Your honest assessment of the Canadian Alliance and Steven Harper


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Remember Harper wants to bring back the death penalty and he also wants to bring in expensive healthcare and he wants to change the Citizenship Act so they can deport any Canadian without due process and he wants to get rid of equal marriage so he can support freedom of religion and Harper wants to spend more money on the military so he can commit our armed forces to more wars and Harper wants to build super jails and privatize them so more Canadians can go to jail and, and, and, and the list goes on.

According to all the polls put the federal Conservatives in majority territory and freedom of speech will be restricted and more jobs will be created in the secret police and the most important of all the children will go to government sponsored camps where they will learn loyalty and honour serving in the Harper Youth organizations


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Remember Harper wants to bring back the death penalty and he also wants to bring in expensive healthcare and he wants to change the Citizenship Act so they can deport any Canadian without due process and he wants to get rid of equal marriage so he can support freedom of religion and Harper wants to spend more money on the military so he can commit our armed forces to more wars and Harper wants to build super jails and privatize them so more Canadians can go to jail and, and, and, and the list goes on.

According to all the polls put the federal Conservatives in majority territory and freedom of speech will be restricted and more jobs will be created in the secret police and the most important of all the children will go to government sponsored camps where they will learn loyalty and honour serving in the Harper Youth organizations

Not hard to figure out why, there's a handful of savages eating up our tax dollars who need it.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Remember Harper wants to bring back the death penalty and he also wants to bring in expensive healthcare and he wants to change the Citizenship Act so they can deport any Canadian without due process and he wants to get rid of equal marriage so he can support freedom of religion and Harper wants to spend more money on the military so he can commit our armed forces to more wars and Harper wants to build super jails and privatize them so more Canadians can go to jail and, and, and, and the list goes on.

According to all the polls put the federal Conservatives in majority territory and freedom of speech will be restricted and more jobs will be created in the secret police and the most important of all the children will go to government sponsored camps where they will learn loyalty and honour serving in the Harper Youth organizations

Now that's a nice bit of fear mongering and paranoia.

You should have posted that in the "Fun & Jokes" section.


Nominee Member
Apr 18, 2011
southern ontario
Remember Harper wants to bring back the death penalty and he also wants to bring in expensive healthcare and he wants to change the Citizenship Act so they can deport any Canadian without due process and he wants to get rid of equal marriage so he can support freedom of religion and Harper wants to spend more money on the military so he can commit our armed forces to more wars and Harper wants to build super jails and privatize them so more Canadians can go to jail and, and, and, and the list goes on.

According to all the polls put the federal Conservatives in majority territory and freedom of speech will be restricted and more jobs will be created in the secret police and the most important of all the children will go to government sponsored camps where they will learn loyalty and honour serving in the Harper Youth organizations
Where the heck is all this coming from? Harper hasn't said anything about the death penalty, making health care more expensive or changing the Citizenship act!
Harper is trying to build our military that the Liberals gutted. Right now we couldn't defendourselves against a swarm of gnats! And what's wrong with putting criminals in jail? It's preferable to letting them go free to commit more crimes, like they do now.
You're just spreading malicious propaganda.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You spelled 'threatening' wrong.

Threatening? There you go with your ego again.

"When you are under attack you are a threat to others" - damngrumpy.

Given your need to start up a WB thread for no other reason than to attack me, it's pretty clear who feels threatened.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You're under attack?

Given your need to start up a WB thread for no other reason than to attack me, it's pretty clear who feels threatened.

Intelligent, competent debaters have no need for WB. It's sole purpose is to attack other members when the ability to discuss reasonably is gone. I understand your concerns with me. If enough people begin to believe as I do (that equality before the law should be a cornerstone in the foundation of this country), it may have serious consequences for you and your buddies. That's why throwing around "racist" and "bigot" slurs, calling me Joey and pumpkin, attacking spelling, grammar and quote mining is pretty much all you have left. Throwing labels at people is nothing more than an attack, WB is nothing more than an attack and your need to resort to these tactics is clear proof that your position is logically indefensible. You have been pwned but you're not quite sharp enough to realize it.

Thanks for playing along.


