That’s right she lost . And her poison pill didn’t work . Should be in jail .Hillary Clinton ran in 2016, not 2020. She is irrelevant to this campaign.
That’s right she lost . And her poison pill didn’t work . Should be in jail .Hillary Clinton ran in 2016, not 2020. She is irrelevant to this campaign.
Yet . Obama himself should be indicted , along with half his inner circle and the entire upper floor of all alphabet agencies .What is it like seeing the World as Black or White, unable to realize that nearly all people have shades of grey in them? many people working in the Obama Administration were either indicted or convicted of crimes? Zero?
How many people in the Trump Administration have been indicted or convicted of crimes? I've lost count?
Yet Joe Biden is a known plagiarist , has a history of racism , been accused multiple times of sexual abuse , has wandering hands whenever in reach of a young lady or girl . But his accolades don’t care because they are all fing hypocrites , right OB .strange how the trumpins keep using outdated and irrelevant situations to defend their psychopathic choice.At the very least , Trump is a fat BULLY...........and his supporters think that is just fine. They totally igorre any rational explanation of how devious he is. His cruelty and callous indifference to others is there for all to see and they think that is just fine. One has to conclude that there is something ethically and morally amiss in their thinking. They don't even realize that he has little interest in many aspect of the job asPOTUS. He is only in it for the fame and power. He has little patience for facts and data........ that doe not comport with HIS world view. He does not have what it takes to be a real leader. Full stop.
So what is the hold he has on those that still support him?? He seems to have really seduced them, manipulated them , conned them.........with his gross tactics. and yes..he is GROSS in word, and action. His name calling is beneath a five year old.
P.S. I am 67 years old , Joe Biden has been sucking off the government tit since before I graduated high school , and look how much he has accumulated . I believe a Senator makes less then $200,000.00 per year , how does that compute to his assets ? Do you care ? Not if he has a D after the name I expect .Yet Joe Biden is a known plagiarist , has a history of racism , been accused multiple times of sexual abuse , has wandering hands whenever in reach of a young lady or girl . But his accolades don’t care because they are all fing hypocrites , right OB .
That’s right she lost . And her poison pill didn’t work . Should be in jail .
P.S. I am 67 years old , Joe Biden has been sucking off the government tit since before I graduated high school , and look how much he has accumulated . I believe a Senator makes less then $200,000.00 per year , how does that compute to his assets ? Do you care ? Not if he has a D after the name I expect .
P.S. I am 67 years old , Joe Biden has been sucking off the government tit since before I graduated high school , and look how much he has accumulated . I believe a Senator makes less then $200,000.00 per year , how does that compute to his assets ? Do you care ? Not if he has a D after the name I expect .
strange how the trumpins keep using outdated and irrelevant situations to defend their psychopathic choice.At the very least , Trump is a fat BULLY...........and his supporters think that is just fine. They totally igorre any rational explanation of how devious he is. His cruelty and callous indifference to others is there for all to see and they think that is just fine. One has to conclude that there is something ethically and morally amiss in their thinking. They don't even realize that he has little interest in many aspect of the job asPOTUS. He is only in it for the fame and power. He has little patience for facts and data........ that doe not comport with HIS world view. He does not have what it takes to be a real leader. Full stop.
So what is the hold he has on those that still support him?? He seems to have really seduced them, manipulated them , conned them.........with his gross tactics. and yes..he is GROSS in word, and action. His name calling is beneath a five year old.
strange how the trumpins keep using outdated and irrelevant situations to defend their psychopathic choice.At the very least , Trump is a fat BULLY...........and his supporters think that is just fine. They totally igorre any rational explanation of how devious he is. His cruelty and callous indifference to others is there for all to see and they think that is just fine. One has to conclude that there is something ethically and morally amiss in their thinking. They don't even realize that he has little interest in many aspect of the job asPOTUS. He is only in it for the fame and power. He has little patience for facts and data........ that doe not comport with HIS world view. He does not have what it takes to be a real leader. Full stop.
So what is the hold he has on those that still support him?? He seems to have really seduced them, manipulated them , conned them.........with his gross tactics. and yes..he is GROSS in word, and action. His name calling is beneath a five year old.
If President Donald Trump's worst enemy has always been himself, former Vice President Joe Biden's most important opponent at the moment might be his own party -- its memories, its anxieties and its growing expectations.
Fifteen days out from Election Day, any honest reading of the data suggests that this is Biden's race to lose. The race's stubborn fundamentals are combining with COVID-19 spikes and the president's scattered messaging, while 28 million Americans and counting have already cast ballots.
Democrats, of course, are terrified that Biden could still lose. The buzz in numbers-obsessed circles is about party registration gaps and early vote spikes among white, non-college voters; the word from the Biden campaign is not to put stock in public polling and to expect a nasty finish.......More
Her story fell apart . No . You just don’t believe her . But you do believe in unviewed piss tapes , Russian collusion , and Ukrainian whatever that was . Like a sheep led to the slaughter you will be first in line for the boxcars .Not only is the bolded part false, but Trump has raped and violated so many Women, that I have lost count of the victims. Trump was a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein, and spent a lot of time with him, chasing teenage girls, when he was in his 40s. Trump is the most racist President I have ever seen in my lifetime, going back to Reagan.
Biden had one accuser that came forward a few months ago. She worked for Biden in 1993. She was fired, and her story fell apart, as even her coworkers and inner circle said she was lying.
Self made multimillionaire, worked his whole life as an elected official reaching the massive yearly earnings of $174,000.00 . Self made thanks to Russia , Ukraine , and China .Joe is a self made man, who came from modest background. He is a fine Irish man. Trump is a con artist, who filed for bankruptcy 6 times, and cost the taxpayer hundreds of millions. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and was a failed businessman.
Joe is somewhat like a Kennedy (Irish), and Trump is like Hitler (German).
I prefer the Irish, since I am part Irish like Joe.
Nothing about the color of his skin , this is about the content of his character. He knew and approved of spying on the Trump campaign . He knew the Steele dossier was fake and came from Hillary Clinton , . They are all such saints .Yes, because being Black is a crime in MAGA country. How dare that N*gger do a better job than Trump. He should be arrested.
I won’t . Not in my riding .Good you best not vote for him.
Good , hope you make at least ten more .Huh! You're just a kid, wet behind the ears, I'm 77!
Maga . Trump 2020 .From the lakes of Minnesota
To the hills of Tennessee
Across the plains of Texas
From sea to shining sea
From Detroit down to Houston
And New York to LA
We're voting in America
And don't give a shit what you think or say
Vote in the guy who sent us to Iraq and Afghanistan instead .
Get with the times hunny.don't say that. It isn't over until the numbers are in..........and IF one can believe them. This coming election is suspect by virtue of how trump has meddled with various elements that are needed to make it work smoothly. In this case It ain't 'over until the fat guy does not sing. Don't underestimate the Trump shenanigans. It is not an even playing field when one plays by the rules and one does not.
But you are a loser and a sucker and a membership in the KISS Army doesnt count as service.