Two years into the Trudeau 2.0 Minority Term, which day will Justin call the election that only he wants?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Lets make sure Groper loses. That way 96 Liberal MPs and 29 Ministers will be fucked out of their golden pension. Yep, Trudeaus is such a self-serving asshole he couldn't wait a few more weeks to call an election that would have at least ensured his MPs and Ministers got their pension even if the Libtards lost.

I think Socks "Blackface" McGroper's campaign slogan should be, "I love me. Who do you love?"
If he waited any longer, there would be more footage out of Afghanistan, we’d be further into the Delta variant of Covid with the kids back in school more than a couple weeks, & Lord only knows what else would have seen the light of day that he’s trying to keep hidden still.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Here’s an interesting twist:

A planned event in Bolton on Friday evening was cancelled because, Trudeau said later, the RCMP determined that it could not keep attendees safe.

Questions have arisen over who is organizing and potentially funding the protesters.

One man who showed up to heckle Trudeau at an event in Hamilton earlier in the week, turned up the next day at a Trudeau event in Surrey, B.C. He declined to give his name but when asked by reporters if someone was paying him to follow the leader around the country, he said, “Maybe.”

The Liberal campaign has been avoiding making the specific location of many Trudeau events public, partly to limit the number of their own supporters who show up during the pandemic but also to curb opportunities for protesters to organize.

OK, Dude is in Hamilton ON one day, & Surrey BC the next…to heckle JT…& asked if he’s funded he says “Maybe” (?) to get to these unannounced unspecified locations as fast as the media??? What if, & spitballing here is all, knowing he’s going to get heckled anyway, this heckler is getting back & forth on one of two jets with a giant “L” on the tails to have the Liberals weaponize hecklers in a controlled manner to demonize their opponents because they know they’re swirling around the toilet bowl the last couple of weeks & this will appeal to the Drama Teacher & give him a sympathy script to follow using self-created indignation as his method acting motivation?
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Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Man of Memes
Mar 22, 2019
Here’s an interesting twist:

A planned event in Bolton on Friday evening was cancelled because, Trudeau said later, the RCMP determined that it could not keep attendees safe.

Questions have arisen over who is organizing and potentially funding the protesters.

One man who showed up to heckle Trudeau at an event in Hamilton earlier in the week, turned up the next day at a Trudeau event in Surrey, B.C. He declined to give his name but when asked by reporters if someone was paying him to follow the leader around the country, he said, “Maybe.”

The Liberal campaign has been avoiding making the specific location of many Trudeau events public, partly to limit the number of their own supporters who show up during the pandemic but also to curb opportunities for protesters to organize.

OK, Dude is in Hamilton ON one day, & Surrey BC the next…to heckle JT…& asked if he’s funded he says “Maybe” (?) to get to these unannounced unspecified locations as fast as the media??? What if, & spitballing here is all, knowing he’s going to get heckled anyway, this heckler is getting back & forth on one of two jets with a giant “L” on the tails to have the Liberals weaponize hecklers in a controlled manner to demonize their opponents because they know they’re swirling around the toilet bowl the last couple of weeks & this will appeal to the Drama Teacher & give him a sympathy script to follow using self-created indignation as his method acting motivation?
You have to fight fire with fire......Last election, the libs went out of their way to demonize Scheer, so much so that they lost the election. Turnabout is fair play.

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Here’s an interesting twist:

A planned event in Bolton on Friday evening was cancelled because, Trudeau said later, the RCMP determined that it could not keep attendees safe.

Questions have arisen over who is organizing and potentially funding the protesters.

One man who showed up to heckle Trudeau at an event in Hamilton earlier in the week, turned up the next day at a Trudeau event in Surrey, B.C. He declined to give his name but when asked by reporters if someone was paying him to follow the leader around the country, he said, “Maybe.”

The Liberal campaign has been avoiding making the specific location of many Trudeau events public, partly to limit the number of their own supporters who show up during the pandemic but also to curb opportunities for protesters to organize.

OK, Dude is in Hamilton ON one day, & Surrey BC the next…to heckle JT…& asked if he’s funded he says “Maybe” (?) to get to these unannounced unspecified locations as fast as the media??? What if, & spitballing here is all, knowing he’s going to get heckled anyway, this heckler is getting back & forth on one of two jets with a giant “L” on the tails to have the Liberals weaponize hecklers in a controlled manner to demonize their opponents because they know they’re swirling around the toilet bowl the last couple of weeks & this will appeal to the Drama Teacher & give him a sympathy script to follow using self-created indignation as his method acting motivation?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Maybe-maybe….the seeds are there…

The immediate questions revolve around whether Bolton will help or hurt Trudeau — is this a turning point, when the Liberal leader gets to cast himself as the underdog/victim? Is it like the moment in 1993, when Jean Chrétien stood up to Conservatives’ mockery of his face?

