Two years into the Trudeau 2.0 Minority Term, which day will Justin call the election that only he wants?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had good reason for calling a $610-million snap election on Aug. 15.

That is, the most expensive federal election in Canada’s history because of pandemic precautions and mail-in ballots — $100 million more than the cost of the last election in 2019.

By his reasoning, Trudeau had an excellent motivation for calling the election 22 months after the last one.

He thought it was his best shot to recapture the majority government he lost in 2019, by bribing Canadians with their own money.

Barnstorming across Canada before he called the vote for Sept. 20, Trudeau was a veritable money machine, spewing out taxpayer cash in every direction, like a Las Vegas one-armed bandit gone berserk.

The Globe and Mail tallied up the total price tag of all the pre-election goodies Trudeau and the Liberals announced through news conferences and press releases and came up with the staggering figure of more than $40 billion.

But we knew that was coming because of Trudeau’s April budget.

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said the Liberals would spend up to $100 billion of tax money over three years to promote economic recovery, thus making the world safe for political lobbyists, fighting to get their clients a slice of the pie.

Women, subsidized child care providers, green energy aficionados, Indigenous communities, the unemployed, seniors, young families and businesses large and small were all going to benefit from Trudeau government largesse.

But while it’s still early days in the election, polls suggest Trudeau may have miscalculated on whether voters wanted to be bribed with their own money, all of which has to be paid back eventually through higher taxes, reduced services or more debt.

What was supposed to be a cakewalk to victory for Trudeau pre-election, now appears to be a pitched battle in which Conservative leader Erin O’Toole and NDP leader Jagmeet Singh have become serious contenders.

A Leger poll Tuesday said 69% of Canadians surveyed believed Trudeau could have held off calling the election for at least a year and 62% said he called a snap election as a “power grab.”

So yes, Trudeau had plenty of reasons to call an election — for himself.

Voters, however, appear to be experiencing it differently.


bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
I always thought someone in the Liberal party must have a clue and that they brought Justin Trudeau in to win the election. Beyond belief to think he could be the brains of the organization.

Maybe he has Biden's word that he will win.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Lets make sure Groper loses. That way 96 Liberal MPs and 29 Ministers will be fucked out of their golden pension. Yep, Trudeaus is such a self-serving asshole he couldn't wait a few more weeks to call an election that would have at least ensured his MPs and Ministers got their pension even if the Libtards lost.

I think Socks "Blackface" McGroper's campaign slogan should be, "I love me. Who do you love?"

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Trudeau threatens Saskatchewan with a clawback of healthcare transfers over private MRI services, does not apply the same standard to private healthcare in Quebec??

Well ain’t that a peach? Why does that not surprise me (?) & why isn’t the rest of the Nation calling out on this Bullshit???
because his hair is so dreamy.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Trudeau threatens Saskatchewan with a clawback of healthcare transfers over private MRI services, does not apply the same standard to private healthcare in Quebec??

Well ain’t that a peach? Why does that not surprise me (?) & why isn’t the rest of the Nation calling out on this Bullshit???
Alberta has had private health clinics for years, Sask is the only province to mandate for so many paid MRI's they have to provide so many MRI's from the waiting list from the public system


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Trudeau threatens Saskatchewan with a clawback of healthcare transfers over private MRI services, does not apply the same standard to private healthcare in Quebec??

Well ain’t that a peach? Why does that not surprise me (?) & why isn’t the rest of the Nation calling out on this Bullshit???
SK should fire back and withhold their federal payments until a new non-Groper govt is formed. Why the hell should SK help subsidize Quebec? A province that contributes NOTHING to Canada and does NOTHING for Canada except take from it.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
:ROFLMAO: I think the fucking asshole grossly miscalculated his popularity when he short-called the election.
Who woulda thunk that calling an election was a good idea while threatening to have your privacy rights and lively hood stripped away? At the same time breaking his own COVID protocols while lambasting the citizens over COVID violations

One hellova bubble he must live in

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
See, when you own the news media they will tell you what you want to hear, not necessarily the facts.
Thankfully he did not purchase ALL the media but just the select ones that towed the Liberal Party line at the time(s)…. But even they have to report some of the truth, & the rest can ask the tough questions the paid-for don’t…