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
Malahat, British Columbia
Did you say you voted for Harper, how can that be when your vote only lets you vote for a party nothing more nothing less. This whole system is a farce.Canadians should be allowed to vote on individual bills,and the outcome should be law.
Our government should be comprised of administrators,who implement the people's wishes, and they should have no decision making powers.
Or: there should be citizen's initiatives at all levels of government ,whereby petition citizens could create ,amend , overturn, or destroy any piece of legislation put forth by THEIR government!
And as far as health goes this is what we need: A Country where the Government is owned and operated by the PEOPLE and for the PEOPLE,
This is what the people want:1)remove all hormones from food production 2)Forbid the use of all Prophylactic antibiotics 3)Stop the feeding slaughterhouse waste to food product animals 4)Stop the production of all Genetically Modified Organisms(GMO'S)5)Stop the use of pesticides in food production, agriculture and for cosmetic purposes 6th) Charter of Health Freedom to become Law and abolish Health Canada.
Yours for Freedom, Truth and Peace
Mr. Kim DiPalma

Oh by the Way All those so called leaders signed Bill C-36 they all are been paid of by big corps.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Being ruled by Harper is like being ruled by Neanderthal.

That form of discipline makes sense to him.

It's like the issues that would have happened when Cro Magnon met Neanderthal.

Harper is saying that his people need to be jailed in order to maintain discipline.

Harper is saying that big jets are what would keep his people scared.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Being ruled by Harper is like being ruled by Neanderthal.

That form of discipline makes sense to him.

It's like the issues that would have happened when Cro Magnon met Neanderthal.

Harper is saying that his people need to be jailed in order to maintain discipline.

Harper is saying that big jets are what would keep his people scared.
And I'm saying, you're a nutter.


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
Malahat, British Columbia
On Friday March 25, 2011 the Canadian House of Commons found Prime Minister Stephen Harper guilty of contempt of Parliament. According to parliamentary law, contempt of parliament is a federal crime. Being that Harper has been found guilty of a crime Harper is barred from seeking re-election on May 2, 2011. No federal government or cabinet minister has ever been found in contempt before.
The vote by the Canadian House of Commons is very much the same as an impeachment of the president of the United States of America. In the US if a president or US lawmaker is impeached (a formal process in which an official is accused of unlawful activity) that person is removed from office and cannot run for office again. Richard Nixon avoided a vote of impeachment by resigning as president. Harper was essentially impeached from the government of Canada for the federal crime of contempt of Parliament. As a direct result of the House of Commons vote the Harper government was dissolved. As Stephen Harper was found guilty of unlawful activities he is no longer deemed fit to be the Prime Minister of Canada and an election was called to choose a new leader.
If Stephen Harper has been found guilty of the federal crime of contempt of Parliament why is he running again for the same office that he was removed from? Parliamentary law bars Harper from running again in the upcoming election. Under the Constitution Act, 1867, Parliament is empowered to determine the qualifications of members of the House of Commons. The present qualifications are outlined in the Canada Elections Act, which was passed in 2000. The acts bars individuals found guilty of election-related crimes and are prohibited from becoming members for five years (in some cases, seven years) after conviction. The House of Commons voted unanimously to judge Stephen Harper on election-related (parliament) crimes and declared Harper guilty of the criminal charge of contempt of parliament. The House of Commons vote handed Harper a guilty conviction and as punishment for his crime his leadership was immediately stripped.
The prime minister of a minority government only holds his or her office as long as the “confidence of the house” is maintained. If members of the lower house lose faith in the leader for whatever reason, they can call a vote of no confidence and force the PM to resign. Such a vote of no confidence was made against Stephen Harper on Friday March 25, 2011. That vote not only declared that Stephen Harper no longer had the confidence of the house but the house also found Stephen Harper guilty of the serious criminal offense of contempt of parliament. Contempt of Parliament is the crime of obstructing the parliament in the carrying out of its functions, or of hindering any Member of Parliament in the performance of his or her duties.
The highest duty of a Prime Minister of Parliament is to uphold the Constitution of Canada, which includes the rights and privileges of the House of Commons and the duties owed to the Queen’s representative in Canada. Stephen Harper keeps on failing in his duties on both counts as evidenced by 2 consecutive prorogation of Parliament. Stephen Harper forced the Queen’s representative to dissolve Parliament just so the Conservatives could avoid losing a vote of confidence in the House of Commons.
The first undemocratic shut down of Parliament by Stephen Harper was clearly to avoid the scrutiny of a House of Commons committee over the mounting evidence of willful complicity by the Harper government over the transfer of Afghan detainees to a substantial risk of torture. This is a war crime and one of the most serious allegations any government has faced in the history of Canada. Stephen Harper did everything possible to hide from a vote of confidence, and on Dec. 4, 2008 Stephen Harper unilaterally shut down Parliament. The Governor General had little option but to grant the undemocratic request to avoid a political crisis in Canada. It had put her into an untenable position.
There was no precedent in any parliamentary democracy anywhere in the world where a democratic parliament was shut down to hide from a vote of confidence. It opened the door for other abuses of the rights and privileges of the majority of Members of Parliament elected by Canadians. Harper has went through that door again. This time the Governor General did not even merit a personal visit by Stephen Harper to be told to shut down Parliament until early March. Respect, even for the Queen’s representative, by Stephen Harper is in short supply.
This undemocratic criminal behavior by Stephen Harper is another piece of evidence of a major shift in Canadian constitutional democracy taking shape. First, there was the unconstitutional behavior of the Harper government to deny the committee uncensored documents despite a subpoena by the House of Commons. Secondly, there was the Harper ordered boycott of the committee by the Conservative MPs at the committee. Thirdly, we saw the forced adjournment of the Military Police Complaints Commission inquiry of the Stephen Harper’s complicity in torture and the Stephen Harper firing of its chief investigator, Peter Tinsley. This commission, a quasi-judicial tribunal has been stymied in its attempt to determine the truth over the detainee transfer issue. Finally, there was the unprecedented attempts by Stephen Harper to slander Richard Colvin, a senior Canadian diplomat who was a key witness in the Canadian Afghan detainee issue, for just doing his job of speaking truth to power and then accusing anybody who supports him of either being Taliban dupes or undermining our brave Canadian military heroes.
These are serious examples of abuse of executive power over Parliament, the Governor General, the public service and ultimately the Canadian voters who elected MPs to make Parliament work. There is only one person who is responsible for and has been found guilty of such abuse of power, for such disdain towards the authority of the people’s parliament, for such disrespect towards the Canadian people and for total disregard for the rule of law. His name is Stephen Harper.

