What Trump Means


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
no documentation for the above?
i read trump dumped his stocks months ago

CLAIM: Donald Trump owns Carrier, or a significant stake in its parent company, United Technologies.

this fake news sh!t is gettin way outta hand
its so easy to bite on what supports your world view

"Claims that Trump owned Carrier or stock in United Technologies closely mirrored similar rumors the President-elect was similarly vested in the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline. Although the Wall Street Journal reported that Trump had at one point owned Carrier or United Technologies stock in 2014 or 2015, his 2016 Personal Financial Disclosure [PFD] did not reflect any such investment:"

from the above link
just so we are clear on all of it
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Can Trump turn the country around like this billionaire turned his state around?

During his first four years in office, Gov. Dayton

1. Raised taxes on the rich and those who earned over $150,000
Minnesota’s top income tax rate 4th highest in the country and has the 5 lowest unemployment rate in the country.
2. Increased the minimum wage to $9.50 an by 2018
3. 2012-2013 census figures showed that Minnesotans had a median income that was $10,000 larger than the US. average.
4. Forbes ranked Minnesota ninth best state for business
5. Turns a budget shortage into a $1billion dollar surplus.

When Gov. Dalton took office in 2011 he was left with a budget shortage of $6.2 billion dollars and an unemployment rate of 7% from Rep. Gov Tim Pawlenty

Pawlenty added only 6200 jobs in two terms.

Republicans like state representative Mark Uglem warned against Gov. Dayton’s tax increases, saying, “The job creators, the big corporations, the small corporations, they will leave. It’s all dollars and sense to them.” The conservative friend or family member you shared this article with would probably say the same if their governor tried something like this. But like Uglem, they would be proven wrong.

Dayton’s astonishing lack of charisma and articulateness. He isn’t a class warrior driven by a desire to get back at the 1 percent — Dayton is a billionaire heir to the Target fortune.

It wasn’t just a majority in the legislature that forced him to do it — Dayton had to work with a Republican-controlled legislature for his first two years in office.

This Billionaire Governor Taxed the Rich and Increased the Minimum Wage -- Now, His State's Economy Is One of the Best in the Country | The Huffington Post


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
all you need to know kids.

this chart is stunning:

and...and, the progs re-elected nancy "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" pelosi. :lol: