Justice and equality are separate matters.
Really, EagleSmack? That is news to me. I thought equal justice for all was the hallmark of democracy. Justice and equality are integrally linked together.
I'm not Eaglesmack.
Equal justice is the hallmark of a liberal democracy. That doesn't mean all democracies are liberal. Hezbollah were elected democratically.
Democracy is simply a system for governance by elected representatives, elected by a jurisdictions eligible voters.
Republicanism is a direct response to criticisms of democracy, and mob rule. Again, you're adding things to democracy that aren't a given. Reading it on Wikipedia is one thing. In practice, there are a number of democracies that aren't ideal. The world is anything but ideal.That is where we differ. To your definition, I would add ‘with strong protections for minority rights built in into the constitution.’
The makeup of democracies around the world is as varied as earth's inhabitants.
No, not the common thread. You find it in the majority of democracies, but not in all. The common thread is voters selecting representatives to govern.Sure it is, but the common thread is the guarantee of minority rights.
How criminals are treated, has nothing to do with whether or not a government is elected by a citizens or not.
Do you include Kingdoms in that list? Again, Afghanistan is a democracy, and they are moving away from equality. How do you reconcile that?It has everything to do with it. You only have to see how criminals are treated in democracies and how they are treated in dictatorships to realize that.
Maybe, it's not democracy that is what brings equality, but something else? Like maybe enlightenment?
There is nothing intrinsic to democracy that says the weak must be protected. That's solely the domain of Constitutional law.
What about constitutions that allow inequality? How do you square that one?Again, that is where we differ. I don’t think a country can call itself a democracy without a constitution, without constitutional law. Democracy without constitutional law is mob rule. Constitutional law is an integral part of democracy.