Cranky you like this guy give your head a shake

Canada should do what Iceland did Kick out all the banks (except bank of Canada) and kick out all the politics that go with it.

I appreciate the RULE OF LAW in our country and will not stand by quietly to live in a police state as this Bill C-36 would allow.
If you vote to pass Bill C-36, I will have to secede from Canada and charge all public servants who support Bill C-36 with High Treason, as this bill effectively will destroy any illusions Canadians have of living in a real democracy.
If this bill passes through Senate without amendments Canada will have become a TYRANNY! We might have to join an Anarchist Hugging Group that prays to Angels for Salvation of Government and Law.
You Politicians are a Representative for the Canadian People who elected you and We the People demand a free and open debate on core issues affecting the People’s of Canada.

“Canada passes Codex food law that permits police to trespass, seize private property without warrant… The Canadian Parliament recently passed its own form of legislation S. 510, the draconian U.S. “food safety” bill that threatens to eliminate the freedom to grow, sell and buy clean food. This is for my safety who are you trying to fool. This is nothing less than Big Business dictating and regulating policies for their own personal gains. Their so called unsafe products do not include Pharma. products such as untested vaccine shots of all kinds, GMO foods, Fluoride in water, toothpaste, baby foods and so on. Mr, S. Harper hired Mr. Bernard Prigent to head the Canadian Institute of Health Research. Mr. Prigent is supposed to report the best health interests for Canada. How can he be neutral in making decisions when Mr. Bernard Prigent also V.P. of Phizer Pharma. Company, and is legally bound to promote the profit interests of his company. Responsible labeling :Note Phizer in the United States was fined $2.3 Billion, the largest criminal fine ever assessed in that country for fraudulently marketing the drug Bextra for unapproved uses.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
On April 24th, 2011 I found Wikdcarnage guilty of idiocy.

For indisputable and undeniable evidence see post #178 on this thread.