What would YOU want to hear at church?


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Who was the head Gawd of the Romans? Is he saying it was that Gawd who ordained the Roman government instead of Jehovah? This fellow is getting more and more confused (or confusing).

His apologetics are weak at best... Nazi Germany was ordained by Gawd? It carried out Gawd's wishes...Wow!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009

Couple of questions and take your time as I am not in a rush. And I am sure you will put thought & belief to paper.

Do you believe in original Sin – Your words, not scripture.

Can a Non Christian, and I will clarify a good person who helped others, kind, all the things we value as qualities enter heaven. Your words, not scripture.

What about those that have never heard of Jesus?What happens to them?Your words, not scripture.

Do you believe in Capital Punishment. Your words, not scripture.

What or how do you define Hell. Your words, not scripture.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
In my experience churches tend to be empty and when they're full I imagine they're busy worshipping. I'd take my questions to the nearest gas station.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
In my experience churches tend to be empty and when they're full I imagine they're busy worshipping. I'd take my questions to the nearest gas station.

Well you would go to where you will get the best answer is what i would do. If i had a question about gas quality, then of course the gas station would be a place to begin. Never mind asking them about tire pressure though, they no longer handle that.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Wrong. If I had condemned you to eternal damnation, I wouldn't even be speaking to you. I consider you a human being who is equally worthy and unworthy of all the same things I am worthy and unworthy of. If I knew the cure to cancer, I would not withhold it from you, considering myself more valuable. If I know the "one truth" you speak if, then of course I must discuss it with you. What would you do, if you knew the secret of eternal salvation?

It's not my doctrine, it's God's, and he shared it in his Book. You'll get a far superior explanation from the book of the Romans than you will from me. I'm not inventing this (that God instituted the state). You can look it up. If I'm confusing you, then use the better source.

The present compilations resemble nothing other than the tower of babble realized on paper. It is the surest way not to find god.


Electoral Member
Sep 23, 2008
Couple of questions and take your time as I am not in a rush. And I am sure you will put thought & belief to paper.

Do you believe in original Sin – Your words, not scripture.

Can a Non Christian, and I will clarify a good person who helped others, kind, all the things we value as qualities enter heaven. Your words, not scripture.

What about those that have never heard of Jesus?What happens to them?Your words, not scripture.

Do you believe in Capital Punishment. Your words, not scripture.

What or how do you define Hell. Your words, not scripture.

Hi Goober,

Yes, I believe in "original sin," if by that you mean that our first parents gave ear to the devil and willfully subjected themselves to sin, death, and the curse, which has brought upon us corruption in all our ways and a loss of excellent gifts which we had once received from God, other than some small traces. (I paraphrased from the Belgic confession, article 14.)

For your second question, we need to step back, because I disagree with an assumption that shows in the way you worded the question. I don't believe there is even a such thing as a "good person" outside of Christ. So... unless one is saved through faith in Christ, they will be eternally damned. Hence, the urgency of evangelism.

Third question is combined with the second. We are eager to spread the message of Christ. Perhaps it is possible for God to illumine the hearts and minds of people in remote places via some method other than the Bible and the preaching, but such illumination, if it were unto salvation, must necessarily involve an awareness and embrace of Jesus the Christ. They DO NOT need to know how to spell or pronounce his Greek name or his Hebrew name. But they need to know him personally as the Son of God, and as their substitute. In a manner of speaking, the believers in Old Testament times were less enlightened than we are, for they had not the privilege of knowing the mysteries of the fulfillment of the prophets. However, we Christians believe that many of them are saved, though in their lifetime they never heard the name "Jesus." They were saved through faith in this same Christ, though. They looked ahead through the prophets, we look back through the apostles, but we're all looking at the One Christ.

Capital punishment: a fair trial that sentences death upon a murderer is a just and fitting punishment. It's not merciful, but it is just. Justice is always righteous, even when we prefer mercy. The sentencing of criminals makes me cringe, and I do have a prayer that such men and women will have a second chance. One thing I know is that, though guilty and punished in this lifetime, many of these criminals will yet be eternally glorified because they embraced the Righteous One who laid down His life for the unrighteous, and so their sins were nailed to the cross with Him.

