Pedophile teacher busted


Jan 6, 2007
I didn't say it erased what he had done. It should have an impact on how each is treated after the fact and more attention needs to paid before the fact. It's about people's attitudes. Locking people up after they have committed an offense is akin to closing the barn door after the horse escapes. In this case, it may make people feel better but it does nothing to help the kids that were molested. Demonizing people with mental issues is not conducive to getting people to come forward when the start having problems.

I never demonized him. I said a pedophile was caught. Plain and simple. Child molestor, pedophile, kiddy diddler... makes no diff.


Jan 6, 2007
I have no control over the imagined weight you decide to place on words. If you feel it's demonizing someone to state what they did, so be it.


Jan 6, 2007
You have complete control over what you say.

Yep. A pedophile was caught. Thank goodness someone figured out what he was doing and put a stop to it. :)

I have reason, given the definitions of pedophilia, to use the word pedophile. You however, have only an apologetic reflex to try to avoid it despite the fact that it fits.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
That's a whole other debate.... is pedophilia a mental illness, or a sexual preference? Even in the psychology community there's still debate on it.

Regardless, once acted upon, it's a matter for prison psychiatrists. If he'd sought treatment beforehand I'd argue for his right to said treatment. he didn't. Instead he repeatedly, thoughtfully, systematically, abused child after child.

Why can't it be both? It is a sexual preference, but its also an unhealthy sexual preference and therefore a mental illness.

I doubt true pedophiles can change their stripes, but they might be able to be treated before they commit a crime. I'm with Cannuck on this one. Prevention (if possible) of sexual molestation is preferable to cutting the balls off pedophiles after they sexually assault a child. People with these tendencies should be able to get help before they commit a crime and be commended for doing that. I support toning down the rhetoric and only punishing people who commit this heinous crime. I am against punishing people who are only at the point where sexually molesting a child is still just a thought in their head. In fact, I'd prefer these people seek help and get it in a timely manner.

The reason there is a debate about it is that, if it becomes accepted that pedophilia is a sexual preference, it could be protected under the charter.
A right to health is also in the charter. No where in the charter does it give an adult the right to satisfy their sexual appetites at the expense of a child's right to health. The charter protects homosexuals because both are consenting adults and they have a right to pursue happiness. A child does not have the legal right to consent to sex. No they don't have the same rights as adults, nor should they. Its also why juveniles aren't punished as adults, nor should they.


Jan 6, 2007
Why can't it be both? It is a sexual preference, but its also an unhealthy sexual preference and therefore a mental illness.

I doubt true pedophiles can change their stripes, but they might be able to be treated before they commit a crime. I'm with Cannuck on this one. Prevention (if possible) of sexual molestation is preferable to cutting the balls off pedophiles after they sexually assault a child. People with these tendencies should be able to get help before they commit a crime and be commended for doing that. I support toning down the rhetoric and only punishing people who commit this heinous crime. I am against punishing people who are only at the point where sexually molesting a child is still just a thought in their head. In fact, I'd prefer these people seek help and get it in a timely manner.

The rhetoric he's referring to and protesting against is the use of the term pedophile. I'm sorry for such heavy handed rhetoric (no, I'm not really), but when one sexually molests children, one can expect the label. Sorry for any hurt feelings, but, if the shoe fits, wear it.

If you can explain better than him why a pedophile should be called anything else, feel free to try, but I doubt you'll make a case better than his, and you don't see me asking the mods to change my wording.

He sexually molested children. End of story.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I have no problem with the term pedophile. It accurately describes their "condition". The rhetoric I was referring to was the demands to hang pedophiles, cut off their balls, cut off their penis and other ways that people describe what they'd do to a pedophile. If they've committed a crime, I prefer to let the criminal justice system deal with it, rather than vigilante justice. If they haven't committed a crime yet, then I'd want them in a treatment program and closely monitored.

Also I seriously doubt that pedophilia would ever become "socially acceptable" regardless of the terminology.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Why can't it be both? It is a sexual preference, but its also an unhealthy sexual preference and therefore a mental illness.

I doubt true pedophiles can change their stripes, but they might be able to be treated before they commit a crime. I'm with Cannuck on this one. Prevention (if possible) of sexual molestation is preferable to cutting the balls off pedophiles after they sexually assault a child. People with these tendencies should be able to get help before they commit a crime and be commended for doing that. I support toning down the rhetoric and only punishing people who commit this heinous crime. I am against punishing people who are only at the point where sexually molesting a child is still just a thought in their head. In fact, I'd prefer these people seek help and get it in a timely manner.

There are many places a person can go and with complete anonymity be treated before actually going through with the urge. At any given time, you'll find people in addiction counselling just deal to with the urge. In fact, during my time in treatment for a painkiller problem, there were two in the same centre. I applaud and completely respect both the effort and their anonymity.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
The rhetoric he's referring to and protesting against is the use of the term pedophile. I'm sorry for such heavy handed rhetoric (no, I'm not really), but when one sexually molests children, one can expect the label. Sorry for any hurt feelings, but, if the shoe fits, wear it.

If you can explain better than him why a pedophile should be called anything else, feel free to try, but I doubt you'll make a case better than his, and you don't see me asking the mods to change my wording.

He sexually molested children. End of story.

Of course he's a pedophile. Only individuals who've stepped in it and now can't back out because their ego won't allow them to capitulate would argue otherwise.


Jan 6, 2007
I have no problem with the term pedophile. It accurately describes their "condition". The rhetoric I was referring to was the demands to hang pedophiles, cut off their balls, cut off their penis and other ways that people describe what they'd do to a pedophile. If they've committed a crime, I prefer to let the criminal justice system deal with it, rather than vigilante justice. If they haven't committed a crime yet, then I'd want them in a treatment program and closely monitored.

No, I'm sorry, but you jumped in and said you agreed with Cannuck. Do you or don't you? You might want to go re-read. He wasn't talking about vigilante justice. He was referring to the term pedophile being used.

Okay okay... I'll admit I'm being a dog with a bone... you said your stance. But let me just state... not once have I advocated vigilante justice or making this guy skip any portion of the legal system that will give him his chance to get help if needed.
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Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I'm with Cannuck in that I prefer prevention of a crime over punishing a person for a crime.

I also said that Cannck had a point that this person may not have been motivated by sex. Maybe he is a sick bastard who has taken spitting on someone's food to a whole new level and the children were victims of opportunity. If they find child porn on his computer, case closed. But if its images of children in bondage, then he might be something else.... I'm not saying this person is normal or healthy... just that his motivation may not have been sexual. Technically he might not be a pedophile but some sort of sadist.

Also, I support Cannuck in that debating an idea isn't the same as saying you approve or embrace an idea. I see no reason to attack Cannuck. At no point did he or I claim that pedophilia is rational, normal, shouldn't be a crime or defend the asshole who abused children.

I think pedophile is an accurate term to describe someone who is sexually attracted to children.


Jan 6, 2007
Also, I support Cannuck in that debating an idea isn't the same as saying you approve or embrace an idea. I see no reason to attack Cannuck. At no point did he or I claim that pedophilia is rational, normal, shouldn't be a crime or defend the asshole who abused children.

I don't believe anyone has attacked him, have they?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
despite the fact that it fits.

It does not fit. As I've said, just because you or the cops want to twist the definition of "pedophilia", does not mean that the definition has changed.

but when one sexually molests children, one can expect the label.

I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just pointing out that some people throw labels around because they don't know the meaning

I don't believe anyone has attacked him, have they? you're just embarrassing yourself.