ABEXIT - is it time for Alberta to think about leaving Canada?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
My Android "spell check" turned "file" into "good". This morning it turned "Dubya" into "Rudy's" and I have no clue why it would do that.
it is probably because you pressed enter at the time it was suggesting Rudy

you can turn those suggested corrections off in your settings


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
it is probably because you pressed enter at the time it was suggesting Rudy

you can turn those suggested corrections off in your settings

What you don't know can't hurt you. I don't understand any of it and never have problems with that shit! :)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If you aren't pecking the keyboard with fat fingers like a starving chicken that found an ant hill, spellchecker works just fine.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I noticed that and wondered if I was "seeing things". I began to wonder if you were up to something.


a word much miss-interpreted by Cdns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What it rely means is "asshat and bullsh+tters EXIT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is an indication of the level of RAGE AND FRUSTRATION that LIE-berals,......................................

and their civil service union HOG ENABLERS are generating in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals have been handling Indian Affairs Ministry for 2 years and now native suicides are spiking! Congratulations Idiot Boy Justin!

PRESIDENT OBAMA ADMITTED HE IGNORED Russian election “meddling” in elections for OVER 5 months- how come HE is not in trouble?

LIE-berals WHINE that it was “UNFAIR” of FBI agents to make it known a week before the election - that they were investigating Hitlary Clinton e-mails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet as we now know - Hitlary had developed a very bad habit of using NON secure e-mail platforms apparently if she is in a hurry she FORGETS SECURITY ISSUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news -the FBI operates under GOVT CONTROL and investigating a presidential candidate would seem to REQUIRE that govt be notified - so how come LIE-berals are BLAMING anonymous FBI agents - for exposing Hitlary - and IGNORING THEIR BOSS- Obama???????????????

What`s worse- that Trump junior met with a Russian lawyer offering dirt on Clinton? Or that dirt on Clinton might have been available?

Sun media compares Cdn Safety Minister Ralph Goodale to Saddam Hussein Iraqi information minister “Comical Ali” for his B.S. press conferences- the shoe fits!

WE can pay for health care OR we can pay for civil service Hog pensions- but NOT BOTH! Which is more important to the Cdn public????????????????????????

Toronto mayor Sorry John Tory says he must have more money to fix Toronto. Either he must raise taxes- and face voter wrath- or admit he is a bad/wasteful mayor who considers that loading up the civil service union gravy train is more important than things like repairing affordable housing or expanding our badly needed public transit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jackass John Tory is WHINING that Ford govt has taken over the TTC transit expansion - as if FORTY YEARS WORTH OF TALK, occasionally spiced with some interesting conceptual ideas from the HOGS at Metrolinx were of some value to the general public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toronto mayor Jackass John Tory says he needs more money and that the province must supply it- province says feds must supply it-but who will supply the feds?

Jackass John Tory has bitterly condemned the Ford govt cuts- while remaining SILENT about how Wynne-bag LIE-berals gave Toronto TEN TIMES MORE CASH - per citizen - than they gave to any other Ontari-owe municipality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jackass John does not wish to admit that it was all that Wynne-bag insane spending and relentless build up of debt - with shameless vote buying - that brought Ford to power in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet Jackass John and his Silly Hall cohort insist that making Toronto live like ordinary Ontari-owe citizens is GROSSLY UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOTS of new jobs being created in Canada this month! Too bad they are part time with shit wages that are below inflation rates!

And how is it LIE-berals consider it to be good news that 28,000 Cdns lost full time jobs that they could actually live on in July 2018 and those good jobs were replaced by 82,000 part time jobs- meaning crap work that people CANNOT live on- and LIE-berals think this is good?

I suggest that LIE-berals want us working crappy part time jobs because it makes us easier to BRIBE- if we are financially desperate.

A LIE-beral called me a racist today because I offer blanket condemnation of Liberals and their destructive values. Soon it may be a HATE crime to criticize a Liberal?

Will Our idiot Boy Justin be brazen enough to run in the 2019 election after ALL Liberal policy has been exposed as FAILURE?

Yankee news media is offended and envious that Trump would serve up insults to them that are more clever than those they throw at him.

Our Muddled Imbecile Justin said he approves of the Trump order to bomb Syria-Our idiot Boy is probably AFRAID to disagree -rather than speak his mind again and lose even more votes!

Assad drenches the children of people he hates in nerve gas-and Justin says we should engage Assad in dialogue-what will he possibly say to Assad?

Justin says he would talk to ISIS butchers-do you think they would let Our idiot Boy finish talking before they behead him?

LIE-berals say Cdn employment is up slightly due to people becoming self employed- but I say it’s a sign of desperation when people try to BUY jobs for themselves using their life savings- considering that 95 percent of new businesses die in their first year of operation and 95 percent more die within 5 years!

Liberal party values are increasingly at odds with what ordinary Cdns think.

Liberals do not believe that a civil service union with a stranglehold on a govt service has less business credit than a private company selling a product people want to buy.

LIE-berals refuse to believe that Cdns are uneasy with so called LIE-beral security that is filled with loopholes.

Many Cdns do not believe that LIE-beral mandated changes to our immigration law are in our best interests.

Many Cdns believe that our legal system should finally pick one of the following policies: Rehabilitation. Punishment. Or simple quarantine so dangerous thugs never get loose again.

Many Cdns think it is a disgrace that 7 accused murderers were released in late June because a trial could not be arranged in reasonable time.

Many Cdns have come to recognize that it is ONLY LIE-beral govt greed driving inflation and not private sector influence.

Many Cdns regard our growing debt with fear- as LIE-berals scoff and dig us even deeper.

Many Cdns believe LIE-beral greed will turn us into a bankrupt mess just like Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain.

Many Cdns recognize that the LIE-beral designed wind and solar policy is a total and costly failure.

Many Cdns recognize that selling green energy at a huge loss to Yankees- while LIE-beral friends get rich, is bad for us.

Many Cdns recognize that it is the LIE-beral order to buy all green energy regardless of our needs that is driving hydro rates up.

When the new govt arrives in Queens Park- job one will be to either cancel or massively alter green energy contracts.

Many Cdns recognize that those who benefit most from crappy green energy contracts are often LIE-beral Pals!

Obama knew for five months that Russians were screwing with Yankee election and did nothing- yet somehow it is Trumps fault?

Grossly bigoted LIE-beral multicultural policy is creating fertile ground for future race riots in Canada.

Most Cdns think Sharia Law offers reduced civil rights compared to current Cdn law- therefore bringing in Muslims is damaging to Cdn democracy.

LIE-beral anti Islamophobia policy is so biased it is actually CREATING hate instead of ending it!

LIE-beral environmental policy dictates that those with the largest carbon footprint should continue spewing it for the good of the economy while those with the smallest carbon footprint should shrink it further for the sake of the environment- regardless of how difficult life becomes for the little people!