What would YOU want to hear at church?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I can get you a great deal in a few up-for-sale churches in your "fastest growing religion in the world"
A friend bought one that is only five years old in Newfy Land for just 70 grand two years ago. Very nice piece of real estate it is too.


Electoral Member
Sep 23, 2008
Which one f the 3500 different Christian sects is the fastest growing religion? I heard the Muslim religion had that honour. And the story has changed a hundred times since Constantine first assembled that collection of contradictory stories.

There is one Christ -- He is not divided. And He prophesied that weeds would grow right alongside the wheat, because his Gospel is so hated that the enemy had to sneak in to plant the tares. So, everything is happening just as he said it would.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Your question contains an assumption -- you assume these people you're talking about are holy and righteous people who deserve to go to heaven? Aren't they all murderers, adulterers, and idolaters like the rest of us? God would be perfectly just to destroy all of us, right now. Don't you understand how true justice works?[/QUOTE]

Do you? What is "true justice" in your opinion?

Me? I'm not religious, but somewhat spiritual. I don't need a
church to feel close to.....whatever....and feel closest out in
(& surrounded by) nature, be it a forest or a wheat field. Out
away from crowds with my dogs. My beliefs are not structured
and codified in someone else's book. I do not intentionally bring
harm unto others when possible. I don't push my belief system
upon others, and I'm not recruiting. Am I going to your Christian
Hell for these above crimes in your version of "true justice?"


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
It's merely reasonable. But you'd need to understand the basics of the Holy God to realize that. People in our culture have no problem devoting their praise and worship to depraved cultural icons. What about the Creator?

Yes, you're human with a disease called human nature... hence, the need for the Gospel.

Not exactly. There is the matter, mater mother call it clay, in which the soul is obliged to take residence for its trial in the lower world in the body of the beast. The animal man and the spiritual man war until christ finally tames the beast and returns to the heavenly fire. The beast is not a disease it is a teacher and a companion and a temple. Its only purpose is temper souls for the next level of awareness.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
There's one Christian religion, well-documented in the most-preserved, best-selling, most-read, and most-hated book in all history.
Which one is that? The Catholics, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Baptists.... etc., etc.?

The only thing that is well documented about the bible is how it has changed from its origins to its present day format with all it additions, omissions and mistranslations. It has not been well preserved at all.


Electoral Member
Sep 23, 2008
Do you? What is "true justice" in your opinion?

Me? I'm not religious, but somewhat spiritual. I don't need a
church to feel close to.....whatever....and feel closest out in
(& surrounded by) nature, be it a forest or a wheat field. Out
away from crowds with my dogs. My beliefs are not structured
and codified in someone else's book. I do not intentionally bring
harm unto others when possible. I don't push my belief system
upon others, and I'm not recruiting. Am I going to your Christian
Hell for these above crimes in your version of "true justice?"

See, there's a difference between you and me. Your goal is to justify yourself. You should know that you don't need to justify yourself to me. Next, and more importantly, I recommend you ask yourself whether that defense (above) will stand against the one true and righteous judge on the day that is coming as surely as tomorrow.

I will not put confidence in a self-defense about being a peaceful person who loves nature.

I will instead, and with great joy, grab hold of the righteousness of Another, who is handing it to me for free.

To answer your question, I believe that the justice of the Holy God requires that one who has told a lie must be punished; one who has coveted what did not belong to him must be punished. For these crimes, and more, I cannot justify myself, but instead look to His mercy -- and He has an elaborate plan there!

If one has Faith, one has no need for Church

Everybody's got faith in something... and everybody's having fellowship with somebody.
Last edited:


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
There's one Christian religion, well-documented in the most-preserved, best-selling, most-read, and most-hated book in all history.

Nope wrong again, all religion essentially deals with the same cosmic powers, the christ type figures in most of the distinct religions of this day and days past. You see they all deal with incarnation reincarnation the word the lord the virgin birth the reurrection you name it every bit of it came thousands of years before jesus. While you are reading the bible next time be sure to thank its Egyptian authors.


Jan 6, 2007
If you walked into a Christian church off the street, what question would you like to hear answered?

"Why is that people ask questions only to ignore the answers you give, and give you the answer they've pre-decided?"

it's an intellectual trap. "I'd like your opinion." "Well, my opinion is..." "Nope, wait, I'll tell you what the right opinion is!"

Some of the most interesting growth comes from considering questions without easy answers.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
"Why is that people ask questions only to ignore the answers you give, and give you the answer they've pre-decided?"

it's an intellectual trap. "I'd like your opinion." "Well, my opinion is..." "Nope, wait, I'll tell you what the right opinion is!"

