What is your biggest annoyance?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
to say you don't like tv is interesting because the choices of what to watch on tv is so vast,
that one is saying they don't like hundreds of different things.
tv has some tremendously educational and interesting shows and others, animal shows, and of course
I love sports so there is many different sporting competitions that I like, BUT there are also many
things on tv I hate, but I choose 'not' to watch those shows, just click the remote, and 'like magic'
they dissapear.
And, since I have acquired HD, I have learned more about different places in the world, close up, and
in amazing colour, than I have ever known, just as good or better than actually travelling there, and much
cheaper for sure.

I hate advertising and much of the media, and again, with that remote in my hand I have the 'power',.
click, and they are gone, when watching tv, I always have 2 or 3 channels to watch, and as soon as one
of them has a commercial, 'click', and watch one of the others.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
My biggest annoyance...

In my real life, it'd be getting advice I haven't asked for and being told I'm doing something the wrong way when I know I'm not.
In my virtual life here, it'd be herald.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
I made arrangements to meet someone to purchase something off kijiji - drove downtown to pick it up, no one was there, no answer on their cell, no email to let me know they had changed their mind or couldn't make it... so today, inconsiderate people just took the top spot on my list of things that annoy me.
I know what you mean! I've had things for sale and people call to say they want to come and have a look. Then you never hear from them again! If you don't want to look, why say you want to? Can't people just say "thanks, but it doesn't sound like the item we're looking for"?
While I'm at it - People who call your phone in error and then instead of apologizing, they just slam the phone down in your ear!

My biggest annoyance...

In my real life, it'd be getting advice I haven't asked for and being told I'm doing something the wrong way when I know I'm not.
In my virtual life here, it'd be herald.
Well Dex, you'll just have to borrow Talloola's remote and turn him off and tune in another thread! ;-)


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Oh yeah, I know that one well, it's all over this place.
Tell me about it, from the Rothschild's controlling the world, to North American history. Mangled history, manipulated timelines to serve an ideology, is just stupid.

;) Might put that one in second place...
It's all pretty much part and parcel of my single biggest annoyance. I love correcting my sons teachers when I catch them repeating verbatim from outdated texts, and recounting historical opinion, as if it were fact. Especially on Native issues. I've even challenged them, when they've given my sons lower grades for material they felt was incorrect. Because it wasn't what was in their history book of opinions.

So some people around here, come by their confusion honestly. lol.

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
I would have to say . People that waste my time as if it is nothing or no consideration that you could of been doing something else. Being the last to know at the last moment when it involves me.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
And one of the potentially most deadly. You are stopped in the left lane (for whatever reason) and drivers just blow by you on the right, without reducing their speed one iota. Naturally they ASSUME you are waiting to turn left, with no thought given to the fact a small child could be crossing in front of your vehicle. I personally believe that anyone seen doing that should have their license pulled for three months.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
non believers going into religious threads to bash ones religious beliefs. It pisses me off no end. It's not like the evangelizers jump all over the non religious threads proselytizing.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
non believers going into religious threads to bash ones religious beliefs. It pisses me off no end. It's not like the evangelizers jump all over the non religious threads proselytizing.

That's for sure, like a poster here because he doesn't understand or hasn't "seen" something, judges every one else's opinion as "anecdotal", which is understandable if he'd just keep that garbage to himself. There is a lot of stuff in this world we simply do not understand. I'm not sure if Clarvoyance fits into religion or not, but the cops in the U.S. are using them successfully to solve cases. Maybe it is just coincidence- I couldn't say but doubt if anyone else can either.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
That's for sure, like a poster here because he doesn't understand or hasn't "seen" something, judges every one else's opinion as "anecdotal", which is understandable if he'd just keep that garbage to himself. There is a lot of stuff in this world we simply do not understand. I'm not sure if Clarvoyance fits into religion or not, but the cops in the U.S. are using them successfully to solve cases. Maybe it is just coincidence- I couldn't say but doubt if anyone else can either.
The interjection of the "religious right" into every political discussion is right up there too.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Some children do that but I don't believe it's reached the point of being "worse".