How do I define hell? It is eternal suffering under the wrath of God. It's not merely the absence of God, but it is the presence of his divine wrath. I do not know the details of how that looks or feels, but I am certain it is the most unpleasant thing beyond our understanding.

What are your answers to those questions?

Thank you,


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
For your second question, we need to step back, because I disagree with an assumption that shows in the way you worded the question. I don't believe there is even a such thing as a "good person" outside of Christ. So... unless one is saved through faith in Christ, they will be eternally damned. Hence, the urgency of evangelism.

Oooh... so in other words, if we don't believe in your Version of God, then we're worthless, because we're "the damned"? The only way to save ourselves and prove worthy, is to accept your Version of God?

That because I do not believe in your Version of God, I am therefore not a "good person"?

Uh huh...

And FYI, Christ was not "of the Christians", he was "of the Jews". Big difference.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Hi Goober,

Yes, I believe in "original sin," if by that you mean that our first parents gave ear to the devil and willfully subjected themselves to sin, death, and the curse, which has brought upon us corruption in all our ways and a loss of excellent gifts which we had once received from God, other than some small traces. (I paraphrased from the Belgic confession, article 14.)

For your second question, we need to step back, because I disagree with an assumption that shows in the way you worded the question. I don't believe there is even a such thing as a "good person" outside of Christ. So... unless one is saved through faith in Christ, they will be eternally damned. Hence, the urgency of evangelism.

Third question is combined with the second. We are eager to spread the message of Christ. Perhaps it is possible for God to illumine the hearts and minds of people in remote places via some method other than the Bible and the preaching, but such illumination, if it were unto salvation, must necessarily involve an awareness and embrace of Jesus the Christ. They DO NOT need to know how to spell or pronounce his Greek name or his Hebrew name. But they need to know him personally as the Son of God, and as their substitute. In a manner of speaking, the believers in Old Testament times were less enlightened than we are, for they had not the privilege of knowing the mysteries of the fulfillment of the prophets. However, we Christians believe that many of them are saved, though in their lifetime they never heard the name "Jesus." They were saved through faith in this same Christ, though. They looked ahead through the prophets, we look back through the apostles, but we're all looking at the One Christ.

Capital punishment: a fair trial that sentences death upon a murderer is a just and fitting punishment. It's not merciful, but it is just. Justice is always righteous, even when we prefer mercy. The sentencing of criminals makes me cringe, and I do have a prayer that such men and women will have a second chance. One thing I know is that, though guilty and punished in this lifetime, many of these criminals will yet be eternally glorified because they embraced the Righteous One who laid down His life for the unrighteous, and so their sins were nailed to the cross with Him.

How do I define hell? It is eternal suffering under the wrath of God. It's not merely the absence of God, but it is the presence of his divine wrath. I do not know the details of how that looks or feels, but I am certain it is the most unpleasant thing beyond our understanding.

What are your answers to those questions?

Thank you,

Couple of questions and take your time as I am not in a rush. And I am sure you will put thought & belief to paper.
My answers - Shorter though
Do you believe in original Sin – Your words, not scripture. - Jesus died for our sins. Original Sin included. it was wiped off the books as they say.

Can a Non Christian, and I will clarify a good person who helped others, kind, all the things we value as qualities enter heaven. Your words, not scripture. -Yes they can. All will eventually enter heaven

What about those that have never heard of Jesus?What happens to them? Your words, not scripture. Answered above.

Do you believe in Capital Punishment. Your words, not scripture.- I do not believe in the Death Penalty.

What or how do you define Hell. Your words, not scripture.- Myself - Abscence of God.

We are born to lie, love, help, and the other stff as well. God will judge on the persons life and whether they had belief or not will not hinder their way to heaven. It is the life YOU lead - And yes those that have commtied atrocious crimes can find salavtion but they must also believe, they then must be subjected to the laws and punishments of man for those crimes. God will catch up with them later.


