Holy fukk are you ever stupid.
Not as stupid as you evidently.
Public health does not include forcing people to take an untested vaccine.
That's true, that's why vaccines ARE tested.
I am not necessarily anti vaccine,
You come across as someone who is.
but I expect them to be thourly tested first. That means at least a decade of testing before forcing them on a gullible public.
Sure, okay. I know where this is going though...
Probably the only good thing to come out of this plandemic is that people with a high enough IQ to think for themselves will now question government decrees that don't pass the smell test.
HUZZAH! There she blows... the usual bullshit conspiracy noise.
Calling it a "Plandemic" just shows your fucking stupidity for buying into conspiracy theories like the dipshit RFK Jr.
Then there's the fact mRNA vaccines have been tested since the 90's, so that's well over a decade, so what's your damned issue? It's the chip, isn't it? The one they'll implant? You don't like that idea, right?
As for mentioning IQ, I wouldn't do that considering yours seems to be below even the normal.
The government has been pushing MAID on veterans with mental health problems.The ultimate cure with no repeat customers.
Yeah, I've heard that. You're also full of shit and so are others. The Government CAN'T push MAID on anyone. Hell, depending on where you are in Canada, how MAID is handled varies.
See, here's the thing about MAID you obviously are clueless to. Now, this is NB and things are different elsewhere in Canada, I admit that. But this is the actual process I had deal with for a patient. You need TWO doctors to agree to it and BOTH have to talk with the patient about it. The patient also has to be 'of sound mind' and agree that yes they want this for themselves. The paperwork is signed and put on the chart record as well as being faxed off to a department meant to keep track of it. BUT until the moment that it happens, the patient can, AT ANY TIME, opt OUT of MAID.
What your chicken little brain has clung onto were reports of five people feeling like they were being pressured by ONE worker who was investigated for this (back in 2022). That was ONE worker, NOT the Government. And that doesn't make it right or even LEGAL.
The BIGGER issue with MAID is people with problems - mental or physical disabilities - who feel that opting into MAID would resolve their problems, and those of their family, because of their life situation, which usually falls under the "unable to afford to live, pay bills" things. Of course the way to help with those cases would mean funds going to disability and mental health care and we can't have THAT happen at all! So those people suffer, and so do their families, until they think MAID will help (which they learn they can't opt into it).
Setting out some clear facts surrounding MAID, the strict criteria and safeguards that govern its use, and aspects of its proposed expansion.
Canada is on track to have one of the world’s most expansive assisted dying programs, but concerns about safeguards and clinical standards persist. More than 31 000 people have received medical assistance in dying (MAiD) in Canada since the service became legal in 2016, with the number of
What needs to happen with MAID is better policies and a consistent standard of care all across the Country.
MAID has nothing to do with vaccines though.