U.S. ambassador in Alberta to learn about oilsands


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I'll believe the government studys,they are done by experts in the petroleum industry,the government and countless universities.
Alberta spends millions of dollars on environmental research and recruit the best and brightest in the world,the rest of the world looks to us for our technology allready.
Who's developing the gas fields in the east,BC,sask and other provinces? Alberta.

Dont like it? too bad,the clearcutting of BC's forests was way more damaging to the environment then the oilsands will ever be.
Yet nary a peep is heard about that.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009

That site is just a client for the journal database, a journal which merged databases when the name changed. If you scroll down, you'd see that the abstract in press doesn't look like that at all.

I'm now going to ignore everything you say, because you can't spell the word separate correctly. Also, it's customary to leave a space after the comma...

More like your going to ignore me because you dont have a leg to stand on and this is a way for you to leave the debate without having to counter the studys I posted by the peeps actually out their doing them.:roll:
I allready met the forum grammer cop,now I met the forum spelling cop.
At least you know how to work the quote function.;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I'll believe the government studys,they are done by experts in the petroleum industry,the government and countless universities.


Yes, and not fish physiologists or toxicologists, who would be part of the relevant field of academics to study this issue! So I guess you go to your mechanic for dental work then...

It's easy to be duped when your pay check depends on it...

Yet nary a peep is heard about that.

Not the subject at hand. Why would anyone talk about that here?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
More like your going to ignore me because you dont have a leg to stand on and this is a way for you to leave the debate without having to counter the studys I posted by the peeps actually out their doing them.:roll:

I addressed your study you dumb ass. It confirmed the findings of the one I posted! Man you are thick. You're the one who won't read my links...

I don't run away from debates, especially those involving fish. It happens to be related to the degree I'm about to complete.

I allready met the forum grammer cop,now I met the forum spelling cop.
At least you know how to work the quote function.;-)

I know how to do much more than that. I don't stop reading something because of grouped words, obviously placed together when an older database was merged into a newer one...


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009

Yes, and not fish physiologists or toxicologists, who would be part of the relevant field of academics to study this issue! So I guess you go to your mechanic for dental work then...

It's easy to be duped when your pay check depends on it...

Not the subject at hand. Why would anyone talk about that here?

Thats all covered in the link,fish,toxicology studys,etc,it's not my job to show you how to click a link.You should maybe read it first and then get back to me and i'll try and answer your questions.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I did respond to the report by the Alberta Government, and the only thing you said was that you don't do pdf's. You didn't respond to my comments on the report at all.

Would you like me to re-post, without the scary pdf's???

So,this report actually confirms the depressed levels of sex hormones found in the fish downstream from the industry in the study area, which is precisely what the study I referenced found.

The report indicates contaminant related stress in the invertebrates sampled. They found high enough contaminants to impair fertility in one of the test species.

The report found elevated incidences of external lesions, consistent with the petechial hemorrhaging that was found in the reference I cited.

Some limitations, they don't reveal the parameters of the model they used. They used models to predict concentrations based on contaminant discharges. They also used models to predict how it penetrates int the food chain. How on earth is this to be reproduced by another scientist who has observed conflicting results?

Most importantly, while your report has lots of claims, they never list the test statistics they use, or give the test statistics results when they say there is no significant effect. How does the reader know how to assess this claim without them? That's not typical at all of scientific study.

So put up, or shut up.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Emily hunter and MTV?
Your kidding right?
It's envirofoilers like her that tend to screw up the serious research with their bull****.
Maybe read the link I posted about Alberta's enviro laws,some of the most stringent in North America.
The studys show facts that cant be disputed,especially by an activist with an agenda.
Who are you going to believe,one activists or thousands of experts with facts and studys to back them up?
Here it is again and some big contradictions to your claims if you can bother to read it.Alberta Environment - Information Centre

This alone pretty well says she has no clue.

Quote: Today I went further north than many other individuals in Canada have gone. I went past Fort McMurray and the oil sands project itself by plane.

Post the rest of what she wrote....If you can..... A little bit of honesty would help..:roll:

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Hard to take that site seriously when they cant even seperate 2 words in a sentence,good source bud.:roll:
Why? Do you think they posted that on the net or is it more likely they delegated the posting to a secretary or something? Besides, spacing of words is irrelevant as to whether their research is accurate or not.:roll: And by the standard you just made, it's hard to take you seriously, as your English isn't exactly prime either.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Is Vancouver and Victoria still pouring their raw sewage into the ocean?

and this has what to do with the oil sands?......or is your argument getting so weak that you need to fall back on "they're doing it too"?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Clean up your own back yard before you start worrying about someone elses.

Which imply's that a person can not be lobbying to have both their own backyard cleaned up as well as their neighbours. Weak argument on the neighbours part and an attempted cop out.

When a proponent starts trying to turn attention away by doing the old "look over there" trick, it is usually because they have lost or are losing. If that is not the case in this instance, then don't use such a weak argument. Argue your case for enviromental oil sands, and if you wish, start another discussion on the enviromental impacts of the city's of Victoria and Vancouver waste management systems.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
and this has what to do with the oil sands?......or is your argument getting so weak that you need to fall back on "they're doing it too"?

We talking about fish,all things considered,Alberta has a fairly good track record,B.C. on the other hand.:-|

Laurie MacBride, executive director of The Save the Georgia Strait Alliance (SGSA), is in no doubt as to which city is doing the most harm to the marine environment. "Victoria discharges about 21 billion gallons of raw sewage a year; Vancouver has primary treatment, but 38 billion gallons per year miss the treatment plants altogether and are spilled over through combined sewer overflows [sewage, storm water and toxic runoff--waste from Vancouver's industries, which include electroplating, chemical industries and sawmills]. In parts of Burrard Inlet, 80 percent of the English sole have precancerous tumors and lesions, probably from fossil fuel hydrocarbons in the runoff."


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Clean up your own back yard before you start worrying about someone elses.
We are.

Victoria, BC, Plans to Stop Dumping Raw Sewage in the Ocean

Ferry sewage won't be left out in the ocean anymore - Headlines - News - News1130 - ALL NEWS RADIO

What is AB doing about its wastes? What is it doing about sour gas leaks? What is it doing about contamination of rivers?

blah blah blah

This is just more sidetracking from the problem and you are still saying , "They do it so we can, too.":roll:


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Which imply's that a person can not be lobbying to have both their own backyard cleaned up as well as their neighbours. Weak argument on the neighbours part and an attempted cop out.

When a proponent starts trying to turn attention away by doing the old "look over there" trick, it is usually because they have lost or are losing. If that is not the case in this instance, then don't use such a weak argument. Argue your case for enviromental oil sands, and if you wish, start another discussion on the enviromental impacts of the city's of Victoria and Vancouver waste management systems.

Your not allowed to discharge any foreign substance into the water in Alberta.