Electoral Member
Sep 23, 2008
Oooh... so in other words, if we don't believe in your Version of God, then we're worthless, because we're "the damned"? The only way to save ourselves and prove worthy, is to accept your Version of God?

That because I do not believe in your Version of God, I am therefore not a "good person"?

Uh huh...

And FYI, Christ was not "of the Christians", he was "of the Jews". Big difference.

You're right, Christ was "of the Jews." More precisely, descended from Israel, he is the Christ for all the children of Israel -- the children of God -- all who are counted as children according to the promise, from among the Jews and Gentiles, for "Those who were not my people I will call ‘my people,’ and her who was not beloved I will call ‘beloved.’"

It's not my version of God, it's the Bible's "version" of God. I'm not standing on an island. I'm standing with a multitude of believers across thousands of years.

Hi Goober, thanks for answering.

Jesus died for our sins. Original Sin included. it was wiped off the books as they say.


... All will eventually enter heaven

But this contradicts scripture and the words of the Christ who ultimately makes the decisions about heaven. This isn't your opinion versus mine; this is your opinion versus the scriptures.

... It is the life YOU lead - ...

My salvation is actually about the life that Christ lived.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
It is next to be noted that, in perfect accord with all ancient philosophy, the mental principle, Noah, was given three sons. In the arcane allegorism the intellectual ray from God's mind suffered
differentiation from its primal unity into a triplicity when it established its connection with physical organisms on three linked planes of higher consciousness. It has been lost out of studentship that terms corresponding pretty closely to our three words, spirit, soul and mind, expressed this differentiation. In one Hindu system they were named atma, buddhi and manas. In astrological pictography they were represented by the three stars, most significantly known for ages as "the three kings," in the belt of Orion. They were the lower trinity of spirit, the reflection in the human microcosm of the cosmic trinity above. Mind is ever triple in its manifestation. Modern theology posits little difference between mind, soul and spirit, but the early philosophical and anthropological systematism knew of the gamut of distinct gradation subsisting among the three. Spirit held the topmost rank, more ethereal and sublimated in its nature than the other two, being the pure energy of intuitive knowledge. Soul was a further projection of that energy into matter, manifesting one step lower, and standing midway between pure intuition and concrete thinking. Mind was a still deeper injection of spirit into matter, coming to expression as the glowing rational power of conscious thought directly conditioned by the mechanistic function of the brain

AB Kuhn

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Lessee.... According to the Bible, we had Adam and Eve. Then we had Noah and the missus while God was killing off a world full of sinners.... Without breaking taboos, where did the world's population come from?


Electoral Member
Sep 23, 2008
Lessee.... According to the Bible, we had Adam and Eve. Then we had Noah and the missus while God was killing off a world full of sinners.... Without breaking taboos, where did the world's population come from?

There was far less genetic mutation back then. (I.E., the opposite of evolution is true -- our DNA has a tendency to degrade over time, as you can see, for example, with the poodle dog breed which is full of mistakes and sicknesses.) To put this into practical terms, the offspring of Cain and his sister were not likely to be mentally handicapped, as the case would be today, and hence the laws forbidding it.

That Israel is not geographical as Israelite means the illuminated and not an inhabitant of any material place at all.
Correct -- there are two senses of the term. Jesus was, of course, ethnically an Israelite.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
There was far less genetic mutation back then. (I.E., the opposite of evolution is true -- our DNA has a tendency to degrade over time, as you can see, for example, with the poodle dog breed which is full of mistakes and sicknesses.) To put this into practical terms, the offspring of Cain and his sister were not likely to be mentally handicapped, as the case would be today, and hence the laws forbidding it.

Correct -- there are two senses of the term. Jesus was, of course, ethnically an Israelite.

My Gawd, he's a flat earther!


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
They think it will direct attention away from their dishonesty.
The same tactic you employ when your dishonesty gets pointed out... which is a lot.

Hypocrites like you make this place so very entertaining.