SirJosephPorter, in his usual foot-in-the-mouth, typical liberal way opined:
"Oh, didn’t you know? McCain would have balanced the budget by now; he would have given huge tax cuts to everybody. He would have got rid of the unemployment; it would have been less than 1% by now.
He would have eliminated crime completely. He would have solved immigration problem by now. He would have got rid of the national debt, he would have eliminated world hunger, would have captured Osama Ben Laden, defeated Muslim terrorism."
Unfortunately, we'll never know.
However we DO KNOW:
There is no more poverty among African-Americans, because Obama is paying all their expenses, like mortgage, car payments, groceries, kids education and booze and cigarettes.
There is no more black children born out of wedlock, because Obama is President.
Poverty pimp charlatans like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are out of a job, bevcause there is no more poverty. Well at least, not in black neighbourhoods. So, now we know why that miserable mountebank, Jesse Jackson had tears running down his cheek when Obama was elected.
We DO know that, however Bush increased the deficit and the national debt, Obama - with great aplomb - managed to triple both. And worse.
And we also know that there is no more terrorism; it just man-made-whatever the hell idiocy coming from this administration.
And we also know that anyone named Janet (you know Reno or Napolitano) is uniquely unqualified for any job, other than garbage collector, if even that.
And we also know that no decent person would ever buy a vehicle from Government Motors, after they killed Oldsmobile and Pontiac.
And we also know that instead of defeating terrorism, this administration would like to spend tax-payer money to defend their sorry asses, while persecuting Navy Seals for doing their jobs.
More abominations of this administration on request.