJosephPorter, you are beginning to get on the sensitive nerves of our pal, JLM. Just refer to his exasperated post #216.

Apparently you don't have the gift of giving credit where it is due .... and I was referring to you too....

SJP wouldn't notice. He's too good (and giving me that childhood sweetie: The silent treatment)

Get a room! Y'all wrecked your old site. Do you have to wreck this one too?
Last edited:


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
SirJosephPorter, this forum, this thread is NOT Quantum Mechanics. And NOBODY needs to assume anything about the Periodic Table of the Elements any more.

And even though you would argue otherwise, you are no scientist of any sort, whatsoever.

So, go and ASSUME!