Until Trump, no openly racist candidate has reached such heights in U.S. politics


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Racism is taught. Kids are colour blind beyond curiosity. It's the adults to teach hate. And what about children stemming from exoganous marriages?

There is a base instict of tribe before and after racist teaching Or to not be racist of Social construction. It's natural. You can take the social construction racism and eliminate it but you will never eleminate all racism. It's impossible.

The same way religion has been teaching us to be nice for over 2000 years and people are still not any nicer then when we started.

To not be racist is also a social construct

If social construction really worked religions would have made us really nice people by now you would hope


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Engaging in a fight with the grieving parents of a fallen soldier doesn't exactly institute changing his act. I believe that he got into this for ego with no intention of winning and the fact that it looked plausible has given him pause to do everything he can to scuttle his own campaign.

He is completely unqualified to be the POTUS and he knows it.

He's going down.
I watched for a while last night ...not the full two hours (Can't take that much american politics) lol
Quite a tone down in the rhetoric that got him all the publicity in the beginning...
A few clips of people of people speaking about him that might prove interesting....



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Engaging in a fight with the grieving parents of a fallen soldier doesn't exactly institute changing his act. I believe that he got into this for ego with no intention of winning and the fact that it looked plausible has given him pause to do everything he can to scuttle his own campaign.

He is completely unqualified to be the POTUS and he knows it.

He's going down.

It's all sound bites. He doesn't even have a clear platform. For example, some have speculated that he would make Mexico pay for the wall through tariffs. But to the best of my knowledge, he still has not paid out how he would make Mexico pay si we still can only speculate.

He wants to renegotiate NAFTA. Okay. Specifics?

Tgese are just some examples of the apparently total lack of a plan.

Yes we want POTUS to be flexible, but he could still present us with a Plan A at least.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Engaging in a fight with the grieving parents of a fallen soldier doesn't exactly institute changing his act. I believe that he got into this for ego with no intention of winning and the fact that it looked plausible has given him pause to do everything he can to scuttle his own campaign.

He is completely unqualified to be the POTUS and he knows it.

He's going down.

Would you please clarify how Trump 'engaged in a fight with the grieving parents of a fallen soldier'?
Trump said nothing insulting or disrespectful. So where is the 'fight'?


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
I would also like an explanation of how that racism label got attached to Trump. If anything he has said was taken as racist it's only because he was misquoted or the accusers have no idea what racism is.
Is it because he doesn't like illegal immigrants? Is it because he doesn't like Muslims who kill innocent people and blow things up?
Is it because he doesn't like black people who shoot police officers?
Anyone got answers?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I would also like an explanation of how that racism label got attached to Trump. If anything he has said was taken as racist it's only because he was misquoted or the accusers have no idea what racism is.
Is it because he doesn't like illegal immigrants? Is it because he doesn't like Muslims who kill innocent people and blow things up?
Is it because he doesn't like black people who shoot police officers?
Anyone got answers?
It's because he tars everyone with his brush-made-for-one. His tongue's hanging him


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
The Key Word is 9/11, the day the West changed forever. The Key Word is "Charlie Hebdo", the day Europe changed.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
It's because he tars everyone with his brush-made-for-one. His tongue's hanging him

That's no explanation. What 'everyone' has he tarred with any brush?

If Trump is a racist there's a hell of a lot of racists who agree with him and I'm on of them! I do NOT like immigrants coming into the country illegally while legal ones wait for months, sometimes years. I do NOT like Muslims who practise Sharia law or blow people up.
I do NOT like any race who is prejudiced against white people and I do NOT like black people shooting police officers.

That doesn't mean that I don't like legal immigrants, Muslims who obey our laws, any other race who knows that all races deserve respect INCLUDING white people, and Black people who DON"T shoot pollcemen (or anybody else)

If that's 'racism' count me in!

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
That's no explanation. What 'everyone' has he tarred with any brush?

