What would YOU want to hear at church?

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
Can you logically explain the holy trinity?

I'm sure you know the doctrine, so why don't you ask us what you don't understand and we'll do the research for ya. :)

There's one God, and he exists as a unity of three distinct persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I thought you didn't do church.

Well, I just showed you one example of a homeless fella taking the invitation to church. He looked pretty welcomed to me. Want more?

BTW, I have been in almost every denominations' churches. Some are warm and welcoming and some become suddenly really cold if you question them. The most welcome and friendly bunch were Baha'i. The coldest were Pentecostal.
Of course the Baha'i temple was the most friendly! Because it's not a legitimate Christian denomination, you're not going to hear the truth about sin and salvation whatsoever! It's a pretty friendly atmosphere when you don't have to face your sins eh?! Nice and comfy without a care in the world!
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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
You're babbling on about the gospel, of which you apparently have no understanding
I'd bet heavily that I have a much better understanding of it than you do. starting with the fact that it's not to be taken literally, you have to view it in its historical context with knowledge of how it's been changed. I've read several versions of it and a great deal of analysis and criticism of it.
He's not "convicting me of thought crime even while I sleep." Rather, "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1).
Really. Suppose you have a dream that includes lusting after another woman, does that not count as committing adultery in your heart? You can't win a theological dispute by quoting scripture, the Bible's sufficiently large, complex, and inconsistent, that you can find support in it for any position you'd care to take. I like 1 Thessalonians 5:21 myself: "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good."
I joyfully agree to be subservient to the one good master.
You have my pity.
He didn't "create me sick." I inherited a disease from my father Adam, as did you... .
No, I didn't, and neither did you, that's just mystical claptrap, but granting that it's true, the creator's responsible for the nature of what he creates, and if he has the characteristics your faith ascribes to him, he created us with the full knowledge of what was going to happen, there's no one to blame but him.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Of course I knew that, and of course it didn't. but I am neither omnipotent nor omniscient and in your terms am not even the creator of that child.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
Of course I knew that, and of course it didn't. but I am neither omnipotent nor omniscient and in your terms am not even the creator of that child.

The coming disobedience didn't detract you, nor did it for him. He wanted us, he knew we would be disobedient, but before he created anything he already had a plan in place to save us, to win us back. Exactly what a loving, omniscient and omnipotent God would do. :)
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In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
What about all those poor souls that happen to worship in
some other religion that happens to not be the one you
follow? Are they all doomed for following (in your opinion)
false idols or God's or whatever?

God is working in the lives of people all over the world to bring them to Christ. First, make sure Ron is right with God, and then the question "what about all those poor souls" is easily and correctly answered. Hello my Hindu friend, have you heard the good news?! Then tell them the truth, the gospel! From there the Holy Spirit does his work and "all those poor souls" have an opportunity just like you and me to receive eternal life!


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
I have done the analysis.

I know why neutrinos travel faster than light.

Pretend that space is curvature like a balloon. Pretend that the flat layer of the balloon is the surface of the stuff that we call space. Pretend that light must wave over that surface.

Pretend that neutrons can take a short-cut from point A to point B without going over the layer of space... cutting across the empty space in the balloon.

That would explain how it can take less than light speed for a neutron to get from one point to another, and it would explain how neutrinos can change from one particle type to another in the process, and it would explain how I can save the pain of Angels wanting to know how humans can be so nice, even while I keep telling them we are jerks.

They keep telling me all I need to do is kill Lucifer, when even Heavenly Father will not.

After doing that, to whom do I report?

I got a problem with secret information coming through that Holy Ghost is actually Holy Mother.


Pretend you have a situation of dummies wanting to be in charge instead of just putting them in charge of ruler-ship for dummies.
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I'm sure you know the doctrine, so why don't you ask us what you don't understand and we'll do the research for ya. :)

There's one God, and he exists as a unity of three distinct persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Well, I just showed you one example of a homeless fella taking the invitation to church. He looked pretty welcomed to me. Want more?

Of course the Baha'i temple was the most friendly! Because it's not a legitimate Christian denomination, you're not going to hear the truth about sin and salvation whatsoever! It's a pretty friendly atmosphere when you don't have to face your sins eh?! Nice and comfy without a care in the world!

Baha'i is an offshoot of Islam like Christianity is an offshoot of the Jewish religion. The difference between Baha'i and Christianity is that they are accepting of all people, faith or no faith, most churches will only tolerate you if you convert. If it becomes apparent that you have no intention to convert, you become just another black sheep. Some will shun you. They are only friendly if they think they can make you theirs. The Baha'i do not evangelize, try to convert or judge. They know the truth is universal and not contained in just one religion. That is what makes them so friendly. They place no conditions on friendship. Christians, for the most part, do.
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Jesus, if he existed at all, was a great teacher. Nothing more. He taught tolerance and love of all people. Christianity is a religion, created by men, about Jesus as a divine being. In the original texts, Jesus supposedly said he was a child of god and that we are all children of god. He never claimed to be the only son of god, that was added in long after he died by Constantine. The whole deification of Jesus is borrowed completely from much older religions. If Christians knew anything at all about Jesus and his teachings they would know that he was against religion all together. That is why he harassed the self righteous religious types of his day.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
What about the Creator?

I personally have no issue with the Creator; rather it's the idiot humans who think they have the "inside scoop" on who It/She/He/They is/are. No one has the inside scoop on it. They have faith, they believe, they have opinions, but that's all, and their faith/belief/opinions are no right or wrong just as mine aren't right or wrong. The only time a faith/belief is wrong is when it does harm; that is where it's not faith or belief, but brainwashing and indoctrination.

As to the Op, okay, my question (questions, rather) would be "Why does it matter to you so much what God, or version there in, I believe in? And why does it matter to you and/or people of your congregation who I sleep with?"


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
If you walked into a Christian church off the street, what question would you like to hear answered?

I wouldn't want any of my questions answered necessarily. I'd go to a Q&A session for that, not a church. I guess I'd just like them to recite or chant Bible passages and that's it. Maybe answering questions is the problem, since it involves answering based on a person's interpretation.

For the record, I don't profess the Christian Faith, but if Christians actually learnt the Bible things would be much better.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Jesus, if he existed at all, was a great teacher. Nothing more. He taught tolerance and love of all people. Christianity is a religion, created by men, about Jesus as a divine being. In the original texts, Jesus supposedly said he was a child of god and that we are all children of god. He never claimed to be the only son of god, that was added in long after he died by Constantine. The whole deification of Jesus is borrowed completely from much older religions. If Christians knew anything at all about Jesus and his teachings they would know that he was against religion all together. That is why he harassed the self righteous religious types of his day.

It's the message that's important, whether one believes him to be the son of God or a mere man, he had a beautiful and important message, imo.

I really can't understand how so many people who claim to follow him can so totally miss the message.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
It's the message that's important, whether one believes him to be the son of God or a mere man, he had a beautiful and important message, imo.

I really can't understand how so many people who claim to follow him can so totally miss the message.

And the message is?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It's the message that's important, whether one believes him to be the son of God or a mere man, he had a beautiful and important message, imo.

I really can't understand how so many people who claim to follow him can so totally miss the message.

Churches are merely buildings erected by man, so I'm not even fully convinced that that is where you would find God or any of his answers in the first place. They are just places to hear man's preachings, fire and brimstone!