Finished Wellington.....on to modern stuff......From the Shadows by Robert M. Gates.......ex-director CIA, Secretary of Defence under both Bush and Obama.....but the book is copyrighted 1996, so is all about CIA. Interesting.
I'm about 2/3rds through the internet.
Ah, another reader of biographies? That one's on my list of things to do too. Just finished Philip Ziegler's biography of Louis Mountbatten, called, sensibly enough, Mountbatten, and Carolly Erickson's biography of Henry VIII called Great Harry. I'm moving on now to the memoirs of Eugene Forsey, A Life on the Fringe. I find as I get older that fiction fails to move me as it once did. I seem to have evolved a preference for real stories as opposed to made up stories, though I did recently re-read one of my favourite fictional works, Walter M. Miller's excellent post-nuclear holocaust novel called A Canticle for Liebowitz. That and Pat Frank's Alas, Babylon, both published in the late 1950s, I think are the absolute best explorations of that theme I've ever read.Finished Wellington...
I'm not reading anything right now - except for an old copy of "how to win friends and influence people' I keep in the can for divination purposes.
Just finished 'Azincourt' by Bernard Cornwell.
I've read almost everything he's published. The King Arthur series is particularly good. All his books are page turners.I'm reading Sharpe's Fury by Cornwell!
I flipping LOVE his books! I read Stonehenge last and I have the first in his Saxon Novels lined up.
I've read all the Sharpe ones, the Starbuck Chronicles (wish he'd write another), Redcoat.
Are the King Arthur novels good?