If Trump is a racist there's a hell of a lot of racists who agree with him and I'm on of them! I do NOT like immigrants coming into the country illegally while legal ones wait for months, sometimes years. I do NOT like Muslims who practise Sharia law or blow people up.
I do NOT like any race who is prejudiced against white people and I do NOT like black people shooting police officers.

That doesn't mean that I don't like legal immigrants, Muslims who obey our laws, any other race who knows that all races deserve respect INCLUDING white people, and Black people who DON"T shoot pollcemen (or anybody else)

If that's 'racism' count me in!
I don't suppose you see much news of the outside world.... ONE may be an exaggeration ... but I certainly do see where ALL Muslims, Mexicans or anyone who isn't a rich white arrogant prick is the target for Trump's rants and poo-flinging. Step aside and let the real first people have the place ... IMMIGRANT


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
BHO made it to the Oval Office, twice.
On his own merits or was he installed there by the real men with power? Trump is an honest business man and he intends to run the US just like that with the people being employees and there are no 'unemployed'. JFK satisfied the Banksters with the 'moon project' as far as spending money, DT could do the same prepping for the climatic changes that would result in many cities being abandoned and new settlements being built where the conditions are favorable again.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Until Trump, no openly racist candidate in modern times has reached such a height in U.S. politics

Even if Donald Trump’s current wave of bungling results in a much-deserved loss to Hillary Clinton in November, his rise to the status of Republican presidential candidate will stand as a unique historic achievement.

It has to be regarded as an event like the one memorably described by a long-ago Toronto politician as “the most unheard-of thing I ever heard of.” It is so unheard-of that this week, Republicans tried to separate themselves from it. Even Mike Pence, named by Trump as his vice-presidential running mate just three weeks ago, made a point of endorsing the re-election of Speaker Paul D. Ryan, whom Trump shunned.

Another Republican, Newt Gingrich, a scourge of Democrats in the 1990s, said that Trump is helping Clinton to win by proving “he is more unacceptable than she is.” Meg Whitman, the billionaire Hewlett-Packard executive who ran as a Republican for governor of California, announced she will raise money for Clinton, as well as vote for her. She said Trump’s “unsteady hand would endanger our prosperity and national security. His authoritarian character could threaten much more.”

This election year has turned into a painful mess — for the Republicans, of course, but also for the future of the United States. By winning his party’s nomination, Trump has rewritten the rules. Until this year, no openly racist candidate in modern times has reached such a height in American national politics. Trump has carelessly, perhaps jubilantly, maligned Mexicans and Muslims.

And no Republican since the election of Dwight Eisenhower in 1952 has set himself against internationalism. Trump has opposed free trade and NATO, two policies that made America “great” — the status Trump says he’s reclaiming. For politicians of tomorrow, he opens the possibilities of elevating racism and contempt for international treaties as vote-grabbers.

How did he get away with it? This is the most painful part of the story. His success results from sheer intuition. He realized, as others did not, that there are many thousands of people ready to vote for a candidate preaching anti-Mexican, anti-Muslin bigotry, while also blaming America’s failures on the Chinese and on free trade.

Robert Fulford: Until Trump, no openly racist candidate in modern times has reached such a height in U.S. politics

Guess this guy never heard of Woodrow Wilson, "progressive" Democrat, intellectual moron (yes, you read that right), incompetent, and serious racist.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
The Key Word is 9/11, the day the West changed forever. The Key Word is "Charlie Hebdo", the day Europe changed.

If these attacks could so profoundly change Western culture, then we must conclude that those attacks were effective in achieving their objectives in a profound way. Trump might be proof if that as is Geller, Bush, Colter, and many others.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
It's 2016

So? Do you realise that in some respects, the world was more progressive in the early 1900's than today?

I remember reading a pdf book online published by the League of Nations in 1922 and that I had found to be highly progressive compared to many ideas we read today.

Borders were also much more open prior to WWI than they have been since.

I'm not denying that much progress has been made. I'm just saying that that does not apply on all fronts. So to me and I'm sure to many historians, the phrase 'It's (this year) is really meaningless beyond informing us of the present calendar year.

But I acknowledge that politics being what it is, it's an effective sound bite for the ignorant masses.