There’s an old Jerry Seinfeld joke about those detergent ads you see on TV. “If you’ve got a T-shirt with a bloodstain all over it, maybe laundry isn’t your biggest problem.” All the speculation about how the Bolton incident will affect the election campaign feels a bit to me like seeing the problem as laundry. It’s not just about politicians cleaning up their strategic act for this election, but what is causing the stain on the political fabric of this country.

The faces of those protesters, accompanied by children chanting foul-mouthed curses at a prime minister, is not a sight that can be bleached from the memory of this campaign.

To paraphrase that Seinfeld joke, if you have mobs of citizens openly threatening harm to Trudeau, the biggest problem isn’t Trudeau.
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bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
You have to fight fire with fire......Last election, the libs went out of their way to demonize Scheer, so much so that they lost the election. Turnabout is fair play.
Andrew Scheer yet to appear in anything I have seen. The harsh severing of ties with former leaders reflects poorly on the constitutional fortitude of the party.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
…OK, Dude is in Hamilton ON one day, & Surrey BC the next…to heckle JT…& asked if he’s funded he says “Maybe” (?) to get to these unannounced unspecified locations as fast as the media??? What if, & spitballing here is all, knowing he’s going to get heckled anyway, this heckler is getting back & forth on one of two jets with a giant “L” on the tails to have the Liberals weaponize hecklers in a controlled manner to demonize their opponents because they know they’re swirling around the toilet bowl the last couple of weeks & this will appeal to the Drama Teacher & give him a sympathy script to follow using self-created indignation as his method acting motivation?

Trudeau says he won't 'back down' to protesters at rallies, despite safety concerns. Global News Posted Aug 29, 2021 2:58 PM

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has no intention of backing down to protestors, despite having to cancel a rally last week due to safety concerns.

Sunday’s event was delayed more than hour as the throng of people blocked the entrance to the local sheet metal business where Trudeau made the first big climate announcement of his re-election effort.

Speaking to reporters, Trudeau — sometimes barely audible over the sounds of protestors and police sirens — said he would continue publicly campaigning throughout the election and was “resolute” in his conviction to “move Canada forward.” (???)

“I’m not going to back down on a message that Canadians know is the right path forward,” he said. (???)

“Do we fall into division and hatred and racism and violence? Or do we say ‘no, you know what, that doesn’t work to get us to back down, that won’t scare Canadians from standing up for what’s right.'”

“We double down and we move forward into the future we know our kids and grandkids deserve,” he added. (Massive debt? Is that what they deserve?)

I’m only 52, but maybe with the exception of the other PM Trudeau, this PM Trudeau is the most divisive PM I’ve experienced in my short 1/2 century lifetime so far. It’s worked for him twice so far, so is that what we’re seeing? Announcing in Ontario today that he’s going to further step on the oil & gas industry is like holding a speech in Winnipeg in French (obviously not for the 3% of the Manitoba population that speaks French) that was obviously for Quebec alone.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Leaders from both the Conservative and NDP parties have spoken out against the demonstrations.

Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole said he “strongly” condemned the protestors during a campaign stop in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

“We’re a democracy, we should be having a healthy and respectful debate of ideas and we have no time for people who bring in negativity to campaigning,” he said.

Meanwhile, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh called the protests “wrong.”

“No one should have to cancel their events where we have students, we have young people, we have volunteers, we have organizers, no one should have to cancel an event because they’re worried about a danger to the safety of people coming out to a political event,” he said during a campaign stop in Sudbury, Ont.

“That should never have happened.”

Much like the failed old hat attacks on JT’s opponents (abortion, same sex marriage, health care, etc…) will he try to demonize the other parties with this too (?) or is it already squashed like the other plots?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Well we all saw how well the Insurrection off January 6th worked so well .
The US Jan 6th Insurrection was violent.

From everything I’ve seen & read about these protests in Canada they’ve been non-violent (except for Trudeau’s RCMP bodyguards)….& these protestors seem to be mostly anti-vacation types of all political stripes I’d assume.

Maybe the odd False-Flag plants but there’s another three weeks for that scandal to creep out from under the fridge & into the light of day, but if so they’ll get blamed on Steven Harper.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Election posters targeted with anti-Semitic graffiti in York Region
Tony Van Bynen said "the hate we're seeing is wrong and it has to stop."

Author of the article:Kevin Connor
Publishing date:Aug 30, 2021 • 10 hours ago • 1 minute read • 21 Comments
Signs for Tony Van Bynen, who is running for the Liberals in the riding of Newmarket-Aurora, were vandalized.
Signs for Tony Van Bynen, who is running for the Liberals in the riding of Newmarket-Aurora, were vandalized. PHOTO BY TONY VAN BYNEN /Twitter
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A Liberal candidate’s federal election campaign posters in Newmarket and Aurora have been vandalized with hate graffiti, York Regional Police say.


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More than 10 signs were found with anti-Semitic graffiti last Tuesday in the area of Yonge St. and St. John’s Side Rd. and the area of Bayview and Wellington Aves. in Aurora.