Some of the most interesting growth comes from considering questions without easy answers.
How does anyone grow in their head-in-a-vice syndrome?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Not exactly. There is the matter, mater mother call it clay, in which the soul is obliged to take residence for its trial in the lower world in the body of the beast. The animal man and the spiritual man war until christ finally tames the beast and returns to the heavenly fire. The beast is not a disease it is a teacher and a companion and a temple. Its only purpose is temper souls for the next level of awareness.

I got a thumbs down. It's true, there are none so blind,,,,sighhhh, like I was saying a bit ago, the dark ages are very much still upon us.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I will instead, and with great joy, grab hold of the righteousness of Another, who is handing it to me for free.
Haven't you learned yet that you should be suspicious of claims that sound too good to be true? Not quite free either, is it. You have to agree to be subservient to an absolute authority that can convict you of thought crime even while you sleep, that condemns you for being merely human, that by any logic I understand knowingly created you sick and demands you be well, and if you refuse this kind offer of an unyielding certainty and total subservience, it's the fires of Hell for you. That's not a gift, that's a cup of poison. You can choose such slavery if it suits you, but for me, no thanks, I'll take my chances on my own.


Electoral Member
Sep 23, 2008
Nope wrong again, all religion essentially deals with the same cosmic powers, the christ type figures in most of the distinct religions of this day and days past. You see they all deal with incarnation reincarnation the word the lord the virgin birth the reurrection you name it every bit of it came thousands of years before jesus. While you are reading the bible next time be sure to thank its Egyptian authors.

Every good idea had copy-cats.

Christianity has some distinguishing marks:

  1. There are many religions and movements (including secular philosophies) that offer transformation of a person via self-improvement of the intrinsic heart or nature of that person. Only the Christian religion offers a transformation of a person via death and loss of that human nature, which is instead supplanted by spirit and life from One outside of himself, or by a new birth.
    Humanists commit themselves to the “good” they can do for people; Muslims, Jews, and Christian cults commit themselves to the “good” that they can do for God; but true Christians commit themselves to the good that the good God can do for them.
  2. Of all leaders and prophets, it is only the Christ who claimed to be the eternal Son of God, the “I AM,” with authority to forgive sins, to pronounce judgment, and to give life and take it away.
  3. Of all leaders and prophets, it is only the Christ who died for His disciples, and rose from the grave again. He doesn’t merely “speak from the grave,” or from books, but He “always lives to make intercession for (those who draw near to God)” (see Hebrews 7).

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
See, there's a difference between you and me. Your goal is to justify yourself. You need to know that you don't need to justify yourself to me. Next, and more importantly, you need to ask yourself whether that defense (above) will stand against the one true and righteous judge on the day that is coming as surely as tomorrow.

I will not put confidence in a self-defense about being a peaceful person who loves nature.

I will instead, and with great joy, grab hold of the righteousness of Another, who is handing it to me for free.

To answer your question, I believe that the justice of the Holy God requires that one who has told a lie must be punished; one who has coveted what did not belong to him must be punished. For these crimes, and more, I cannot justify myself, but instead look to His mercy -- and He has an elaborate plan there!

Everybody's got faith in something... and everybody's having fellowship with somebody.

That's funny. Okily-Dokily then neighbourino...I was curious about your....
whatever it is you're selling or recruiting for....& that's about it.

I'm pretty comfortable in my own skin, and will deal with whatever (if anything)
I need to deal with when the time comes. If that be a walk in a field with God
some day as we talk while listening to the birds sing and the gophers whistle,
then fine. If it's some wrathfull pissed-off dude with a chip on his shoulder,
there's enough of them here without dreading that throughout this lifetime, so
I'll pass on that. I don't need a defence. Thanks anyway though.

Welcome to the Forum. You can look forward to flagilation in your version
of the afterlife if that's what turns your crank. To each their own. I'll pass.


Electoral Member
Sep 23, 2008
"Why is that people ask questions only to ignore the answers you give, and give you the answer they've pre-decided?"

it's an intellectual trap. "I'd like your opinion." "Well, my opinion is..." "Nope, wait, I'll tell you what the right opinion is!"

Some of the most interesting growth comes from considering questions without easy answers.

I didn't ask, "what would you want to hear me say in this forum"... I said," what would you want to hear at church?" The reason I asked, is so that I could go straight to my pastor and ask him to answer these questions in a sermon at church!


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Anyway at a church I would like to hear the wind in the trees, and I bloody well could because in fact a church is not a goddman building, it is the lords house and the lord lives in you, in the temple, christ does not and cannot live in a bloody brick building.