….& yes there occasionally are folks that aren’t XY or XX but some other combo, but that just deflects from the above simplification to cut through the fog before this all devolves into Groomers and Gummers and Goobers and Gropers like other threads have done when shades of grey are beyond black & white concepts.
"Genetic" anything doesn't really count unless we, as I suggested, start DNA/genetic testing EVERY person on the planet so it can be certified that they are XY/XX only.
OK, weird question, but why doesn’t “Genetic” anything really count unless we, as you suggested, start DNA/genetic testing EVERY person on the planet so they can be “certified” that they are XY/XX only?
I’ve no idea how common someone who isn’t XY/XX actually is (& I know the ass/u/me thing) but I’m assuming it’s not that common (?) or what justifies the need to have EVERY person on the planet certified as something or another? Is it really that important?
I wanna throw out there too that just because someone is Trans, doesn't mean their dysphoria is that bad that they may get the parts altered/removed. Some trans people don't for various reasons. That does not make them less of the gender they are, they just don't see a reason to go complete in GRS. I've a trans friend who won't get bottom surgery because, bluntly, it's not real enough. And considering other pressures in society, they just let people think what they want and meanwhile they've consulted their local Native centric Two-Spirit group since they're native as well and Two-Spirit at least fits for them more than the BS that the GLBTQ+ groups sometimes put out.
The guy we know, I’ve never asked about his reasoning behind choosing surgery or not ‘cuz it’s not my business. I’m also not describing my vasectomy or circumcision to him for the same reason.
To also throw it out there, genetics is only one part of what makes up actual gender, which brings us back to - when a person is wired to be one gender, but 'displays' the other, which trumps? If it's the parts that only matter, why does it trump the wiring of the brain? Unlike the parts, the brain CAN'T be rewired back to a 'normal' state that equals the parts displayed.
I don’t know what trumps what in all honesty, & I’m a long ways away from high school biology class, but XX aren’t impregnating anyone & XY aren’t getting impregnated by anyone….& the other rare variances just weren’t covered as far as I can recall at this point. Like I was saying though & it’s been a while so maybe I’m remembering incorrectly. I entered the fray in the men can & can't get pregnant thing….and was try’n to build a bridge.
I’ve met some pretty masculine woman and some pretty effeminate men, but never questioned if they where men or women ‘cuz it didn’t really matter to me as I’m not sniffing after either.