And on Saturday, police say signs were found to have been spray painted with anti-Semitic graffiti on Yonge St. from Kingston Rd. to Bristol Rd. in Newmarket.

York cops believe the same suspect is responsible for both hate-related incidents.


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Tony Van Bynen, who is running for the Liberals in the riding of Newmarket-Aurora, said “the hate we’re seeing is wrong and it has to stop.”

“I am sorry to members of the Jewish community who had to see these signs along St. John’s,” he tweeted after the first incident. “There is absolutely no room for this kind of hatred in our community.”


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“York Regional Police does not tolerate hate crime in any form,” police said in a release Monday. “Those who victimize others based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

Anyone with information is asked to call police at 1-866-876-5423, ext. 7141, or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
LILLEY: Trudeau stands by candidate accused of sexual misconduct
Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Publishing date:Aug 31, 2021 • 7 hours ago • 3 minute read • 92 Comments
We should have seen this coming, that we didn’t and were so unprepared is why so many Canadians are in shock today at the stories and images coming out of Afghanistan.
We should have seen this coming, that we didn’t and were so unprepared is why so many Canadians are in shock today at the stories and images coming out of Afghanistan. PHOTO BY JENNIFER GAUTHIER /File Photo
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Justin Trudeau’s moral compass, if it exists, is entirely situational and operates on a partisan footing.


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A day after saying that Canadians deserve to know if political candidates are facing serious allegations, Trudeau stood by a candidate of his own when serious allegations were revealed. Sadly, it’s not the first time Trudeau has shown a partisan bent on these issues.

A report by CBC details allegations of sexual harassment and an abusive attitude towards staff by MP Raj Saini.

“There have been rigorous processes undertaken that he has shared the details of,” Trudeau said Tuesday.

“We know that it is extremely important to take any allegation seriously, which we certainly have, and we always will because everyone deserves a safe workplace.”

It’s a very different attitude than he showed when asked about a Conservative candidate facing allegations the day before.


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On Monday, Trudeau was asked about Troy Myers, a now-former Conservative candidate in Halifax. The Conservatives turfed Myers after sexual allegations were made. Myers said the allegations were false and that he would fight to clear his name.

Trudeau was asked about Myers and whether his party would turf candidates facing allegations of a similar nature.

“Absolutely, Canadians deserve to know that the people standing up to represent them, to serve them in the House of Commons, are not people who’ve shown disrespect, or misbehaviour or are facing serious allegations,” Trudeau said.

He went on to talk about how under his leadership, the Liberals brought in a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment and misconduct.


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I wouldn’t exactly call it zero-tolerance. Trudeau has never dismissed himself as unsuitable for office despite his alleged groping of a reporter in the past. When Trudeau says there is no world where you don’t face consequences for past actions, he’s talking about others, not himself.

Of course, there is also the case of Marwan Tabbara, another Liberal MP from Kitchener and friend of Saini, who was allowed to run in the 2019 election despite allegations of inappropriate touching and directing lewd sexual comments at a female staffer. Tabarra was re-elected in 2019 and only left the Liberal caucus after charges of criminal harassment and assault were filed against him.

According to CBC’s detailed account of the new allegations against Saini, problems began at the Liberal Party’s 2015 Christmas party in Ottawa where both Saini and Tabbara were “handsy” with young female staff members. Four different women reported unwanted touching and even stalking like behaviour.


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Despite the women saying the issue was raised with senior Liberal staff, the party says they have no records of the incident. Both the party and Saini deny any wrongdoing and reject the allegations.

The Liberal MP and candidate also rejects allegations of abuse levelled by a former staff member who got to the point of attempting to take her own life and who has now filed a human rights complaint against Saini.

I don’t know if the allegations against him are legitimate; they have not been proven and everyone is entitled to fair process.

The problem that I have is with Trudeau once again, professing one thing and doing another. He is pious and sanctimonious in calling out others, especially from other parties, but defends his own team to the hilt.


Liberal leader Justin Trudeau was in town to rally with candidate George Chahal at the Whitehorn Community Centre in Calgary on Thursday, Aug. 19, 2021.
LILLEY: Polling spells trouble for Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau listens to protesters during a campaign event at VeriForm Inc. in Cambridge, Ontario, on August 29, 2021.
KINSELLA: Trudeau Liberals' campaign keeps on stumbling
Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada Erin O'Toole, his wife Rebecca, daughter Mollie and son Jack stand with their dog Wexford during a campaign stop at Dog Tales Rescue and Sanctuary in King City, Ontario, August 30, 2021.
FUREY: O'Toole is looking prime ministerial -- Trudeau, not so much

“When women speak up, it is our duty to listen to them and believe them,” Trudeau said in 2018, just months before his own alleged groping was revealed.

Now, he and the Liberals prefer to stand by their man and tell the women speaking up that they simply experienced it differently.