Do you believe in EVIL?


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
What do you think of the notion of ''evil''?

Is evil relative? Is it a matter of personal opinion? Are some things evil no matter what?

Is ''evil'' a human construct that has no existence whatsoever outside the human mind?

I AM EVIL!!!! (But a good kind of Evil :twisted:)

I think existence for humans is based around Good and Evil, which we all have in each one of us. Sometimes we are more evil then good, and vice versa. We each have to balance it out for what we need in order to progress in our lives. We need good to battle other people's evils, and sometimes we need a bit of evil to counter other people's ill-good will.

To me pure evil consists of actions done to other things, be that living or none, that puts harm or suffering/destruction on them for one's own pleasure and entertainment.

However the term evil is also used for labeling many things people are offended by or against, even when they may not actually be evil, therefore the term can expand onto a broad range of things, valid or not.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
No prob. It's a good thread ;)

On the show, he refers to it as his dark passenger. He kind of needs to feed that part of himself. It's ritualistic, it's a release, he's driven to kill.

I think it is evil to terminate life, when there is no guarantee that the life being extinguished is guilty of the crime that life was charged with. However, I can certainly empathize with the victims of such heinous crimes, and that's my own little bit of evil I would say.

Can you think of any evil in yourself SLone?

There is evil in everyone I think, how else would you know it? Most times that little vaccine works and we are saved from the worst of our own dark corners. Less often there is no cure for one infected with evil.


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
I agree with Twila - noun, adjective and adverb.
There is no pure good, and there is no pure evil. When I really need something, I will try real hard to get it. And it would be good for me when I do. But it would be evil for those I took it away from. That's it. The same applies to anything. Good and evil are just points of view.

So if a psychopath decides to torture and eat a child while it's still alive the evilness of the action is just a question of point of view?


Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
So if a psychopath decides to torture and eat a child while it's still alive the evilness of the action is just a question of point of view?

Yes. You would consider it evil. I would consider it evil. The majority of sane people would consider it evil. But it is perfectly normal in the psycopath's world. It's just the matter of who decides which is which.


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yes. You would consider it evil. I would consider it evil. The majority of sane people would consider it evil. But it is perfectly normal in the psycopath's world. It's just the matter of who decides which is which.

So basically, what you are saying is that in essence, nothing is better than anything else... That it's all relative... From an objective point of view, torturing and eating a child is neither good nor bad... Is that what you are saying?

(I don't want to put words into your mouth... I'm playing devil's advocate...)

What about karma? Do you believe in karma? And if you do, doesn't the concept stand on the idea that some actions are simply better than others?


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yes. You would consider it evil. I would consider it evil. The majority of sane people would consider it evil. But it is perfectly normal in the psycopath's world. It's just the matter of who decides which is which.

Notice the emphasis I put on the word ''sane'' in your post.

By using that word, aren't you using some form of hierarchy of what is good and what isn't? ''Sane'' being ''good'' while ''insane'' being ''bad''?

The psychopath may think he is sane and that it is the psychiatrist who is insane. But it's rather clear that it is the psychopath that is insane and the psychiatrist that is sane. In other words, the insanity of the psychopath is not relative whatever the psychopath himself may think.

What do you think?


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
''Evil takes all sorts of forms''...

But what is it that you call 'evil' that takes many forms? Is it an impulse to hurt others?

Is the serial killer born evil? Or does he become evil because he was exposed to evil people? Or for any other reasons you can think of?

The serial killer becomes evil due to his socializing as a young child. "MOST" of them come from broken homes, have known several foster parents, were abused, may be semi retarded, or may be near genius.

The common factor is trauma (mental and physical) while a young child. I can't quote the saying but it goes something like; if you give me a child till he/she is six (i believe), then you may do with him what you will, he will never change.

However, lots of people went through this trauma, and didn't become serial anything.............. Just a guess, but I'd say they became pretty messed up and required psychological help at some point in time.

As far as evil being a entity unto itself...............nah. Ain't happening.

:read2:prof. Nuggler. BS MS PHD*

*Bullsh!t: More of Same: Piled higher and deeper.



Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
So basically, what you are saying is that in essence, nothing is better than anything else... That it's all relative... From an objective point of view, torturing and eating a child is neither good nor bad... Is that what you are saying?

(I don't want to put words into your mouth... I'm playing devil's advocate...)

What about karma? Do you believe in karma? And if you do, doesn't the concept stand on the idea that some actions are simply better than others?

Who sets an objective point of view? Is it you and I, or is it the psycopath? Sometimes I think that it is indeed the psycopath who sets the standards in this world, but then again, it's just my subjective point of view. The one who does set the standards probably believes them to be the best ones.

And karma is relative, as well, depending on the religion you are in. You are treated according to your beliefs. If you believe that having four wives is the good and righteous thing, then you are a good man. If you believe that having four wives is breaking the hearts of four women, than you are a bad man. Just an example that came to my head.


Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
Notice the emphasis I put on the word ''sane'' in your post.

By using that word, aren't you using some form of hierarchy of what is good and what isn't? ''Sane'' being ''good'' while ''insane'' being ''bad''?

The psychopath may think he is sane and that it is the psychiatrist who is insane. But it's rather clear that it is the psychopath that is insane and the psychiatrist that is sane. In other words, the insanity of the psychopath is not relative whatever the psychopath himself may think.

What do you think?

Personally, I think that the psycopath is insane. But if you ask another psycopath, you'll get a totally different answer. Right now we live in a world where these things are an outrage, thanks Gods. But what would you believe, if you were brought up to think that killing and eating children is the norm?


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
Who sets an objective point of view? Is it you and I, or is it the psycopath?

Good point. Human objectivity is at best some form of democratic subjectivity. It's what the majority of human beings agree as being 'true'. It's a consensus of common sense. So yes, it can be argued that there is no such thing as pure objectivity... In the end, objectivity is collective subjectivity...

But can we really say there is no real objectivity? The world exists out there whether or not we perceive it doesn't it? The piano falling on your head is not just an illusion, it will kill you. It's real.

not convinced?

How about mathematical theorems? Euclidian geometry? Aren't they filled with objective truths; things that are true and real whatever you think of them? Isn't gravity objectively real? Doesn't science deal with objective facts? Isn't gravity real?

It's objectively true that if your body doesn't absorb water you will die. I'm sure you can come up with many more examples of what is objectively true... or at least what seems to be... ;)

That being said, there is no science of good and evil... But we have stuff that comes close to it like religion, value systems, common law, justice etc. And it seems to me that the reason our society is trying to figure out laws and principles that are good and just for all is that in the end, we do believe that some things are fundamentally good and others fundamentally bad.

And karma is relative, as well, depending on the religion you are in. You are treated according to your beliefs. If you believe that having four wives is the good and righteous thing, then you are a good man. If you believe that having four wives is breaking the hearts of four women, than you are a bad man. Just an example that came to my head.

Yes, karma is relative if you consider karma as a belief... But what if there truly is Karma? If there is such a thing, what we believe that karma to be is subjective, but the karmic principles in themselves are not, they are objective, whatever they are...


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
Personally, I think that the psycopath is insane. But if you ask another psycopath, you'll get a totally different answer. Right now we live in a world where these things are an outrage, thanks Gods. But what would you believe, if you were brought up to think that killing and eating children is the norm?

Of course, I could think it's perfectly normal to eat and torture a fellow human being if that's how I was brought up... I'm happy I wasn't... I'm sure most Nazis thought it was perfectly normal to do all the horrible things that happened in the Holocaust...

When one is stuck in the darker side of the 'tribal' mind frame, the 'other' that is not within one's own tribe is viewed as being an outsider, an enemy. And no empathy will be felt for that 'enemy'... It's already been said in this thread that what is considered evil usually revolves around lack of empathy. When someone can't identify to someone else, he can do pretty much anything to that ''other'' and that seems to be the problem of serial killers... They can't really put themselves in the place of their victim, if they could, they surely wouldn't be doing what they are doing.