What's Trump Done Now?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
He did, many times. It is on video. You are blinded by dogma. He is a pathological liar.
Of course he did..... several times... and yes...he is a pathological LIAR. How ANYONE can not see that.......is the puzzle of the century. ( or they are so blinded by their fanatical loyalty to the bloke......they can't see the trees for the forest.......making them deficient in credulity and objectivity)
Blind loyalty colons ones judgement.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Of course he did..... several times... and yes...he is a pathological LIAR. How ANYONE can not see that.......is the puzzle of the century. ( or they are so blinded by their fanatical loyalty to the bloke......they can't see the trees for the forest.......making them deficient in credulity and objectivity)
Blind loyalty colons ones judgement.
Is that a spelling error or a Freudian slip? Blind loyalty is a form of anal retention and mental constipation.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
He's "the boss if everything" but he's not responsible. Of course he isn't. The Media are to blame for turning American culture into a toxic waste pit, not the Fascist demagogue Trump.
You are busted dooodette.
Have a NICE DAY.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
To Trumpians......they are the gospel.......
Watch the video of the rabbi talk drearie.

BTW, I am not even a "trumpian" (yah nazi), I just hate bull crap fakenews globalist commie nazi propaghanda clowns and pedophiles. like you.

Have a nice day colluding with the lowest creeps on the planet.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Of course he did..... several times... and yes...he is a pathological LIAR. How ANYONE can not see that.......is the puzzle of the century. ( or they are so blinded by their fanatical loyalty to the bloke......they can't see the trees for the forest.......making them deficient in credulity and objectivity)
Blind loyalty colons ones judgement.
Please post one of those videos.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

I suppose this is fake news too, eh Wally.

Hate crimes rose the day after Trump was elected, FBI data show

Reported hate crimes with racial or ethnic bias jumped the day after President Trump won the 2016 election, from 10 to 27, according to an analysis of FBI hate crime statistics by The Washington Post. There were more reported hate crimes on Nov. 9 than any other day in 2016, and the daily number of such incidents exceeded the level on Election Day for the next 10 days.
FBI data collected since the early 1990s show that reports of hate crimes typically spike during election years, according to a study by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University at San Bernardino. There was a 21 percent increase in reported hate crimes the day after Barack Obama won his first election in 2008, though hate crime reports remained relatively flat for the rest of the year.
It’s unclear why election years bring an increase in reported hate crimes, particularly in the days following the election of our last two presidents. It could be that people frustrated or energized by the election results take out those emotions on people who are different than them. Or, given that hate crimes are notoriously underreported, the election could embolden victims to report the crimes against them.
